
Aquareka Software

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Aquareka Overview

You can follow a simple step-by-step guide and setup a real aquarium based on the selection of fish and plants that you made in the app.

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Product Details and Description of

This app helps you select the fish, plants, crustaceans and snails for your aquarium. You will immediately see if they fit together. Adjust your selection and make as many different selections as you would like. No harm, no guessing, no stress! You can follow a simple step-by-step guide and setup a real aquarium based on the selection of fish and plants that you made in the app. With each release we grow our catalogues. Currently there are 621 fish, 299 plant, 18 crustacean and 5 snail species to explore and choose from.

Top Reviews

By SebastianDragon


Helped me manage my aquarium. TRY IT OUT!

By Dgio4488


great app. very informative.

By bu11frogg2

Good start but several gaps.

I like the concept. I want to select fish and plants and have handy access to that info. But I can do nearly the same by keeping a list of URLs in Evernote, so I have a hard time justifying $8 to unlock this app. The "filter by compatibility" feature is an excellent search tool. Very helpful! Brilliant! I noticed most small fish, like Platy or Zebra Danio, show they require 26 gallons of water. I selected all 5 of my small fish and this app says I need 30 gallons total. Another app, and the local aquarist, tell me I'll have a little room to spare in my 10 gallon tank. So, something is not converting correctly I assume. I would love to see faceted search to help me narrow down the results and show me what fish and/or plants I can add given the volume left in my tank and my other selections. Since this app doesn't know the size of my tank, it can't do that. This app also does not track how many of each fish I have e.g. 2x Platy. I would love to see the ability to track multiple aquariums. I also could not find Banana Plant at all. I had to look up the scientific name for Java Moss and Wonder Bulb in order to find those two. The search facility and/or tagging could use some work in that regard. Some additional ways to improve utility: Ability to create and track a customized maintenance schedule with notifications for things like: test the water, change the water, change the filter, etc. It would also be great to track temperatures and chemical levels such as Ammonia, nitrates, etc. from my test kit. I would also like to track problems and resolutions so a year from now if the nitrates are high again, I can see what I did to fix it. Or have the app make suggestions (even better)! More photos would also be great. With just 1 photo it's difficult to do proper research and I find myself searching in the browser rather than staying within the app. With all or most of these changes I would pay $8. But as is, it's not helpful enough to me. I also found the UI a little sluggish. The "My Aquarium Guide" app, which is similar, is much more responsive.

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