- See flights, hotels, and attractions in one place (like TripIt and Tripcase)
- View plans on a travel map & map your route (like Roadtrippers)
- Rearrange the order of places easily by drag-and-drop
- Planning a road trip? Add unlimited stops for free, optimize your route, view times & distances between places, and export places to Google Maps
- Planning group travel? Invite friends and collaborate in real-time just (like Google Docs)
- Automatically import reservations by forwarding emails or connecting your Gmail
- Add things to do from top guides with 1 click (like Tripadvisor and Google Trips/Google Travel)
- Access your trip plans offline
- Add notes and links to your stops
- Have your trip plans automatically sync across devices
- Set budget, track expenses, and split bills with a group
- Every time you add a place to visit, it’s immediately pinned on your Google Maps-based travel map
- Store plans offline
- Route optimizer to automatically rearrange and plan your route to save travel time
- Collaborate with friends by adding tripmates with their email address or by sharing a link to the itinerary
- See key info like a description and picture of the place, average user ratings with links to reviews, opening hours, address, website, and phone number
- Explore top travel guides from the web that feature viewpoints, attractions, and restaurants, and add things to do from those guides to your trip plan with 1 click
- Set a budget for yourself or a group, keep track of all expenses, and split bills with other people.