Nomo -  Sobriety Clocks Reviews

Nomo - Sobriety Clocks Reviews

Published by on 2024-06-26

About: Hi! My name is Parker. I'm not a company.

About Nomo

What is Nomo?

Nomo is a sobriety clock app designed to help individuals in recovery track their progress and stay motivated. It allows users to create multiple clocks for different addictions or habits and provides a range of features to support recovery, including accountability partner searching, clock sharing, private messaging, milestone awards, journaling, and mini-distraction exercises.



- Create multiple sobriety clocks

- Find accountability partners

- Share selected clocks with accountability partners

- Send notifications to partners when feeling tempted

- Get notifications when a clock has been reset

- Detailed breakdown of progress down to the minute

- See how much money saved by not supporting habit

- Earn chips for reaching milestones

- Share success on social media

- Submit and read encouragements from the community

- View all chips at once

- Tap "check in" button on shared clocks to show activity

- Mini-distraction exercises to refocus when tempted

- Secure PIN and/or Face/Touch ID to prevent unauthorized access.

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience


Negative experience

~ from NLP analysis of 12,524 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Nomo

- Helps me feel great about myself

- Tracks progress by the hour, day, week, month

- Clock feature to track sobriety

- Ability to create clocks for anything

- Encouragement function to feel as if you're not alone

- Distraction feature with simple games

20 Nomo Reviews

4.7 out of 5


Useful tool

Nomo has been useful for tracking the number of days of sobriety with the clock feature. I also like that you can create clocks for anything, so I also have clocks for food addictions. The encouragement function is a great way to feel as if you're not in this alone, and the distraction feature has simple games to help you through a moment of weakness.

What I've found to be lacking is the Accountability Partner function. I've done partner requests based on Nomo 's suggestions and haven't gotten an approval from a potential partner. Perhaps the people that I sent a request to aren't active anymore, or maybe that function is not working.

I emailed the developer about the partner function, as well as a suggestion for Nomo , and he did not respond. Apparently at one time he was very responsive to messages. Combine this with the fact that Nomo hasn't been updated since January 2017 and it makes one suspect that something has happened to him or he has abandoned Nomo . Nevertheless, I still find it a useful tool and I check my clocks daily as a reminder of the positive direction I am taking with my life.


Awesome app

I stumbled upon this because I was looking for is a sobriety counter different than the one I already have. This one is definitely unique! I love the focus games and exercises, the journal is super handy! And, the encouragement and support seems pretty solid. I've only had it for about a week, but I'm getting a lot of use out of it already and pretty consistently. I've already recommended it to a few people. It is also awesome that you can use Nomo for Myriad addictions and even anxiety, I believe! It truly is a grounding app. It's pretty user-friendly, the only downside is sometimes it's hard to navigate or toggle between each of the sections because there's no back or previous button… However, I know it's always being upgraded and I'm still getting used to it; overall, it's not a glitch or really even a big deal in the grand scheme of things. The point is Nomo could really work in providing solid support from anyone in recovery, curious about recovery, or dealing with A close companion in recovery… All of the touch of a button! Thank you for this rockin app!


A great self-love tool

Nomo truly helps me feel great about myself. I don’t open it for long periods of time and then once in a while I will just open it and look through it and put it all into perspective because I will have 4 years completely sober this April 1, 2020 and in this time I have actually gotten my license to be an addictions counselor in the state of New York and my life had done a complete 180. Nomo allows me to track some of the things I have done in this time and money I have saved. It helps me realize that I am doing great in times of frustration or during times of neglect. I will get complacent now and then and then I will start to work on self-love stuff again and read more and eat better and Nomo really helps me realize that I have done something wonderful and the proof is right in front of me... I am living proof that addicts CAN & DO recover.


Good for keeping track of chip dates

This is a great tool for what it is originally intended - keep track of sobriety milestones. For this, Nomo is a great help. I check in with my chips each day and remind myself I don't want to go back.

