The app has two main categories of features: Employee Self-Service and Customer Self-Service.
Employee Self-Service features:
- Manage jobs: See job information and location; access, sign and complete work tickets; submit and review work requests; complete surveys and inspections and sign off; view customer invoices and requests; monitor job budgets and profitability; see time and attendance information in real-time; find schedule replacements; create billable work tickets on the fly.
- Manage people: View and modify schedules and timekeeping information; review compliance information; leverage targeted communication tools.
- Manage personal information: View pay stubs, W-2s, hourly benefit balances (PTO/sick); update contact information; clock in and out of jobs.
Customer Self-Service features:
- View electronic invoices, job information, time and attendance information, schedules, scheduled job site work and targeted communication items.
- Request additional work, coverage or other items and see up-to-date request statuses.
- Perform inspections or complete surveys and see results and deficiency status.
- Sign off on inspections and work tickets.