- To Watch and Watched lists
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- Browse movies by Genres, In Theaters, and Upcoming
- Browse curated lists by the TodoMovies team
- Rate movies and sort watched movies by rating
- Cast profiles to learn more about favorite actors/directors and browse their movies
- Bonus scenes indicators to highlight movies with extra scenes during or after credits
- Search-as-you-type to quickly search tens of thousands of movies and people
- Notifications to automatically notify when a specific movie is released in theaters
- Trailers to watch movie trailers in HD or SD in fullscreen without leaving TodoMovies
- Photos to browse movie photos and fan-made artwork in full-screen
- Newsreader to read movies and celebrity news
- iTunes Store integration to check available downloads in iTunes for a certain movie
- Gestures for quick rating/mark movies
- Sharing to share movies on Facebook/Twitter/iMessage/Email
- Localized in 11 languages
- Backup to backup watchlists as a single file
- No accounts or signups required to use TodoMovies.