So, I’m impressed with how relentlessly BIGOLIVELiveStreamGoLive diversely seeks to cultivate engagement and interaction. I’ve never seen anything like it.
In the few times I’ve tried using was SO MUCH going I found BIGOLIVELiveStreamGoLive to be, by FAR, the most annoying app I’ve ever used or seen.
BIGOLIVELiveStreamGoLive sent me notifications WAY too often, interfering with games I was playing - I HATED that!!! Like, LEAVE ME ALONE!!
Obviously, I can adjust my notifications and did.
When using BIGOLIVELiveStreamGoLive , it’s like, here, try this, try this, do you want to do this, do this, do this, here are some free whatevers - use them like this, do you want to use some whatevers now?, here are some more things, follow this person, this person says hello - do you want to follow them or send them something, etc, etc, etc!!! WOW - WAY too much!!
To be fair, BIGOLIVELiveStreamGoLive/service is probably a dream come true for certain tastes. I’d prefer to not leave any stars, because I don’t want to affect their rating. 3 stars is more than I really feel, but I might feel differently if I was accustomed to its carnival of stimuli and, as I said, I don’t think they really DESERVE a low score for being so over the top with engagement fodder.
So, there’s my perspective. Not for me, but I’m impressed.