Other features are well intended but better found elsewhere.

Potential accountability partners rarely respond and the few that do never once responded to check in or communication.

Devotional tend to be insipid bromides - you can do it today! Rarely does it take one back to actual 12-step principles.

Journal- do I need yet another word processor or notebook when google docs do so much better?

There is reasons we go to meetings, have sponsors who we meet with and talk on the phone and read classic books such as "as bill sees it". For these items an app may be cool but really unnecessary as much as I tried to like these features.

As a chip tracker it is great - the only negative is Nomo tries to be too much (as we addicted tend to do). So use it for what it is good for and get your accountability, encouragement, and inventory through proven channels.

UPDATE: All was true until developer took a simple easy to use application and rewrote it. Now it is fancy, more cumbersome to use, very slow and tedious, and buggy. Reducing stars.

UPDATE 2019. Ignore the above update. Developer quickly responded at the time and app has both traditional and new mode and is fine to use.


Favorite Sobriety Clock App

Get Nomo , take my word. You can trust me today, that wasn't always that way but I am trustworthy today 😊 I've had a couple of these apps over the years and this one is absolutely my favorite with all the different features and things to use it for besides the clock but the clock is why I originally got it. The other app i still have the clock doesn't work as good but has a lot of literature which I really do like having on my phone to use if I need on the go, still nothing like the books to flip through and hold but I use it as needed. So getting back to Nomo I'd love if there was some of the literature from different fellowships added. But really love the work that has been put into Nomo and truly appreciate all your efforts to be of service to the recovery community at large whatever each persons specific "poison" is.


Something to keep me positive!!

It has always been hard for me to stop drinking for more than a few days, I've never had any true friends to help me due to my work schedule, only drinking buddies. Nomo is my new friend whom I don't want to let down! It keeps encouraging me to get to that next day, and I'm actually ambitious to do so! With the help of Nomo I've been sober for the longest time since rehab 4 years ago. Seeing my progress by the hour, day, week, month.... keeps me on a positive track. There's no shame in resetting the clock as long as you DO keep trying! I now have money for real activities and new music to make me happy, not wasting every dime on wasting my life. Nomo is my favorite of the lot. It also goes hand in hand with the health app for iPhone because now I have the ambition to go hiking and see the beauty of the world :) 5/5 stars!!


Best Recovery Time app for free on iPhone

This is a really good clean time app. The best one I could get for free on my iPhone. I tried all the others but this one is by far the best. It is so simple and easy to use. It's awesome that it sends you notifications for special days in your recovery. The only thing I do not like since the upgrade on it is how it changed a little bit. I love the chips but I do not like that it goes by months at first. It messes up the days. Plus it also does more chips than it should be. It should go 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 6 months, 9 months, 1 year, 18 months, 2 years, 3 years and so on. It messes up the right day since it gives a 1 month chip which is not on your 30th day half the time. And it gives chips every month. It gets confusing . But overall it is an amazing app. Also wish there was a way to choose both drugs and alcohol instead of either or for those who are in recovery for both .


Tremendously Helpful!

This is a very helpful tool. To begin, the interface is very easy to set up and use with no extra frills and useless nonsense. Every button and tab is relevant to your recovery.

Nomo offers a clock that counts the time of your addiction-free days (more then one habit can be tracked by adding timers), allowing the user to earn the next "chip" for successfully completing a given period (week, month, etc). I find this quite motivating, almost like a virtual "pat on the back".

There is also a 'Journal' function (self-explanatory and very useful), an 'Encouragement' tab full of helpful quotes from users of Nomo primarily, and a 'Refocus' tab with several games and relaxation techniques to keep your mind and you hands busy during tough moments.

My favorite function of Nomo , however, is the ability to create your own support group by searching for like-minded people that use Nomo as well. Once you create your profile and allow for sharing with others, you will be able to send requests to other users of Nomo and add them as your 'Accountability Partners'.

