Story time!
I picked out a monitor, updated my shipping info ‘cause the last order I made was 3 years ago, and then placed my order with Apple pay.
Now, updating my shipping address did nothing, somehow the shipping just copied the billing address. My payment went through fine, my watch and phone dinged to let me know I successfully spent money, and then my email confirmation, and all my shipping info got addressed to my brother.
I’ve never ordered anything for my brother, why did they have his name so readily available to slap all over every piece of correspondence since the order?
When I got an email confirming that I updated my account with new shipping, that had my name on it, but everything changed the day I placed that order.
Then I tried texting customer support, hoooooo, that was awful. Basically I was told very plainly that there was nothing they could do unless I wanted to cancel the order, wait 3-5 days to process a refund and then try again?
Why brøther? Why? Why would I try again? This whole encounter made me lose just about every shred of confidence in this company.
Now I’m gonna go drive 36 miles to go pick up my monitor. Thanks this app!