Songkick Concerts Reviews

Songkick Concerts Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-21

About: Be the first to know about concerts. Never miss your favorite artists live.

About Songkick Concerts

What is Songkick Concerts?

Songkick is a free app that helps users to track their favorite artists and get notified as soon as they announce tour dates nearby. The app connects with services like Apple Music, Spotify, Facebook, and Deezer to build a personalized local concert guide for users. With Songkick, users can easily add shows to their plans, set reminders to buy tickets, and never miss another show.



- Instantly track favorite artists with imports from music library, Apple Music, Spotify, and Facebook

- Get concert and festival notifications for favorite artists

- Check out all the ticket options and prices for a show

- Add concerts to plans and set reminders to buy tickets

- View comprehensive concert listings for every city in the world

- Check out all upcoming tour dates for any artist

- Discover new bands with concert recommendations based on music tastes

- Share concerts with friends and make plans together

- Award-winning app: Cult of Mac Must-Have app, Billboard App of the Month, UK iTunes App of the Week

- Used by over 15 million music fans across the globe.

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 97,209 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Songkick Concerts

- Notifies users as soon as a band in their music library has a new gig

- Easy to order tickets from multiple ticket vendors

- Keeps track of which shows you’ve going to and what you’re thinking of if tickets become available

- Improved my live music life

- Easier to stay up to date with concerts

20 Songkick Concerts Reviews

4.8 out of 5


Great app and service, but…..

So I love SongkickConcerts, I’ve probably had it for over 4-5 years now. During the pandemic I used it a lot less, but now that everything seems to be opening up again I thought I’d see what it lists, except…. The dang thing constantly crashes! I’ve tried updating it, opening it from SongkickConcerts drawer, SongkickConcerts Store, and searching but it always crashes. Might load like 5-6 artists, then freezes and crashes. Often it doesn’t even load anything before it crashes. I’m on an iPhone XR (latest IOS version too), but it still crashes. I actually saved a screen recording video of the behavior, if a developer wanted to see what I mean. Like I said I love SongkickConcerts, but if it doesn’t even open it becomes kinda useless. If this gets fixed at some point I’d gladly improve my rating, figured this might be the best way to let someone know of the problem though.


No way to reach customer service , all attempts in vain

I have been trying to reach out to customer service at Songkick with no luck. I purchased 2 tickets on Sept 26 for an upcoming event and have received no confirmation emails, nor does it show anywhere that I have purchased these tickets except on my bank statement. I’ve tried reaching out because every time I choose the option to submit a request, I get looped back to information to reach out to the vendor. The problem is, I cannot find the vendor. On your app, it simply says prekindle and my bank statement says Granada, however, neither of those are on your list of vendors so I cannot access my tickets. This does not seem very user friendly, when I cannot even email you about a ticket I purchased through your site. I would rather have dealt with this issue quietly through email, but leaving a review seems to be the only way to reach anyone. Very frustrating !


Incredible before the ui change and auto adds

I used to love SongkickConcerts. It was my primary source to find concerts for the artists I love and had an amazing yet simple interface that made finding the info I needed easy.

After they changed the ui however, it started randomly adding artists to my tracked artists. This isn’t after scanning my library either. I’d open SongkickConcerts and be inundated with info for artists I neither knew nor cared for who were also now being tracked. There are no options to fine tune or disable this and after a while I just stopped using Songkick altogether.

It’s probably still worth using to find info quickly in a pinch, but with seeing loads of unknowns every time I open it I’d rather just google.


Fantastic way to track gigs by your favorite bands

I used to miss gigs constantly because I didn’t know about them till it was too late, but with Songkick I get notified as soon as a band in my music library has a new gig, and then I can click through the site to order tickets from multiple ticket vendors, which makes it so easy to do by phone when tickets become available. It’s also useful for keeping track of which shows you’ve going to and what you’re thinking of if tickets become available. Awesome app, has improved my live music life so much.


Pretty good but I have a recommendation!

Hey! My name is Avery,and I love SongkickConcerts! It let’s you buy concert tickets straight from SongkickConcerts . It also lets me look for different tour dates. Being a huge Shawn Mendes fan, of course I wanted VIP tickets and looked as soon as I got SongkickConcerts and they were all sold out in my location. And I wanted to know we’re they weren’t sold out. So could you install an feature where I can see where VIP is still available? That would be excellent and i’m sure others would appreciate it as well! If not, i’ll just have to figure out where his hotel is but that’s hard enough as it is, because who knows where he could be staying. Thank you for reading this!


