Is It Vegan?

Is It Vegan? Software

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Is It Vegan Overview

Is It Vegan has information on hundreds of thousands of food and beverage products and verifies each of them using a master list containing thousands of pre-classified ingredients.

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Product Details and Description of

Is It Vegan is a tool for anyone interested in eliminating animal products from their diet. Simply scan the UPC bar code on the package of any food or beverage product, and you'll see: Whether the product is vegan, vegetarian, or neither. A summary classifying the list of ingredients. A detail list showing which ingredients are vegan, vegetarian, non-vegetarian, etc. And the original (unclassified) list of ingredients for the product. After putting each ingredient into a category, Is It Vegan then decides whether the product is suitable for a vegan or vegetarian diet. Is It Vegan has information on hundreds of thousands of food and beverage products and verifies each of them using a master list containing thousands of pre-classified ingredients. Users now have the option to upload products, making our database larger than ever! Notice: Data on products outside the USA is extremely limited at this time. For best results, please scan food products from the USA. iOS 6.0+ is required to use this app! *Unfortunately we cannot control the ads that are being displayed, but 25% of the ad revenue will be donated to animal rights organizations*

Top Reviews

By A3107

App crashes as soon as you open it

This is a really good app. I’ve used it for 4-5 years here and there. I do also double check the ingredients list myself just in case it said something is vegan that actually isn’t. For the past 6 months this app can’t even be used. As soon as I open it the app crashes and kicks me back to my home screen. You can’t even post on the apps page directly to the app developers with this issue it said 405 action not allowed or something. Don’t know if they even care at this point. I was hoping that there would still be updates for it, improvements, bug fixes, etc but there’s been nothing. Really disappointed and going to delete the app.

By megan l29

Very convenient

I love how convenient this app is. It’s helpful to just scan the barcode when grocery shopping instead of reading through ingredients. I think it can be a little confusing for potential app users because there is a scale from definitely vegan to definitely not vegan, when either it’s vegan or not, no in between. I believe it includes vegetarian though. Otherwise this app is awesome!

By PaganWitchMichi

No more excuses not to read the labels.

You don't have to be vegan or vegetarian to use, and appreciate this app. *No more tiny unreadable mouse print * It will help you to be able to read - and better understand - what ingredients are in the food you buy no matter what your diet is. Reading and being better informed of what is in that so-called food - will help some people make better choices.

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