Star Tracker Lite-Live Sky Map app not working? crashes or has problems?

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Summary of Star Tracker Lite-Live Sky Map Problems 😠👌🔥

- Have to pay for the full version again when getting a new phone

- Restore button does not work

- Support does not respond to emails

- Focused on advertising on the Lite version

- Pointing anywhere in the sky does not orient correctly

  1 Reported Issues: 😵🆘🛟🚨📢


Star tracker lite (location enabled) does not work on iphone13 , but works on IPad, with exact setting condition.

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Common Star Tracker Lite-Live Sky Map Problems & Solutions. Troubleshooting Guide


  Contact Support

Some issues cannot be easily resolved through online tutorials or self help. So we made it easy to get in contact with the support team at Shen Ji Pan, developers of Star Tracker Lite-Live Sky Map.

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Website: 🌍 Visit Star Tracker Website

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Developer: PYOPYO Studio

About this app

Having grown up using star charts and compasses, StarTrackerLiteLiveSkyMap feels like science fiction come to life. Great job!  You can see any stars, constellations and deep sky objects you are watching in reality.  Super smooth operation, great graphics and a great merging of the devices capabilities.  Hey, get outdoor with your friends and start star gazing!  "Best star gazing app I've ever used.  " StarTrackerLiteLiveSkyMap is a marvel of technology, art, and science.  Just hold up and point the device to the sky and have fun!  From end to end StarTrackerLiteLiveSkyMap is a must-have for anyone interested in astronomy!!  Let StarTracker guide you to explore the universe.  Very well put together and great visuals!!!  This is one of the best apps I've ever seen, period!  "If you download only one app, make sure it's this one!!  Its quality is unmatched among star gazing apps! • Sun, Moon, planets, 88 Constellations and 8000+ stars visible to the naked eyes. • 12 Zodiac Constellations Art & 6 famous deep sky objects with magnificent graphics. • 3D compass in AR mode, indicate position of objects your searched. • Auto hide all menus and enter AR track mode when lift up the device and point to sky. • Smooth motion flow and quick response which is realized by cutting edge signal processing technique. • Superb high quality graphic display by enabling the retina display of the device and the full screen anti-aliasing technology employment. • Full 88 Constellations & 100+ deep sky objects with magnificent graphics. • Search and guide you to stars, constellations, planets and deep sky objects. • Time Machine menu and location menu to encourage children to exploring more on time and location dimension. • Night mode switch, to protect children's eye when doing star gazing outdoor. • Top Left: Location Menu, choose location from a world map. • Buttom Left: AR Compass indicator in AR track mode, pan the screen to enter un-track mode and click track button to back. • When under un-track mode, just lift up the screen and point it to the sky to enter AR track mode.