If you have bought issues of Viz in the past, DO NOT UPDATE TO THIS VERSION! It only now contains issues from 2015, and it wiped out EVERY issue I had bought previously. (Luckily, I discovered this fact before updating my iPad, but sadly, my phone lost everything.)
The new app only has issues back to 2015 (and only 2 issues from that year). The old app had issues all the way back to 2011, plus it had special issues available.
If you update, you WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ACCESS YOUR OLD PURCHASES! They will be completely gone!
What’s more, when you first launch the new app, there is a tutorial that shows you features that are supposed to be there but aren’t.
For example, the tutorial boats of having a “Library icon” in the upper left part of the screen.
There is no library icon. The tutorial actually shows images of an app that is different than what you’re actually getting.
Version 4.0 (released in 2018) and Version 4.1 (released in 2020) are absolute garbage! If you still have version 3.6.1 (released in 2016) on your device(s) keep it! You won’t be able to buy new issues, but you will still have access to your old purchases.
(2021 update - The previous version of VizMagazine is no longer being supported. So, purchased issues that you had “in the cloud” will no longer download... 😡. )