Sky Guide

Sky Guide Software

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Sky Guide Overview

What is Sky Guide? Sky Guide is an app that helps users identify stars, constellations, planets, and satellites in the night sky. It uses AR mode to superimpose figures onto the real sky, making it easier for users to visualize the heavens. The app also tracks bright satellites and sends notifications when the International Space Station is about to fly over the user's location. Sky Guide has cinematic time controls that allow users to voyage to the past or future and stay current with location-filtered events like solar and lunar eclipses.


- Automatic identification of stars, constellations, planets, and satellites

- AR mode for visualizing the heavens

- Tracking of bright satellites and notifications for the International Space Station

- Cinematic time controls for voyaging to the past or future

- Personalized calendar for location-filtered events like solar and lunar eclipses

- Works with or without Wi-Fi, cellular service, or GPS

- Rich graphics and information for curious minds

Official Screenshots


Sky Guide Pricing Plans

Duration Amount (USD)
Billed Once $14.99

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Product Details and Description of

Bring the beauty of the stars down to Earth. Hold Sky Guide® overhead to automatically identify any star, constellation, planet or satellite! Easy to use and powerful, it’s epic stargazing for any experience level. Is it a star or the planet Mars? Knowing what’s up in your night sky is easier than ever. Sky Guide’s AR mode superimposes figures onto your real sky so visualizing the heavens becomes effortless. Have you ever wished you could recognize constellations but didn’t want to fumble around with paper star charts? Now you can. A speck of light crosses the night sky, growing brighter. What could it be? You don’t have to wonder anymore. Track a bright satellite and receive perfectly-timed notifications whenever the International Space Station is about to fly over your location. With Sky Guide, you’ll be saying ‘Goodbye, aliens’ and ‘Hellooooo, astronauts!’ Voyage to the past or future with cinematic time controls. Know where the Moon will be later in the evening so you can capture that perfect photo or be an eyewitness to history’s greatest comets. Whether you’re searching for Sagittarius, Saturn, or the next big meteor shower, Sky Guide is jam-packed with information and rich graphics that will satisfy the most curious minds. Plus, stay current with location-filtered events like solar and lunar eclipses with Sky Guide’s personalized Calendar. Flying the red eye window seat? Camping in the backcountry? Sky Guide is made to just work. It can operate with or without Wi-Fi, cellular service or GPS, so everything is at your fingertips no matter where you go. Join the millions who have discovered a more personal connection to the stars with Sky Guide. It might forever change the way you look up.

Top Reviews

By waterdamage

I Use It More Than Any Other App

I use this app more than any other app I have. Not just more than other’s like it. It’s beautiful, it’s easy to learn, it’s AR is accurate, the sky blending is near seamless on clear days, the sounds and music are breathtaking, the menus are sleek and simple, the tutorial is thoughtfully guided, and I cannot sing enough praise for the affordable pricing. Other apps don’t even come close to giving you as much pleasure for price. Bravo. I have no complaints. I have a few offhanded suggestions as far as being able to backtrack navigating the sky, though. I think having a brief history (maybe 10 astronomical objects worth?) to show others what you had looked at would make it easier to frequently enjoy the app with your friends and family. 10/10 I recommend this for anyone and everyone. It’s the price of a coffee and what you experience is absolutely priceless. The happiness that this app gives me is staggeringly invaluable to my day to day, and I never expected to love an app as much as I have come to love StarGuide. Thank you. Salut

By MrDyscombubbled

Snow Moon

My world kind of flipped on its head this past new year. Generally like to look out at the city at night but I started staring at the stars a little more leading up to the snow moon. It was cloudy on the 8th but I still took a midnight hike in a few hills behind my city. The moon made a few winks but the clouds kind of disappointed my hope & blacked out the stars. Half-gave up until I laid down flat on my back and tested this app real quick. I’ve tinkered with a few AR star gazing apps a few years ago but those apps never really reached beyond the screen. Tech didn’t quite do the stars justice in the past. Tech could probably still do more for educationally brilliant apps like these but, at the very least, it does well with the stars. I appreciate the beauty. I haven’t the taken the time to appreciate it and its near infinite astrophysical wonders as much as I should — experience that night made my new appreciation starkly apparent. For what it’s worth, thanks. Reminders in moments like those bring genuine feelings of awesome peace. *** Physics, yo. Carry’s love. ***

By alittlebrittle

Makes me forget to breathe!

The sky is my first love, and a near-obsession.. so many thanks to the developers for creating this wonder; it is, in a word, perfection. The ambient music, the ease of use, the incredible amount of information, instructions all wonderful, even details of space below our horizon. I somehow relish the thought of sleeping beneath the Draco & Ursula Minor constellations, and I have to say, the visuals should be enjoyed on as large a mobile screen as possible, although it can be dizzying if you move it too quickly. It’s easy to romanticise the stars and to be in awe of space, of which we know so little...I love it, and the mysteries it holds, as it’s sometimes the only thing that makes me feel that the silly little irksome things, and nasty people don’t matter...just look up and wonder. This makes me miss Carl Sagan: “the sky calls to us, if we do not destroy ourselves we will one day venture to the stars” We miss you, Dr. Sagan, but feel a bit closer to you with simple and beautiful tools such as this one. Just remember to breathe.

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