It's great to have Tintin books available on your phone and sold for a reasonable price. The best thing is that buying the book in an additional language is only $1. So I'm now enjoying Tintin as I learn Dutch (and then French).
The not-so-bad thing is that I have to buy the book in English first. I am guessing that if my native language were French, I would have to buy that first before I could buy the English version. This isn't ideal, but it's not too bad. I already have all the books in English, in printed editions.
The really bad thing is that the electronic version of the book forces the reader to use the pagination from the paper version. It would make FAR more sense to have a frame-by-frame layout, where you could just keep advancing to the next frame. As it is, you must manually zoom in to read the frame, and manually zoom out to advance to the next page, and manually zoom in again...doing this over and over and over gets really tedious.
Also, there are a very limited number of languages, while (if I remember correctly) the paper version of Tintin might be nearly the world record holder for being translated into more languages than any other book. I expect this will change as they get more books scanned in, so I'm not too worried, but I would love to use Tintin to help me learn Italian, Serbian, and improve my Spanish and Portuguese.