I often wonder why I spent so much time reading this app?
I'm an ex broadcast news reporter, which translate in my case to be a news junkie.
But this app is opinions. That being good, bad or indifferent, it is 100% personal opinions. Not based on research, not based on interviews, but instead based entirely on personal opinion. That opinion is sometimes based on solid past experiences and training, but opinion nevertheless.
I believe I am drawn to this app because traditional journalism based on who, what, when, where and why is 85% gone. Sure, there are still examples of crew journalism, and investigative journalism at some major newspapers, and other journalism organizations. But for the most part today's journalism carries little more weight for me then this app.
But at least this app makes no bones about the fact that they are opinion, even identifing those people making the opinion. Whereas journalism still tries to present itself as fair minded and fact not opinion.
I am a leaning left moderate politically and in most of my opinions. I don't pay much more attention to CNN these days, as I do and have to Fox news for the last few years.
I enjoy this app because it is fun to read, and helps me to widen my view on the world issues because of the vastly different opinions on such a long variety of topics.
this app is not a substitute or replacement for old fashion journalism, but this app never said it was.