Utah Avalanche Center

Utah Avalanche Center Software

Company Name:

About: Garafa is a software company that develops apps for medical applications, GPS, mobile sales
presentations, and self-guided tours.
Headquarters: , , .


Utah Avalanche Center Overview

- Daily field observations from a small army of volunteer observers as well as the UAC staff.

- Emergency contacts and your GPS location for a fast rescue response .

Official Screenshots


Product Details and Description of

This free app consolidates the avalanche, weather, road, and slope information you need for critical decision-making, including:  - Daily avalanche advisories for 7 regions around the state from the Utah Avalanche Center - Daily field observations from a small army of volunteer observers as well as the UAC staff. - Road conditions including avalanche closures, road travel restrictions, and canyon road webcams - Critical mountain weather information including current conditions, forecasts, satellite loops, radar, and mountain weather cams - Emergency contacts and your GPS location for a fast rescue response . - A slope evaluation tool using your camera, containing your GPS location, steepness, aspect, elevation, time, and date - Ability to photograph a slope watermarked with GPS location, steepness, aspect, elevation, time, and date and share that photo - Forms to quickly share observations with the Utah Avalanche Center - A list of contacts for more information

Top Reviews

By Slush Dawg

Must Have

Things have come a long way in the past couple of years! Awesome app for anyone that likes to get outdoors in Utah. Even if you don't backcountry travel, the information regarding current conditions and links to various weather sources is awesome. More information makes you a more independent decision maker...so know before you go!

By Sookimane

Looks great!

I can't wait until we get some snow and I can really use this thing. Awesome that the Avalanche center made this mobile app! Looking forward to a fun and safe winter season! I just moved here from Colorado and the caic should make an app like this!

By justin.mi

Very informative and well built

This app is my go-to source of information on snow conditions in Utah. I check it every morning before I go snowmobiling. The UAC does an amazing job keeping it up to date on current snow and avalanche conditions.

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