~Before using this application, you need to purchase wansview’s plug&play IP Cameras , and configure your camera by following the user manual, then you can use your account to view the video shot by your camera;also a demo account is available now, with user name “smarteye” and password “smarteye” .
This application enables you to view the real-time video of wansview’s plug&play IP Camera wherever you can connect to Internet, and you'll be able to take care of your home even if you are away.
This application is also using KissXML, distributed in MIT license, which you can fetch from and the license is enclosed in the compiled FFmpeg package.
~This application is using FFmpeg library, the source of which can be fetched from also from you will know how to build it for iOS.
You can find the compiled library(for i386, armv6 and armv7 architecture) and the objective code in for compatibility of LGPL purpose.
When you are not at home , do you want to know what is happening there? Or are you worried about leaving your children or pets alone at home? If so , this Application is for you.
~Hardware and iOS support: Hardware of iPhone 3GS(or equavilent) or later version iOS device, and iOS 3.2 or later version.