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3 Most reported problems 😔💔

4.6 out of 5

Great math lessons, terrible history lessons...


by Sky_blue02

I had used this app in the past for math and it was great for that. The history lessons, however, are atrocious. Rather than objectively presenting the facts, it gives a warped view of things. For example, the authors have somehow figured out how people ‘felt’ during history. No citations. No quotes. They just claim that this person/group felt this, that person/group felt that. I find the personal feelings of past figures to be secondary to learning the course of events. But, if they did feel some need to include them, they could at least cite sources or provide quotes. I saw none. It turned what could’ve been a factual history lesson into some subjective mind-reading of the past. All it was really instructing me on was someone’s opinion of what people in the past felt. It wasn’t educational. Not only is there a bias of perspective — today’s opinion of the past may differ greatly from how people in the past actually experienced it. Opinion and feeling are not the point. It’s history, not group therapy. As I said, if you want to include feelings, at least use quotes, cite sources. But, again, that really isn’t the point. History is not about the feelings of one person or even a group of people, it’s about objective events. Sadly, there was so little of that here, I just deleted the app. What a sad thing education has become!

Time Consuming and Unfair Gradinf System


by Paleontologeek

Khan Academy used to be good when the whole system wasn’t broken. Everything is overcomplicated, and requires you to waste hours on what can only be defined as guesswork.
The way you MUST type in math answers exactly right with no forgiveness is absolutely disgusting, especially when the whole point is taken off. Is one typo really a reason to drop the grade down a whole point? Especially when my Teacher grades this on a 1-4 scale. One wrong answer drops the grade to a 75%. Ridiculous.
The fact that using a hint or watching a video takes off the whole point is also completely unjust. Please consider making the system more tailored to learning through visual processing and not repetition and failure.
I hope that this system is fixed and makes it more about learning than catering towards students who already have mastered the material. This is not practice if the student does not already know the material.
As a student who has a teacher who relies solely on Khan Academy to teach, I feel absolutely frustrated when spending hours upon hours attempting to beat the system.



by SteV3nom

This app is honestly embarrassing, it crashes within 10 seconds of opening it, and that’s not a one-time runtime error or anything, this is, fully updated on iOS 12, crashing before I can even access a lesson. I have courses I need to complete for my programming class and I can’t even start to explain how terrible this app is. I can understand a whole new iOS version coming out and there being a crash bug or something not working quite right after launch, that’s totally to be expected, but this. This is honestly disgraceful. They haven’t updated this app in over 3 weeks, and it has been unusable for over 3 weeks as a result. The service itself is honestly fine, but this app is disgustingly broken. If I could actually complete some parts of my lesson when I am away from my PC that would be great, so my thought process at that point would be to download the app, and sure enough it isn’t stable enough to stay open for more than 10 seconds. As a programming student, I find this mistake on their part absolutely embarrassing and I can’t believe it still has not been patched. 0/5 stars.

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