NotePlan - To-Do List & Notes Reviews

NotePlan - To-Do List & Notes Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-04

🏷️ About: NotePlan is an app that helps users plan their day, manage their to-do list, and organize their notes in one place. It is perfect for project managers, designers, researchers, writers, students, or anyone who wants to be organized and efficient. The app offers features such as Markdown support, #tags and @mentions for organization, flexible recurring tasks, bi-directional notes, review for staying on top of things, seamless integration with calendars, and customizable themes. NotePlan is available on Mac, iPhone, and iPad, and offers fast and private access to all notes.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

👿🤬😠 Negative experience

🙄💅🫥 Neutral

😎👌🔥 Positive experience

~ from NLP analysis of 849 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- Provides flexibility in note-taking and organization

- Allows for easy changes and jotting down of notes

- Functions to tag and date notes make it easy to find what you're looking for

- Markdown syntax and true sync capability between devices

- Developer consistently adds new and impressive features

Read 31 Customer Service Reviews 👿🤬😡😠💢😤

4.8 out of 5

Developer Limitation


*Responding the the Developer Response:*
I want to report back that i am in fact using the CloudKit sync option on across devices. I also happen to notice the that mentioned sync issue is also raised by others in your app review by zverhope and gop1334. I am not sure if this is your way to deflect the problem or a way to buy time in resolving the limitation and app maturity. I second my voice with the other reviewers on fixing the aforementioned issues. Thanks for the response and looking forward to a real fix!

*Original Review*
Poor technical implementation, NotePlan in itself shows great concept on the productivity category. However, a lot of the sync, sort feature are actually rather basic. Mentioning a few of the annoying parts of the application, among them: new notes is only in a single designated location, inconsistency sync between devices bringing old folder structures and notes back, lag from url pasting and other daily qualm. From an expectation point of view for a productivity app, NotePlan just make it annoying for the user once they invested time into it.

Expensive and have to buy the app on mobile separate


GOOD but Expensive and have to buy NotePlan on mobile separate

Another subscription-ruined app.


Entirely too expensive for what it does. $60 annually.

Especially considering the previous iteration was a $30 one-time cost.

What does this do better than Agenda for more than twice the price?

I’d be happy to subscribe at $20-$30 annually. $60 seems greedy.

Note-taking apps are a dime-a-dozen. Pricing is just as important as feature set. If you can’t compete on price, someone else will earn your user base.

Perfect for what I’ve been looking for


Just what I wanted for a long time. Sure there are a few things that aren’t working yet like being able to open PDFs and other links on iPhone that were created on Mac.

I haven’t been able to get bold or other formatting to work on iPhone but I don’t really care about that.

For the most part this is wonderful and it all syncs between devices.

And, too me, worth the subscription.

Best app on my phone!!


I have tried many methods to help me stay organized but, I always ended up shuffling through them for a variety or reasons. The biggest problem I had with other apps was the lack of flexibility. They were too rigid & didn’t allow me to easily make changes or jot things down. NotePlan3 has given me everything I was looking for and more! I use it for staying organized day-to-day but also long term. With functions to tag and date notes, it is never difficult to find what you are looking for. I also love the ability to have NotePlan on my phone & laptop. I always have access to my schedule & notes. Another bonus is the user interface. It is very sleek and functional. It is user friendly & efficient while having the ability to customize it. 100% will be recommending NotePlan to everyone!!

The Ultimate Digital Bullet Journal


I stumbled across NotePlan over the summer when I was looking for a way to create a digital bullet journal that actually worked the way my brain wanted it to. I hopped on the beta for this version and haven't looked back since. this app 3 is the perfect tool for those who are looking to create a digital Bullet Journal.

NotePlan is the perfect blend of notetaking, tasks/reminders, and calendar events.

Both innovative and intuitive


The markdown text files, the note/task cross linking, the tagging, and the calendar integration are exactly what I’ve been looking to find for years. Brilliantly put together. The flexibility has a productivity “power user” vibe that may not be for everyone (you’ll want to have an idea about how you want to structure your notes) but for my needs - embedded tasks in notes that are calendared and cross referenced - it’s perfect. Happy to support the dev! Keep it up!

An Island of Calm in the Rough Seas of Productivity Apps


I've tried a dozen apps that are great in one way or another, but this app did the best job at bringing so much to the table while remaining clean-looking with just the right features to really help with my productivity.

this app 3 took the appearance and functionality to the next level and all the right choices were made. It's still a simple interface but the integration is top-notch and the features are easily accessible and remain relevant to the core concept. It's a hit, and well worth the subscription.

I just hope that this app doesn't suffer in the future from feature bloat. Keep improving integration and focus on maintaining a clean and straightforward interface.

Did I mention that Eduard is a real champ for being generous to existing users? Thanks, Eduard!



After trying so many (and all of the most-known) apps, I’ve finally found exactly what I need—a simple and fast way to keep track of tasks/reminders, projects, and notes. You have to love the markdown and local files, and the sync is super speedy. The backlinks in this update are just a bonus. It’s well worth the cost for any serious professional.

The Best Calendar-Organizer


This is the best calendar-organizer I’ve ever used on a computer. It is easy to use, fast, and convenient. It’s also easy to reschedule tasks from one day to another. I give this software an A rating — with two thumbs WAY up.

