Yahoo News: Your Guide to News Reviews

Yahoo News Reviews

Published by on 2025-02-10

🏷️ About: The Yahoo News app is a news aggregator that allows users to customize their newsfeed with their favorite topics and publishers. The app features trusted sources, customizable topics and sources, a search function, a 360-degree view of important topics, exclusive and live video, expert editors, breaking news alerts, and local news.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

😎 Positive experience

🤬 Negative experience

🫥 Neutral

~ from NLP analysis of 48,985 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- Clean interface with minimal ads

- Allows user to select which feeds to view

- Broad look at the news with many articles about human interests

- Easy to use

Read 35 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.4 out of 5
Can’t comment on false opinionated “news”

The content is something like 25% news and 75% opinion. You can’t comment on the articles which was the first red flag to me. Most stories clearly omit key facts to portray a false narrative so world and national events are related to the public in the manner they choose. Grossly liberal leaning and definitely a political tool. There should be laws to prohibit companies like this from claiming to be a news source when they release opinion based articles and false “reports” that intentionally omit facts. News should state all the facts not attempt to spin anything in any direction. Despite my political beliefs, I want a 100% unbiased and neutral platform free of any political motive to gain factual knowledge of events so I can form my own opinions. YahooNews contributes to the single biggest problem in America today.

Negativity News

I personally feel that the entire News media including Yahoo has gone to feeding more and more negative news to the American public! There’s so much positive good news to report but not reported. The small percentage of negative things from all aspects of daily life are reported as if this is the way all Police officers are, its the way all airlines are, a particular car manufacturer has so unsafe cars, nothing in politics are done productivity ... I can go on and on. If your wandering I was a registered Democrat now switching parties. I’ll just go with what does get done, not sit with a party that obstructs and complains.

What happened to yahoo?

Yahoo news has always been left leaning, that’s okay because even if people disagreed you could say so in the comments section, and sometimes there was overwhelming opposition from readers. But now, comments have been gone for a while and they just removed the voting system so you can’t even downvote their overly biased articles. Yahoo has zero interest in creating any conversations they just want you to pay their authors on the back and tell them you agree. Pathetic journaling, I’ll just use one of the other hundred news outlets that are exactly the same and censor their audience…

This review is my last hope before I delete app

As a libertarian I truly HATE only finding severely biased articles. But the comment sections on here make it somehow bearable as I’m not expecting groundbreaking objective news only from yahoo.

HOWEVER, yahoos Poor attention to details and fact checking their disgustingly biased progressive left side of literally EVERY article is such a let down because THEIR base won’t leave them, but after all they’ve recently been through as a company, why aren’t they listening to customers exactly like myself who they should be trying to scope for?

Going downhill

YahooNews used to have useful news. Now each article is choked with a summary section that is usually exactly the same as the first 3 paragraphs afterwards, an exact copy. Then there are only a couple more paragraphs before the article ends and does not contain the full article most of the time before auto- loading the next article. There are also many duplicate articles on the main feed. The feed is twice as long as it needs to be. It’s just too much work to try and dig through and get useful information from YahooNews anymore.

Won’t go to landscape anymore!!!

I don’t know what happened, what update did this, but all of a sudden when Newsroom opens it switches from landscape (which I keep my iPad locked in) to portrait and then that mucks everything up. Can’t see parts of the sty and have difficulty scrolling. And I’m still not a fan of Yahoo not just taking us to a browser - I preferred that. At least it seems like it consistently is taking us always to YahooNews rather than half the time to a browser, half the time to YahooNews . I’m not a fan though. YahooNews opens up much more slowly than my browser did.

Glitches to different story when clicked

YahooNews often opens an entirely unrelated story when when I’m trying to follow a different headline. Then when I go back, I can’t find the story I was originally interested in reading.

It also switches articles. Often, when I’m in the middle of reading a long story it will suddenly switch to a different article with no way to get back to the story I was reading. The only option is to spend 5-10 scrolling through the feed hoping to find the headline again. This is especially annoying when I’m 15 minutes or more deep into a long read article.

Yahoo use cheap tactics to get users

First they have comments under articles letting people express their views then what happened? You guess it! They don’t have enough moderation or moderators to watch all this and they have disable it. Of course they claimed is only temporary but is not! Only reason why they have comments in first place is to attract new users. Once they hit number they just disabled comments. Yahoo is a scam and garbage company! I’m still remembering my email leak with password. I would never trust them ever! Avoid them at al cost and you will have happier life!

User interface is stupid

This news app would close the news article I’m reading whenever I swipe the page down a bit too much or if I’m already near or at the same Top of the page. Instead of just scrolling to the top of the page, YahooNews closes the article I’m reading.

YahooNews already uses swipe from left to close an article or return to main page so why hijack the swipe down gesture for the same purpose ?

New version is annoying

There was nothing wrong with functionality of the old version. This update has made stories not load. It's also slow, choppy and unreliable. The main page doesn't seem to work very well.

Update: YahooNews continually freezes opening and closing articles to the point where I close and reopen it. Frustrating and annoying. I’ve almost stopped using it in favour of just going through safari. The web is more up to date and no issues with responsiveness.

Text too small

The text size in the Yahoo News app is too small for me, it causes eye strain. I’m only 52! Another reviewer was told there is a “Tt” button to adjust it, but I don’t see one.

Also, it would be helpful when you are notified of a reaction to your comment to be taken directly to it instead of having to locate your comment. And also to have a link to the original article for reference or at least the headline of the story. Thanks.

Error message showing

I actually enjoy reading the news from YahooNews
But after the bug fixes last week, it now shows “Sorry, something went wrong, try again” when swiping up or down to look for more articles

Variety and less biased

Yahoo offers a much broader look at the news with many articles about human interests and not just political views about every aspect of life. Yahoo news is more enlightening and less anger. I like the news Yahoo offers. It is one of approximately 15 news feeds so I am able to see many viewpoints of what is happening in United States , from around the World.

Got worse with last update!

Yahoo updated YahooNews last week and now my I phone shows 75 notifications that used to disappear when you opened YahooNews and read the stories! Fix this please! I don't need to be looking at this little red for all if the time showing 75 notifications when there aren't any there!

Keeps me up to date on news

I don’t have a lot of time to watch all the news so I really love getting the important things that come across my screen. That way I can tap on it and it takes me to to whole story. Even if it’s not all that important it does keep me in touch with what’s happening in our country and our world around us.


I Love Yahoo! I especially luv that you keep me up to date on all the latest Science news. In as much as I am a gluten for all types. I went to college to study Forensic Science but was bitten by the Sociology bug. Soci allow me to combine many favorite disciplines including Data Management, which I had work history in. Thanks Yahoo! For keeping me in the loop morning to night old friends.

Former Microsoft News user, happy to switch

I previously used the Microsoft News app because it was a clean interface with minimal ads and allowed me to select which feeds I would like to view. Sadly they tried to make their app a one size fits all design and stuffed every bit of Bing functionality into YahooNews .

Yahoo News has a great clean design and is easy to use.

Good work in keeping free thought alive!

It's good that you provide an open forum for voicing opinions! But some stories seem too tabloid! America has no concept of reality left! To decipher reality from fiction! Can you better screen your stories? Otherwise people do complain about Yahoo! But they still use it like an addiction! Keep up the good work in keeping free thought alive!

Less than professional and highly left leaning

Can’t seem to hire actual professional journalists so most of their stories come from other websites, then they filter those for mostly nonsense. Very little news, but I like to read the comments. Lots of seriously mental people commenting on stuff they are clueless about. Gets entertaining.

Great Information

This is great, I am able to get up to date news on what is going on. I do appreciate that the articles are consistent and I don’t have to keep pressing an arrow to continue on with the story. This opens quickly, the format is easy to read and select what may interest me for reading or viewing next.

App needs serious help

Was using a web browser to access news w/o problems but would drain a battery in nothing flat.
Tried newsroom... Worse than using a web browser.
Any article you click on might:
1) display both article & comments normally.
2) display article for a second or two then show a white screen freezing up.
3) display black screen, no article text and freeze solid.
Yahoo pop up asking how you like YahooNews does not handle feedback at all. YahooNews will appear to go to a web browser but nothing is displayed but a black page.
Not a error free user friendly app and the fact yahoo change management is a free-for-all throw it in to see if it works system, you need patience... A lot of patience.
Given the quality and credibility of yahoo news as well as the immature posts you may want to forego messing with YahooNews , use your web browser.
Another fault in YahooNews ... Watch the apps storage use closely. It grows by leaps and bounds never freeing storage. You only upsilon is to delete and reinstall YahooNews to do so.
Once used and removed, one can not access yahoo news and login via their web browser.

Underhanded Review Promotion

The major issue I have still comes down to disingenuously selecting people to write reviews. When YahooNews asks if you “love it” (YahooNews ), if you select “no”, it loops you out to either an in-house “review” or leads you to a dead end broken link. It only leads you here if you select “yes”. As such, the review ratings are entirely meaningless. Their “4.2 Star” rating as of this review should likely be closer to 2.5 stars.


Since I wrote the above review, they have made many changes, and not one falls in the “positive” category. You cannot read your own comment history, so you have to search out articles, then search through thousands of comments to have any sort of meaningful discourse. If I could give negative stars, I would do so. Previously, this was about the only news aggregator. Now, there are options, all of which are superior.

Has really gone downhill

This used to be my go to news app for years. Not any longer.