Downloading this app was a mistake....

... for my wallet. I have attended way more concerts since downloading SongkickConcerts, since I’ve been notified about them, and reminded to buy my tickets when I express interest in them. I seriously have a concert problem. SongkickConcerts is amazing for keeping track of events and shows. I’m using it for nearby places and places I travel to often and it is great for planning out my trips around school. I guess I need to work more hours to compensate for the amount of concerts I’m now attending 😭


Great concept. Filters need work

When I travel, I like to be able to look up my favorite artists to see if any of them are playing in my destination. This should be a simple filter, but SongkickConcerts makes it impossible. Look by favorite artist? No filter by location. Look up places? No filter for favorite artist. Also, the calendar feature limits you to one day at a time, making it hard to see if bands I like are playing over my time in town (like over a weekend). When they fix these, it will be great.

Would also be nice if SongkickConcerts showed when favorite bands released new music. Also, the “email us” feedback button doesn’t work.


Adds random artists to the “your shows” section

How do I make the list *ONLY* artists I want to see? I added many artists to my list, yet somehow there are a bunch of other artists showing in the “your shows” calendar. Some artists that show up randomly and unwanted I have no interest in seeing, others I have never heard of. I hand-selected my own list, and did not allow SongkickConcerts to sync with my music library so this makes no sense. It’s just cluttering my lists. Make it go away, and you’ll have a much better app. Make it so that EVERY show listing also has ticket prices and a quick link to get the full info for the venue (website, phone, & physical address) and you’ll have a 5-star app. Right now it’s hardly even a concert calendar.


Great App Except

I love getting notifications about favorite artists, but there is a problem with the search function. You can only pick particular cities/locations to track. However, Songkick returns results from locations more than 100 miles away. For example, I track Wilmington, DE, and Songkick shows me results from Reading, PA and Wilkes-Barre, PA. There needs to be a function that limits the output to a user determined range from the city or from a particular city. I would like to be able to have Songkick only tell about concerts within 75 miles of Wilmington. Right now I get a flood of notifications that are much farther than I want to travel. Add that capability, and SongkickConcerts is 5 stars!


Please triple check before you post!

I went all the way to AZ, Nevada, to see an artist featured in song kick. We get their and not only was the show canceled. It was a name very similar to the artist I was looking to see perform. You song kick even provided a picture of the group. It took 2 months to finally be issued a refund. The concert I am attending tonight you added the name in the line up that is scheduled to perform at the same venue tomorrow. Lastly, you listed the Isley brothers where going to join in he lineup at the Greek theater LA. It was also an error. The group listed wasn’t even performing that night. Please double check your info before you post the performance notification. Thanks



Recently I bought a ticket through SongkickConcerts where they provided link to a third party website. I was checking my concert in SongkickConcerts and I found the concert was displeased. Then I realized something went wrong and I checked my event through the third party website where I bought ticket from, suddenly I realized it’s not the same artist!! Their name are similar and confused me!! I don’t know how many people got also confused about this concert, but now the tickets are non-refundable from that website and SongKick claiming they do not take responsibility for any tickets, it’s just terrible... apparently they didn’t check the authority of concert event well when it comes to not that famous artists. Really disappointed. Won’t use it anymore.



this recent update is horrible! What was once a great app w an easy list of my concert plans has become this nightmare... why ruin a good thing?
The cluttered page w the ‘tracked artist’ & a bunch of bands ‘because you might like’ is visually confusing. Plus the font of all the artists are chopped off so it’s unreadable. And the ‘my tracked artists‘ page Is better by comparison but now I can’t easily tell what concerts I have or plan to buy tickets to as I could w the previous version.
I used to use SongkickConcerts all the time now I’m having a hard time wanting to continue to use it...
Please please please reconfigure to make it great again!


My favorite app

There aren’t many apps that have had such an impact on my quality of life and happiness. I don’t check Songkick every day, but when it sends me notifications about concerts that I want to go to I can immediately buy tickets and put the gig in my calendar. I used to stay up to date by checking the websites of the various venues in St Louis when I lived there, which was time consuming. Now that I live in London it’s impossible! That’s why Songkick has been, in my opinion, the best innovation in SongkickConcerts world.


2 artists confused I think

SongkickConcerts isn’t perfect but I use it as my main source for looking for concerts. Well I was looking for concerts for the dubstep producer “Moth” that heavy deathstep artists. Well it shows up and the picture for the banner looks like something a metal band or someone would use and it says “moth.” Unfortunately the dates listed are not for the dark head banging dubstep producer but for a more relaxed “Moth Story Slam” where people go on stage and read story’s they have written. Almost bought tickets and thank god I didn’t.