Almost everything I want in a note/task manager


It is hard to imagine a better implementation of a combination note manager and task planner than this app 3. I've been using the beta version for several weeks. I love it. It incorporates many of the linking advantages of apps like Obsidian and Roam Research and puts them into a highly functional task and note management suite.

Worth it


As a developer myself, I recognize and appreciate the work that has gone into NotePlan.

Depending on your current workflow, this may or may not be a perfect solution .. but if it is, you’ll never think twice about the cost.

Talk about frictionless


NP3 is just a joy to use. After working with it for an hour, I said good bye to my previous productivity app. NotePlan is so well designed, congrats to the developer and I'm looking for more great items in the near future.

Best app I've found in a very long time!


this app is the only app that I literally open more than 25 times a day. It transforms my daily phantasmagorical soup into clarity and order. I absolutely love it. NotePlan3 is sheer brilliance.



one of the only things that makes managing grad school feel possible.

Excellent productivity app


I’ve tried just about every productivity app and method out there, but found most to be lacking.

this app’s functionality really works for me. The mix of note taking and productivity is great, but the diy nature of NotePlan and the use of user accessible markdown files to store your information is what really sets NotePlan apart. It’s probably not for everyone, but it’s definitely perfect for me.

And the developer is awesome and really cares about NotePlan.

Noteplan is my brain extension


this app is an easy to use bullet journal, but so much more. It integrates notes, to-do, reminders, and calendar better than any other tool I've tried. I can easily jot notes wherever I am. The tasks embedded within the notes then automatically appear in my review list to tackle when I'm back at my desk. Everything is connected. I used to do this by hand in a paper engineering journal and manually transcribe tasks. this app has increased my personal productivity and helped me stay focused and not forget important follow up.

Eduard has provided extremely useful new features in every update, making this app more valuable every day.

Great app with an exciting future!


I used to manage my notes and tasks in another app whose name I won't mention here. It served a lot of my needs well, but over the years, I started to need a bit more. However, and in spite of the fact that they had a full team together, the pace of their development began moving at a glacial pace. After looking around a bit, I found this app and I'm in love. It comes with all of the features I believe should be standard in a note-taking app this day and age, and it even adds some exciting features I didn't even know would be helpful. What's most important, however, is that this app's developer seems to take his app very seriously and has singlehandedly added new and impressive features to this app on a consistent basis. I'm glad to be on Team this app and I look forward to what comes next!

The digital Franklin planner I have been looking for


Before the tech age, I relied on the Franklin planner to keep myself organized. You could keep notes by day and also in general so I always had a place to jot down something that happened that day and find it later easily without needing special notebooks. this app is the first app that provides the same utility — I can even quickly copy a chat from a Zoom meeting for later reference into my daily notes. The availability of Markdown syntax, ease of use, and true sync capability between my devices makes this my go to app. One feature I hope is added soon is the ability to mark off time on iOS devices as well rather than only on Mac.



I have been with this app almost since its beginning. I was searching for a way to merge my Calendar and Reminders with a Task list. Not only does this app do this, but it merges Evernote too. You get everything in one, at one glance. It is so easy to use, and keeps getting easier and more powerful. The developer is responsive and helpful. I plan each day from a Daily Note, add ideas on the run to that Daily note while seeing my schedule at the same time, and can sort those ideas to the regular notes. And these ideas can be linked between the notes and the calendar notes. And you can search for anything! Don't hesitate, just jump in and start using it!

Great tool for productivity


Found NotePlan online when looking for an online planner/to-do list and have really enjoyed using it! It helps keeps me on track at work and at home. Both my spouse and I use NotePlan . Love that it can sync with iCloud for calendar and reminders and that there are apps on iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Everything is able to sync effortlessly so no matter what device you have/are using your information is there. People might complain about the price, but there isn’t a device limit, is replacing a paper planner, and this product is really helping me get things done, so no complaints about paying for NotePlan . Thank you and keep up the great work with developing this!

An amazing app with a great developer behind it


I used this app 2 and then stopped because there were some things it wasn't doing for me. this app 3 has filled those gaps, and now I'm back!

This is a great tool for keeping track of all your things: Todo/task list, meeting notes, external brain, etc. Since everything is in Markdown, it's also easy to work with via other tools if you need, so it's very extensible.

And the support for this app is unique. Eduard is a responsive, friendly person who will work with you to help get things worked out! I've never had the types of conversations I've had with Eduard with any other paid app. It's like I'm a real person and not just a "customer" or "user".

At long last...


I have tried them all; currently using portions of day one, omnifocus, and microsoft to-do. But none of those had what I really wanted. I imagined an app where I could look at my day and grasp what I wanted to accomplish,not just in terms of tasks and appointments but also goals and some narrative of what I was meant to do on that day. FINALLY this is it. It's feature rich but not overwhelming. I understand that there is a lot more I could do with NotePlan but the tutorials, which are very well done, assume that I already understand backlinking and how to use it in a practical day to day fashion. I don't really get it. So hey, someone fill that gap please. Bottom line: The VERY BEST app I've ever used.

This is the one


I’m another one of those people who tries every productivity app but never find any of them “sticky”. Pagico, OmniFocus, Things, Todoist, Notion, