Contact BeautyPlus - AI Photo Editor

Contact BeautyPlus Support

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About: Get the perfect selfie with our amazing Auto-Beautification tool. Download now
for free! 50+ easy-to-use editing tools for fast & powerful results Selfie
camera and photo editing app used by 800 million users worldwide BeautyPlus is
here to help you take great-looking selfies to capture and share your life in
dynamic ways using hundreds of filters, stickers, special effects, and much
more! Retouch Selfie - Makeup: Natural an.

BeautyPlus Customer Service 👿🤬😡😠💢😤

BeautyPlus - AI Photo Editor Contact Information

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The following contact options are available: Pricing Information, Support, General Help, and Press Information/New Coverage (to guage reputation).

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Read 22 Customer Service Reviews 😭😔💔

4.8 out of 5
Juan Rodriguez

Plase I’m don’t have phone to call this company cancel this trading account no don’t need if cancel or call my number cancel thanks Juan Rodriguez 407-620-6740


mi problema con la cámara BeautyPlus son el color de lapiz labiales que quiero que cambien de textura de bumosos a mates y no funciona😥😥 porfavor mejoren eso del maquillaje

Raja Maqarrab

I install app for a week than i uninstalled it.after a month 6000 pkr has been debited.are you serious.plz refund my 6000 pkr other wise i will take legal action against you.i have not subscribed for any retouch filter.refund me.

Anamika Saha Annie

Hey there, I have downloaded beautyplus from my Google play store app from Google account arnabsaha06@redacted more than 1 week, I didn't subscribed none of your packs. After 1 day of using that app I have uninstalled it.Now you guys charging subscription money without any permission. I also searched my play store account subscriptions but didn't find your app to cancel my subscription. There is no app showing that I have been subscribed. Why is this happening. This is really unethical. Please take action seriously. I want to cancel my subscription as soon as possible. Otherwise I will take legal action against your beautyplus company. Do needful as soon as possible Thanks and regards.

Rashmi Sarat

I want to register got beauty plus premium

Azizi Rosli

I did the free trial and beauty plus apps didnt informed any subscription beautyplus premium for 1 year . So now ( 22 March 2021 ) i've been billed RM122.90 and i never wanted . Im looking for a refund . Thankyou

Ashley Keener

Yes I have used but beauty plus for many many years, but I did not sign up for the premium package I have been building out rages amount over $80. I would like to be refunded I don’t understand what you have done I will be more than happy to share the screenshots with you please give me a call at 931-242-2210 or just refund my money I do the 5.99 a month planAnd have been a very loyal customer and it was just taken out the other day. Somehow you had me on two accounts

Mary Frances Vistar

I had a free trial and i wasn’t notified that they will charge mi for a whole year subscription. I want a reimbursement. Please help!!!!

Ethel Ruth Sanchez

I contacted your email support I cancel my subsbscription but you still charge me

Yuliya Chigirinskaya

I paid for the year membership but can't use the app because it wants to screen over all apps and content in my phone to "improve" the app functions. I don't want it and denied it as the result @Beautyplus shots down the app. They are forcing me to let them screen my phone. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH LETTING THE APP ACCESS MY PHOTO ALBUM

Bola Salomon

I only subscribed to yearly payment of €42.99,why was €89.49 deducted from my account?I did not subscribe V.I.P, & membership premium..please kindly refund me money for membership & v I p...thanks. Looking forward to hear from you


U have paid for one year subscription and it is again asking to pay , I have taken the premium last month and why this beauty app is asking for the payment

Ashofor Metana

I did the free trial and tried to end it and it wouldn’t let me. So now I’ve been billed 10700 naira and I never wanted to the premium year subscription. I haven’t used the app since it has billed me and I am looking for a refund. Thank you so much


Hi I have a problem with beaty plus premium ,I paid on November 2020179 bath/month now I try to use the app but you ask me for pay again . and before to i still not use until a month but you ask me for pay again Could you explain about this please

Linda Chen

This app is scam, and it didn’t let me cancel the subscription. I am going to report to App Store,