Going downhill

I used to LOVE Songkick. It did everything I needed and didn’t have extra unnecessary features.
Now it’s almost the opposite. It’s always pushing new artists and SongkickConcerts is cluttered. It’s a hassle to find upcoming shows from artists I track (the entire purpose) without being bombarded with annoying suggestions.
I get the notification badge when there’s nothing new and other times I don’t get any notification and I find out about a concert from another source.
A couple years ago, this was my go to app. I recommended it to people as the only concert app they’ll need. Now I might as well delete it.


Been a user for years

I love Songkick. I have been using it since I was a teenager. One of my favorite features on SongkickConcerts is how they let you know the concert dates way in advance, as well as the ticket prices and where to get them. I also like how you are now able to add the show dates to your calendar. All in all, this is a very convenient app and for someone who does not have any social media, it makes it easy to know when my favorite artists will be in town.


Easily track concerts

I love SongkickConcerts. been using it for years. notifies me when an artist I track is playing near me and gives me options of prices to buy tickets! shows you were the artist will be touring and the price on each website they’re selling their tickets! love it more than any other app to buy tickets or track. use SongkickConcerts if you want to go to see all the people you love!!


Good but control is too limited

Songkick is good except for their wish to control my life. I have a few groups that I want to track but Songkick wants to alert me of every concert in my city instead. Songkick constantly nags to add new groups. Maybe songkick just isn’t the right app for me. I hope not because with a small addition to the settings it could be perfect. For example, allow tracking specific artists, whereever they are and let me specify alerts for only specified artists. Let me turn OFF Tracking in my local city.


Good but not 100% reliable

If there’s a concert that will sell out quickly, don’t rely on SongkickConcerts to notify you. Concerts aren’t really posted until a couple days after they’ve been announced, so I usually find out about the concert before songkick does.

My biggest problem is that there’s barely any information about the actual concert. I almost always have to dig through the internet to find out about the age restrictions or seating. If there was a section for the age restrictions, I would give SongkickConcerts 5 stars. However, If your above 21 year’s then I recommend SongkickConcerts.


The dreamiest or music apps

I’ve beeen using Songkick for at least 5 years now and it’s never let me down. They give just the right amount of notifications and they know about any old thing or band that’s swinging into town. I love when notifications for a band playing soon comes in at night— there’s nothing better then waking up to a little message that somebody rad is going to be playing sweet jams in your neighborhood soon. 10/10 dog. Forever and always.


So Confused

So I used to love showed me what concerts I was going to, made recommendations for other concerts I might enjoy based on my taste in music, allowed me to purchase concerts tickets directly and even put reminders on my calendar for when tix would be available to purchase! Now, with the new organization of SongkickConcerts , I don’t know what anything is doing. There is no longer a list showing what concerts I’m going to, there is no longer a recommendations tab and I’m so sad because I used to love SongkickConcerts and now I don’t even know what the purpose of having it on my phone is! Is it so I can scroll through a bunch of carousels of randomly organized crap? I honestly have no idea why I am being showed any of the stuff it is showing me...does it just pick random groups that I follow and then show me stuff that might be related, I’m not even being sarcastic, I really want to know what the info I am looking at is based on because it seems completely arbitrary! Anyway, this used to be my favorite app and now it’s just an amalgam of disorderly crap. I’m just going to use the website from now on. And I rated two stars because of the loss of functionality, taking away functionality or hiding it in some “basement” location that is impossible to find is ridiculous.


Great App Except

I love getting notifications about favorite artists, but there is a problem with the search function. You can only pick particular cities/locations to track. However, Songkick returns results from locations more than 100 miles away. For example, I track Wilmington, DE, and Songkick shows me results from Reading, PA and Wilkes-Barre, PA. There needs to be a function that limits the output to a user determined range from the city or from a particular city. I would like to be able to have Songkick only tell about concerts within 75 miles of Wilmington. Right now I get a flood of notifications that are much farther than I want to travel. Add that capability, and SongkickConcerts is 5 stars!

Is Songkick Concerts Safe?

Yes. Songkick Concerts is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 97,209 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Songkick Concerts Is 45.4/100.

Is Songkick Concerts Legit?

Yes. Songkick Concerts is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 97,209 Songkick Concerts User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Songkick Concerts Is 90.8/100..

Is Songkick Concerts not working?

Songkick Concerts works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Plans

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Duration Amount (USD)
Billed Once $19.99

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