Any good product manager or engineer should know how to evaluate usage data to determine if a user, especially a low volume user, is using RakutenViberMessenger for spamming purposes, as well as if the IP address is being used BY the user for spamming purposes, OR, if it could be that they use a VPN or other Adblock tools to protect their privacy, thereby providing false information about user intent. This also creates a question about claims about encryption, especially since Viber comes with tracking, Err, I mean, ads. Is RakutenViberMessenger as private as they are suggesting? Unsure. RakutenViberMessenger comes with Proxy settings, but apparently no instructions or support for how to set it up. If they can’t provide a useful app on the consumer side that comes with credible support, I would highly question upgrading for business use. Doesn’t appear to be a mature VOIP option, and so I would recommend against using it for any important kind of activities where people like family and friends need to reach you. A simple workaround would be for their product team to add a feature to ask the user if they are on a VPN, or show them instructions for how to set up with Proxy settings to help alleviate misconstruing user activity.