1. Loud videos suddenly start. I’ve searched settings and cannot find a way to stop loud videos from jarringly startling me. I read late at night and in quiet places. I want control of the sound and Yahoo has wrestled that control away. Non negotiable.

2. They have changed the format to slow moving pictures with a few words underneath. Slow, uninformative, and a major waste of time. Uninformative.

3. The whole app has moved towards a stylistic look and away from a news feed. Glam over substance. If I wanted some stylistic slick app, I would download one. What a shame.

4. I want news. Just news. Articles with a headline and something to read, along with a simple photo or two. The news is no longer first and forefront on YahooNews. What happened to this NEWS app?

I deleted YahooNews after the recent terrible changes. Waited a few weeks and decided to try again. Reloaded it just now. Second story I clicked on immediately had a loud. Loud. Loud. LOUD newscaster blabbering on. It was jarring and uninvited. It wasn’t labeled as a video, looked like a news story. Again checked settings, unable to mute the news videos

Deleted YahooNews again. Going back to other news feeds

Biased, and Even Lie They are Bias

Yahoo responded to my review and said, “We offer news coverage from a variety of sources, and some lean more liberal while others lean more conservative. We work hard to present a balanced view of the news from a variety of perspectives across the political spectrum.”
Yahoo is the biggest joke. Any id*ot will tell you that this response to my review is a huge lie. Now back to my original review below.
The application itself works ok but a little glitchy. What I don’t like is the liberal loony tune articles that are clearly pushing a leftist agenda. Yes, fake news has been published on yahoo until it was exposed by conservative news outlets: the Covington fiasco, the BuzzFeed Mueller lie, Smollett to name a few. Be warned that yahoo will rarely post anything from conservative networks or news sites; they have no problem admitting they are a bias left news outlet. If they say otherwise, they lie.
And most liberals like it because it is a place for them to vent their frustration against conservatives even if the news is manipulative or full of half truths.


Updates have made YahooNews useless for commenters. Feedback has been submitted about this since November 2018 - several updates later nothing has changed and no status. If you’re getting this to exchange comments and ideas, look further. Several versions ago, a commenter could review replies to those comments. A commenter could sign in, go into the account and all replies would be in a readable thread. If a vote was received, following the notification link took you directly to that story and comment - the comment was even shaded. Now there’s no access to your previous comments, replies are not attached to relevant comments, and if you want to see the number of votes you scroll through all of the comments.

Poor sources

About every other time I "Newsroom," they bug me to read and review YahooNews . So, here goes: not much to say good or bad about the content itself as for the most part they are simply repeating "news" from other sources, a few reliable, most unreliable and biased like Huffington Post on the one hand, or FOXNews on the other. I use YahooNews because it is generally handier than buying a newspaper; as with the newspaper, one must continually "read between the lines" in order to get a sense of what's going on out there minus the liberal or conservative bias. As far as their constant requests to rate and review, when the request appears it is impossible to respond to it without closing out of YahooNews and going to YahooNews Store. It is a veritable nuisance, so now that I have written a review I hope it won't happen again.


Love . . . No
Like . . . Yes, but less and less
The news is convenient, concise and informative.
However, the PLACEMENT of the ads are disruptive, extremely annoying and counterproductive. I read absolutely none of them and find myself NOT going to NEWSROOM as frequently as I might. Obviously your marketing staff believes they are doing a great job. What they very ignorantly fail to realize is what a much better job they could be doing in attracting and KEEPING viewers by implementing a far superior format allowing one to read the article and then any ads. Are you so insecure as to believe that readers won’t read them? That’s what we’re doing now, but fast losing patience in trying to follow the story or find the CORRECT arrow.
You asked and now I, and many, many others, hope you listen . . . or adios

Battery drainer!!

I installed YahooNews about a week ago but only “signed in” with my Yahoo account, a couple days ago. Almost immediately after I gave YahooNews my account information, I noticed my phone’s battery percentage dropping fast. I ignored it for the first day but by the second day and after I had just charged my battery to 100% only a couple hours before, YahooNews had depleted my battery to 90%!! I know it was YahooNews because I checked in my phone’s “settings” then “battery info” section. This is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE!! It’s a shame because I really was liking YahooNews, too. But I cannot and will not reinstall it until this defect is fixed!! I can’t be charging my battery every few hours!! I hope you will look into this claim. Thank you!!

