CS used to be an amazing community, but now it is just the shell of a company that has been gutted by greed. If you had an account prior to the recent changes, then you aren’t even allowed to access your own photos and data without paying a ransom, which unless they respond to my email in the next 18 days, is going to result in a violation of GDPR. As much as these corporate frat bros might not like to admit it, they don’t have a copyright on the concept of hospitality. Plenty of other apps do the same thing, and will gladly take all of the previous members of this community who cannot get their data and leave soon enough. Instead of acknowledging that they screwed up, this company has made every attempt to deny and distract, but I for one am leaving, and I hope their soulless money grabbing adventure fails miserably. Try TrustRoots or BeWelcome, or literally anything else, because CouchsurfingTravelApp is garbage.