Bandsintown Concerts

Bandsintown Concerts Software

Company Name:

About: Bandsintown is a free concert discovery app for concert-goers and touring artists. It was acquired
by Cellfish/Bandsintown Group in 2011.
Headquarters: New York, New York, United States.


Bandsintown Concerts Overview

What is Bandsintown Concerts?

Bandsintown is a free app that helps live music fans discover concerts, festivals, and venues worldwide. It allows users to follow their favorite artists or sync services like Spotify and Apple Music to stay connected and receive alerts when they announce shows near them. The app also enables users to set reminders, get tickets from official sellers, and read reviews before attending a show.


- Discover concerts, festivals, and venues worldwide

- Follow your favorite artists or sync services like Spotify and Apple Music

- Receive alerts when your favorite artists announce shows near you

- Request a tour stop in your town

- Set reminders for upcoming shows

- Get tickets from official sellers

- Read reviews before attending a show

- Find new artists and events based on your taste

- 100% free with no hidden fees

- Trusted by 72 million live music fans worldwide

- Available on iOS and Android

- Website and social media pages for additional information and updates

- Email support for bugs, crashes, and feedback

- Privacy policy and terms of use provided

Official Screenshots


Product Details and Description of

Bandsintown helps you discover concerts near you and notifies you of upcoming gigs by artists you listen to, so you’ll never miss another show. Awarded TIME Magazine’s Best Apps of the Year and Business Insider’s World’s Greatest Apps, Bandsintown is trusted by 72 million live music fans worldwide and is 100% free with no hidden fees. Using Bandsintown is easy… Follow your favorite artists or sync services like Spotify and Apple Music to stay connected and receive alerts when they announce shows near you, and even request a tour stop in your town. Set reminders, get tickets from official sellers, and read reviews before you go. Find any concert, festival, or venue worldwide, discover new artists and events based on your taste, and do it all over again. Wherever you go, never miss a show. JOIN THE BANDSINTOWN MOVEMENT Website: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Terms of Use: Privacy Policy: ◦ Bugs / Crash? Feedback? ◦ Email: [email protected] Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.

Top Reviews

By bunni317

Amazing app. 💗🙌🏼

I’ve had this app for years now and it has honestly never failed me. It’s on top of everything I could ever ask for and purchasing tickets through them has always been so quick and easy. It tracks all of my favorite artists; when and where they’ll be near me. Right now I just purchased tickets through this app after having so many issues through SeatGeek and other resell apps. Bandsintown gives you great deals, detailed info, and overall the best options you can get for purchasing tickets to any concert. This app always saves the day. HIGHLY recommend if you always go to shows/concerts on the regular.

By John bygone

Hands down, then up for high fives, best app

Wow. Great job on this you all. The biggest thing is having the best platform to connect artists with fans. I use it to discover new artists and I have a good story about that. I like how we now have a way to listen to bands, but it would be nice to see what genre they are beforehand. Also I have Apple Music and whenever I clicked to play it would just say, “You are already a user of Apple Music” Also I have a problem looking shows up by venue. I’d really like to be in the know about your app. I just subscribed to the manager version because I am a music promoter. It would be my pleasure to give my two cents on development!!!

By Pop Xmas 2014

Learn of ticket sales

I have been able to buy tickets to show I would normally miss because I learn of these shows before they go on sale because of this app sending me notification. If you want to buy tickets through the app, make sure the place where the tickets are purchased has the correct info. I just got tickets to Art Garfunkel. The Borgata web site had no info of this sale. I was able to call and get the tickets. The web site had wrong credit card info, so I wasn't able to process online. I love this app and I find it very helpful. This summer will be known as the summer of concerts because of this app!

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