ReelTime TV & Movies for Trakt

ReelTime TV & Movies for Trakt Software

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ReelTime TV Movies Overview

Movie & TV show data is provided by and Library syncing is powered by ReelTime is not endorsed or certified by any of the listed services.

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Product Details and Description of

ReelTime is the only app you'll ever need to track the movies and TV shows that you're watching or hope to watch in the future. Whether it's that big blockbuster movie that's coming later this year or the next season of that show you just can't get enough of, ReelTime can track everything. With Trakt integration, ReelTime will also sync your watched history, watchlist, and star ratings for TV shows and movies and with advanced monitoring it'll even notify you if there are changes. ReelTime is the must-have companion for all TV and movie buffs with features you won't want to be without, including: Advanced Monitoring: ReelTime will keep tabs on everything that's in your library and then let you know if something changes. Titles, statuses, runtimes (movies only), posters, and release date changes can all trigger a notification so that you're always up to speed — you decide which changes you want to be notified for. Lists and Filtering: With lists and filtering options built right into ReelTime you'll always be able to drill down to see just the movies and TV shows you need. ReelTime will indicate the TV shows that you're behind on as well as any that have a new episode on the way — and that's just the start! Release and Air Date Tracking: ReelTime's 'Upcoming' view gives you a look at everything that's coming to theaters and TV screens in the future. Have a movie or TV show that you're jazzed for? ReelTime will keep tabs on when you'll be able to watch it. You can even customize how you want to watch it, too — no interest in going to a theater but want to know when a new movie will hit iTunes? No problem, ReelTime has the answer! Find How to Watch Movies and TV Shows: Powered by JustWatch, ReelTime can show you how and where to watch the content that you're looking for. Missed a movie at the theater? ReelTime will tell you how you can watch it in the comfort of your own home. ReelTime is a free download and does not require any in-app purchases or subscriptions. The app doesn't track you or collect any of your data, either. Note that you cannot watch movies or TV shows within the ReelTime app. Movie & TV show data is provided by and Library syncing is powered by ReelTime is not endorsed or certified by any of the listed services.

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