I am sure there will come a time I will no longer need the "refocus" tab. The rest of this app will, however, never become obsolete.

I couldn't be happier with this find, I'm excited to take it One Day At A Time!


Just do it! Don’t let your dreams be dreams!!!

Super cool app. Everything is so optimistic and encouraging. I love everything about it; the simple yet intuitive design, the positive feedback and notifications, the impression that the developer understands the struggle of addiction too really helps. Nomo lets you know you aren’t alone in this world with these struggles and that you can overcome this and that you can find the power to be the best person you want to be; even when addiction tries its hardest to tell you otherwise.

Addiction is a disease that I feel is often looked down upon, and Nomo helps you feel good about yourself, and feel pride in oneself in spite of addiction, especially when it can seem like everyone around you judges and makes bad assumptions of ones character because of addiction and brain chemistry. 10/5 stars


Amazing, useful app that doesn’t make you pay for help

First of all, I never review apps. Sorry app makers! I’ll work on that. Maybe I’ll put it a this app clock of some kind. I plan on donating to the this app cause (as noted in the banner down low) — I love that there are no ads. Nomo is simply there to help you and you can track so many things in a myriad of ways. Even if you aren’t an alcoholic, it’s a great app just to track your days between drinks. Maybe you’ve never noticed that you can’t go more than two days without a drink, and it triggers you to try for longer. We are all addicted to something and this helps give you motivation to stop or cut back. Nothing eggs me on more than a streak! Thanks for making such a beautiful app and thanks for helping my sobriety (among other things).


An excellent tool for tracking sobriety!

Have been using Nomo since I got out of rehab and I absolutely love it. The ability to have multiple clocks,the chip notifications, & resources are excellent and help keep you motivated on the days you may not be able to make meetings. Have not had the need to use the SOS feature but the fact that Parker included such an important life line shows true passion for helping others in their recovery. Would absolutely recommend to others. Even though other apps offer the ability to locate AA/NA meetings it might be cool to integrate that into Nomo in the future to avoid having 5 different apps for the same general things but I can see how it might not be necessary. Also very cool to see the money I have saved. Keep up the good work!


It is a tool

It is a tool, don't expect this to make recovery with whatever you're going through a walk in the park, you still will be the one putting in the work, you still have to make the daily choice to DO or DON'T do what you have to return to a peaceful and graceful state, which is your natural birth rite. It is still your burden, this is a tool and it's not going to make it easy but it will make it EASIER. I gave 5 stars because it does what it's supposed to do and is laid out pretty well. NOTE TO THE DEVELOPER, since you asked on your email to recommend suggestions for positive change to Nomo , might I recommend making a drag and drop function on your timers so that you can organize them once you've created them, this might help some more OCD people. *Cough cough*


A refreshing sobriety tracking app

I haven't been using this app for a long time but I already see that it's a valuable tool in my arsenal. Once you create your profile, you can choose your addiction. The options go beyond alcohol or drugs or cigarettes. Self-harm, gambling, co-dependency, and video games are just few of the other categories. There's an optional "time/money saved" clock as well that allows you to have a visual on your progress. Keep your notifications on so you can keep track of your chips. There are a few activities within Nomo to distract you when you need it. Nomo also has a feature to help you find an accountability partner. The creator of Nomo sincerely wants the users to succeed and that is very evident.


Has issues

Nomo is a good platform to use to help keep you accountable but the technical issues, such as extreme lag and sometimes not giving options to return back to main menu, so it forces you to kill Nomo and reopen it, are major issues. I try to open options from the main menu like “notifications” and “messages” and the screen will not do anything. I received a random notification this morning saying that I received a payment (no idea why) and when i tried to open Nomo from that notification it didn’t work. I’m trying to check my notifications part of Nomo to see if Nomo took money from me or if I somehow got money from it? Not sure what is happening but the tech issues from Nomo are making it impossible to see what happened.


