Over the superfast, multi-device and secure Telegram protocol for text messages and _Calls_ Loopy empowers teams and users with true mobile real-time collaboration.
You get all the advantages of the official Telegram client + Value Added functionality that lets you create content from conversations (Memos, Lists...), open .ZIP or .RAR compressed files, reproduce formats like Ogg Vorbis, Flac or Opus among many other features.
GROUP CHAT & SHARING: You can form large group chats and broadcast lists of up to 10000 members, quickly share large videos, documents (.doc, .ppt, .zip, etc.), and send an unlimited amount of photos to your friends.
When it comes to Secret Chats, nothing is logged on Telegram servers and you can automatically program the messages to self-destruct from both devices so there is never any record of it.
Group chats with up to 10000 members, sharing videos and documents of any type, send multiple photos from the web, and forward any media you receive in an instant.