Please refund my money 1,220baht I did not apply for yearly contract only in the past for a month trial 100.- something then you wrote email if I don’t cancel you charge for a year it’s not fair I just saw the email please give me my money back


am having problems making a payment

Kathryn Gage

I did the free trial and tried to end it and it wouldn’t let me. So now I’ve been billed 40 dollars and I never wanted to the premium year subscription. I haven’t used the app since it has billed me and I am looking for a refund. Thank you so much

Melina Havoutis

Hello. I downloaded your app by accident, and deleted it straight after. I was not informed of any subscription plan for 1 year and this is basically fraud. Please I would like to be refunded, since I do not use your application. It has only been 2 days since the money has left my account so I imagine you will understand that there has been a mistake. Please update me on the process of refund.

Bait and switch


by Vampaliciousss

Since apple holds. I responsibility any longer for the apps sold, I am not spending ridiculous amounts of money on apps, especially subscriptions. I’ve been looking for a fun editor that I could inexpensively buy a few upgrades to and play. And that’s what this says it is. Until you waste your time downloading it. Then switch. Yet another ABSURDLY priced subscription app that could be discontinued tomorrow after taking my money and apple would do nothing about. No thanks. Keep your apps. Apple has now retrospectively wasted SO much of money in devices AND NOW in their hands off policy which was NOT the policy when I paid for my most expensive apps. What exactly are we paying the extra money for again anyway? For us to be told to track down the developers of apps that they’ve pulled from the App Store to try to get refunded money that we paid who? Oh. That’s right. Apple. These are third party. Wool. Off of my eyes. I won’t spend what your asking for what’s called entertainment today and a risk I took of my own accord, accepting the possible losses, tomorrow.

please see this and please fix it!!


by Alison😍

the “tone” tool used to be my favorite editing tool ever. but then the app changed it and it’s no longer the same! i miss the old way the tone tool used to work whenever you could just use all the tan tone colors instead of just being limited to one tan tone color. i hate the hue and degree thing you have to use now. it’s awful and it only makes you look way too dark and makes you blend in with the rest of the picture. the tone tool used to be so much better because you would just click your skin tone you wanted and use the bar to drag and get tanner. now you drag the bar and you just become dark not even tan. it’s not the same and i’m begging you. TO PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK. the tone feature is awful now and instead of looking tan you only look grey! please please change it back. i miss the old tone tool so much.

Not impressed with the update.


by DankHime

Let me just start by saying that I’m a pretty avid fan of this app and have been for quite some time now but there are some quirks that are quite annoying.

Before the most recent update, I would have given this app 4 stars if not for how painfully slow it is on start up. For whatever reason I have to tap on it MULTIPLE times before it registers what I’m wanting to do and actually does so. It’s almost impossible to tap on the “back” arrow or the albums button to go into editing without tapping over and over and over before it actually does anything.

As for after the recent update, I’m now contemplating deleting this app all together and moving onto something less buggy. It is so incredibly slow and can barely register this without, again, tapping multiple times and sometimes opening up an ad. Buttons not registering is an overall issue with everything in this app currently.

Also not a fan of the batch editing option or any of the other features recently added. This is mainly due to having to click through them all while in the albums option just to open a photo up in the actual editor part of the app. In combination with how terribly slow it is, it just makes this app too frustrating to even bother with.

Have a Problem with BeautyPlus - AI Photo Editor? Report Issue

Why should I report an Issue with BeautyPlus - AI Photo Editor?

  1. Pulling issues faced by users like you is a good way to draw attention of BeautyPlus - AI Photo Editor to your problem using the strength of crowds. We have over 1,000,000 users and companies will listen to us.
  2. We have developed a system that will try to get in touch with a company once an issue is reported and with lots of issues reported, companies will definitely listen.
  3. Importantly, customers can learn from other customers in case the issue is a common problem that has been solved before.
  4. If you are a BeautyPlus - AI Photo Editor customer and are running into a problem, Justuseapp might not be the fastest and most effective way for you to solve the problem but at least you can warn others off using BeautyPlus - AI Photo Editor.

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