It’s FAKE NEWS but

As the title states. I mean cmon, it’s owned by Verizon. Without going into detail if you follow this rabbit hole it eventually leads to followers of Satan. By why throw such a wet towel on a Monday right ? Here’s why I like the yahoo news thing. The stories are always meant to divide the Masses. The truth seekers vs the zombies. The comment section is the ONLY reason that YahooNews is worth downloading. I enjoy calculating the % of the pop which is autistic and the pop who are like minded as myself. Thankfully, even in this left wing (over the cliff) news outlet I see 75% of ppl that are aware of the MSM BS. As for the 25% it’s the same as watching something like Jerry springer. It always makes you feel better about yourself when you know that their are ppl like make an avg intelligent person like me look like I’m Einstein

Continue being Objective

Continue to report the news as you are currently doing. I want objective reporting, which I feel Yahoo news does. Unfortunately, any reporting by the media that questions our President or points out statements that are not true or misleading is construed by some as “liberal bias” and/or fake news. I want news that challenges my beliefs, not validates my beliefs. To those who feel any criticism of our President is due to liberal bias, perhaps they should stick with Fox News. I hope Yahoo news will continue to be objective, even if it offends the far right or the far left.

Great news app....

Newsroom collects articles from various sources (Fox, CNN, AP, Huff, WaPo, NYT, etc) and displays them for easy reading. I mention this because some comments suggest it's biased but it actually does fairly well at presenting news from different perspectives. I like the ability to comment on the articles.

I'd give the iPad version of YahooNews 5 stars but.... some of the articles start with a sound bite to get you interested but then are cumbersome to navigate in order to complete reading. Often the NEXT or SLIDESHOW buttons don't work at all. This seems to be limited to "promoted" content.

Yes, I know, Yahoo news is Left Wing biased..., but...

The comments are not restricted or deleted, we all get to shape the meaning of what Yahoo publishes! For example, I am all out Trump, but I don’t agree with the wall. We need to help Latins get rid of their Obama-Clinton type high tax governments. Lets spend the wall money doing that instead. Yahoo commenters see my point, try that on Fox! Yahoo’s open policy on commenting the news is wonderful! Any left wing article becomes a hot bed of debates pages long! Generally the debate is decent but being called a moron now and then is a fair price to pay for the joy of speaking out!


I have really enjoyed YahooNews it’s been a great source of enjoyment for me. I find so much news to discuss on line with the community. Thanks so much for hours of enjoyment everyday. Now I would like to be able to look back on my posts like the way we were able to do in the past. It’s still a great app and a really great way to get news. In fact, it’s my only news source. I really enjoy being able to comment on the news in my posts. It really helps me to release some frustration. Thanks for being here and “putting up with me”.

I like this App🙂

So, I like YahooNews just to get caught up on what's going on in our world. I have it set up up where I get the notification sent to me. If their is a notification I like I will read it, if I don't have time to read it I will save it as a favorite to read later. If their is a notification I don't like, I just pass it up and go onto the next one. I don't read all the articles here but if they interest me then I will read it. You just have to pick and choose what you like or don't like. But overall and so far I am enjoying YahooNews 🙂.

It seems like every rag

Has become left if left promoting socialism which is the same as communism the Russians can tell us how well that went so can the chinese now we have Nigeria Cuba and Venezuela all collapsed countries cause there dictators stole the money from the rich but kept it that’s exactly what the democrats want to do to the USA they want open borders for more voters they hate trump can’t get over why he won guess what we are number one in the worlds economy number one in oil number one in clean burning coal and number one in natural gas not bad for a businessman as a Potus

Is Yahoo News Safe? 🙏

Yes. Yahoo News: Your Guide to News is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 48,985 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.4/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Yahoo News Is 62.3/100.

Safety Analysis

65.0% of users say app is Safe 👍

26.4% of users have Some Concerns ⚠️

8.6% of users say app is Risky 🚨

Is Yahoo News Legit? 💯

Yes. Yahoo News: Your Guide to News is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 48,985 Yahoo News: Your Guide to News User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Yahoo News Is 82/100..

🔏 Privacy & Data Safety

Yahoo News collected the following data from you:

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    • Location
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    • Usage Data
  • Data Linked to You:
    • Location
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    • Usage Data
  • Data Not Linked to You:
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    • Diagnostics

How was your experience with Yahoo News: Your Guide to News? Post a Review


- Trusted sources: The app features news from reputable sources such as The New York Times, USA Today, TIME, Politico, the AP, Fox News, and more.

- Customize topics and sources: Users can personalize their newsfeed by selecting their favorite topics and sources.

- Search function: The app allows users to easily find what they're looking for by searching across all news sources.

- 360-degree view: Users can see all sides of important topics with a variety of viewpoints.

- Exclusive and live video: The app offers trending news, press conferences, the day's soundbites, and more through exclusive and live video.

- Expert editors: The app's expert editors curate top stories of the day and premium content like the Skullduggery podcast, which highlights scandals and investigations in the Trump era.

- Breaking news alerts: Users can receive alerts for breaking news stories.

- Local news: The app allows users to follow headlines from their hometown.

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