Most helpful app I’ve tried

So far I’ve had Nomo for a little over a week to try to recover from an addiction in my life and while I haven’t had it long, I already like Nomo. It’s not easy trying to break something that’s become a habit or a crutch, but when I’ve thought about backsliding this week I was able to go in Nomo and “check in”. just that feature alone feels like accountability that I definitely need. I’ve also appreciated that it gives me a clock that keeps track of my progress on Nomo . I’ve got a long way to go, but even little things like an app on your phone can make a big difference. Definitely recommend!


Sobriety Clock

Thank you for making this useful app, it’s helped me with my sobriety a lot. I probably would’ve been living in a bottle still trying, clawing my way out, only to slip right back inside. When the days seem darkest and I feel as though it doesn’t matter...I stop and look at the clock. Seeing the chips, hours, and months truly puts everything in perspective.

What I like about Nomo is the notification settings to alert you - YES YOU MADE ANOTHER DAY! - it encourages me to keep stomping down the path I’ve chosen. Continue on my sobriety journey. Thank you to the developers for making this, I wouldn’t be sober if it wasn’t for life choices and Nomo.


All-Around Good Quality

So I was searching for a good recovery app, and honestly all I had in mind was something to count my time. Stumbled upon Nomo and decided to download and I’m actually very surprised with all of the features it includes, and found myself using the journal feature and exploring the other features. Despite its many features distinguishing this app as the “all-in-one” recovery app, the application from a UI standpoint is very user friendly, and the application design is pretty clean and not difficult to navigate at all.

If you’re looking for an app to help you through recovery, this is definitely Nomo to have. I’m very glad I found this.


Good app😌 just some things that need to be sorted out

So I love the whole idea of Nomo . I like all the features it had. I also love what you are doing, I really want more people to start using Nomo! The problems that I ran into was that the Home Screen was very touching when it came to scrolling down. It was hard for me to find the organizer so I could put my addictions down I’m struggling with. I was kinda confused when it came to the menu. I feel like those are problems that a lot of people are having. I can’t be the only one. So I’ll give you 4 stars because Nomo does need improvement. Just out here giving you my honest input so you can make Nomo ever better for the future💎


A helpful little tool in anyone in recovery

I downloaded this the day after I decided to get sober and it's been a wonderful little part of my sobriety journey.

Tracking days and dollars and time saved is a great way to track my progress and quantify some of the benefits of sobriety. The "refocus" tools are wonderful if you just need to get the rocks out of your head and don't need/don't have time to go to a meeting or phone a fellow person in recovery. I also recommend contributing your "encouragement." By sharing your experience, strength, and hope you can both help others AND take the time to acknowledge the good in how you're working your own program.

There are a few bugs and eccentricities that I don't love about Nomo experience, but this isn't a professionally created app - it's one guy in recovery trying to help others and I know he's making improvements as he goes and it's not anything that gets in the way of the usefulness of Nomo .

This IS NOT a substitute for meetings, professional counseling, rehab, or fellowship with others in recovery. But it IS a wonderful little tool to add to your tool kit and I highly recommend it!



Nomo is amazing. There is simply no other way to put it. My favorite part is that it’s free I looked for a long time and couldn’t find any free apps like this one. I was about to give up and then I found this. It’s everything I wanted to just kinda keep track of life and what I’ve done in the years. My only criticism is that it is a little hard to figure out how to work Nomo . There is no tutorial or anything to learn what all the different buttons and tabs do. However you can delete most if not all of what you post. Therefore with a little trial and error it’s manageable. Great app.

Is Nomo Safe?

Yes. Nomo - Sobriety Clocks is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 12,524 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Nomo Is 77.9/100.

Is Nomo Legit?

Yes. Nomo - Sobriety Clocks is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 12,524 Nomo - Sobriety Clocks User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Nomo Is 100/100..

Is Nomo - Sobriety Clocks not working?

Nomo - Sobriety Clocks works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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