Battlefield™ Companion

Battlefield™ Companion Software

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Battlefield Overview

Any changes will always be consistent with EA’s Privacy and Cookie Policy, available at You can withdraw your consent at any time by removing or disabling this app, visiting for assistance, or by contacting us at ATTN: Privacy / Mobile Consent Withdrawal, Electronic Arts Inc., 209 Redwood Shores Pkwy, Redwood City, CA, USA.

Official Screenshots


Product Details and Description of

Read on for important info below! Stay updated on the go with this app™ Companion! Check your stats and customize your loadout. Design your own emblem and catch up on the latest news and videos. this app Companion is a complete overhaul of the Battlelog App. You can access the old Battlelog App experience under the MORE menu or by visiting Feature highlights: CAREER Your new profile and identity of this app. Here you can explore your stats and achievements and see how your friends are doing. CUSTOMIZATION Explore and customize your soldier’s loadout while on the go - with full support for this app 1. EMBLEMS The emblem editor and gallery makes designing awesome emblems for use in this app a snap. Smart tools like the grid tool, zoom, and cropping makes the editing experience faster than ever. FRIEND LIST The friend list makes keeping tabs on your this app friends easy. Get a daily summary of when your friends are playing or follow that favorite friend to know exactly when he or she is playing. Supported games are this app 1 and this app 4. Requires acceptance of EA’s Privacy & Cookie Policy and User Agreement. By installing this game, you consent to its installation and the installation of any game updates or upgrades released through your platform. You can turn off automatic updates through your device settings, but if you do not update your app, you may experience reduced functionality. Some updates and upgrades may change the way we record usage data and metrics, or change data stored on your device. Any changes will always be consistent with EA’s Privacy and Cookie Policy, available at You can withdraw your consent at any time by removing or disabling this app, visiting for assistance, or by contacting us at ATTN: Privacy / Mobile Consent Withdrawal, Electronic Arts Inc., 209 Redwood Shores Pkwy, Redwood City, CA, USA.

Top Reviews

By SoulEater35

Ich Glaube (I believe)

Hallo mein freunden, and everyone and EA, DICE, the amazing frostbite engine that powers the best experience of our games! Anyways, I am happy you guys have been bringing things together like this app really well! Sure their may be some bad reviews on this app, but some updates for the other champs could make the "community" a little better too! Also another thing, a recommended thing to say from a community fellow like me... You should add some background music from the this app games depending on which tab your on, on this app, I understand that this app can be really helpful (REALLY = in bold) but some music to keep the people using it feel like this app will never leave their side and yes of course, your side and my side as well (in a friendly way)! Anyways great work on the games that you guys have been creating, and bringing a community like us together! Yours truly, ZARKENCRAFT (on the "Xbox1")

By War 2.o

Great app (worth getting)

Ok, this app 1 is great in general, it's my first this app and I was already willing to by a premium pass the day I got it. Then I wondered, if there was a app like many other games had. So I looked it up, I there it was, totally free , I had heard some things about the app, and heard it was good, so I got it, put my EA account info in, and bam, it gave my what's call a companion dog tag. It was so awesome. The first few things I saw was the medal I was tracking and if I tapped on it, it showed my how far though with it I was. The next page let me see all my dog tags and ones I don't have , if I didn't have it. I was able to look at the camp task I needed to do to get It. After that, I was able to make a in game patch for my self. It was so cool. The next thing was that i could see if my friends where playing the game. It's definitely worth getting

By Joshmurp


I would give the app a 5/5 once they add hardline stats, but until then it is great to have if your out and talking about either bf1 or bf4 and you want to compare stats with a friend. But the whole reason why i gave the app 4/5 is because they have been showing the hardline coming soon for a really long time and nothing has come yet i hope it comes soon because showing off this before its anywhere near coming is really a tease and a way to make people not keep this app. For the future when you advertise something coming soon make sure its soon not months or years later because that gets people mad and not want to have the app anymore.

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