- Identification suggestions: Take or import a photo and view the top 10 most visually similar species matches and tap through to get more information.
- Feedback from the community: Create an account to share your observations and start a conversation about what you saw.
- Keep a record of all living things: Build your life list by posting to iNaturalist.
- Grounded in science: Every identification is connected to the tree of life, which means you can search for broad classifications like “Ferns” or “Fungi” as well as species-level identifications like “Humpback Whale”.
- Advancing science & conservation: Millions of observations created and identified by the iNaturalist community are shared with the Global Biodiversity Information Facility.
- Enabling citizen science and community science: Join any of the tens of thousands of projects around the world on iNaturalist to draw attention to and collect data about particular species or places.
- No hidden charges: The app is truly free because nature is for everyone.
- Best for wild plants and animals: The iNaturalist community is better at identifying wild plants and animals than those in gardens or horticulture.
- Control how your location is shared: Set the privacy to obscured or private.
- More than a mobile app: iNaturalist has even more extensive features and tools for learning and exploration.
- 35+ languages: iNaturalist has been translated into dozens of languages.
- A global network: iNaturalist is used in every country on earth!