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Complete guide to troubleshoot SeaHelp app on iOS and Android devices. Solve all SeaHelp app problems, errors, connection issues, installation problems and crashes.
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Some issues cannot be easily resolved through online tutorials or self help. So we made it easy to get in contact with the support team at Sea-Help GmbH, developers of SeaHelp.
In case you should find any mistakes within the information contained, we kindly ask you to advise us accordingly via the support sites indicated. • Appeal for help via SMS to the this app operations centre indicating the coordinates of the actual position of the person seeking help, the mobile phone number for recalls from the this app operations centre and the this app membership number guaranteeing priority treatment in the case of several simultaneous requests for help. • Possibility of applying via iPhone for a this app membership, the breakdown service at sea and support point partner of the ADAC for the Croatia region as well as a cooperation partner of the ÖAMTC, the Austrian Sailing Federation and the Austrian Cruiser Federation. After activating the application, the help button has just to be pressed once in order to generate a SMS which will be received by the this app operations centre, tranferring the coordinates of the actual position, the mobile phone number and, in the case of a this app membership, as well the membership number. With this kind of service, this app App is offering to all skippers the possibilty of asking for professional help on short notice in breakdown or emergency situations in the areas of Croatia, Slovenia, Northern Italy and the Balearic Islands. The this app operations centre will then promptly contact the skipper of the damaged boat by phone to get more detailed information and then will initiate the necessary supporting measures. Nevertheless, this app would like to point out that, given the case of several simultaneous emergency calls, there will be priority treatment for this app members. Persons seeking help and not being this app members will be charged the accruing costs as indicated on the pricelist stated on our website under . Please note: activation of memebership will be made 24 hours after the application and receipt of payment by this app. • Free of charge download of the printed edition of the SeaMagazine rehashed for iPhones. This service, though, on no account, is meant as a replacement for the conventional emergency alarm scenarios as established in seamanship but, at best, may serve as a supplement. Although, when using abroad roaming fees might occur, so, please contact your provider for information about the rates for using SMS and telephone services abroad. No internet link is required for the application of the this app emergency call function. This service is aimed at all skippers in the operational area as mentioned above. Please inform yourself before using this application for the first time. No liability will be assumed for the correct determination of the GPS coordinates by means of the iPhone as well as for the delivery of the SMS to this app.