I LOVE ClassDojo SO much! We unschool our kiddos (8, 4 & 1) and this is the easiest way to track what we are doing. I’m not great at keeping notes, planners or lesson plans (and we honestly don’t teach that way or any “typical” way), but ClassDojo makes it super simple to show the work we do on a daily basis.
Quick pictures of field trips (children’s museum, zoo, science center, library visits, meet-ups, etc. etc.) with an explanation of what was learned.
I also take pictures of the books they’re currently reading or audio books, podcast etc.
I also am able to track behavior/life skills/chores via ClassDojo since it’s framework is pretty flexible. They get points for daily tasks around the house...at school it would likely be stuff like raising your hand, being kind...whatever and for us it’s getting dressed, brushing teeth, limiting screen time to 2 hours or less, being respectful, returning library books to the “return” bin when they’re done, etc.
Point is...app is super flexible and I love it!!! I can’t say enough good things about it!
Oh and also...I have some relatives that aren’t onboard with homeschooling (not their choice or business) and a super quick way to show them how much we truly do is to send them a parent invite so they can view what I track here..they’ve gotten off my back since 😁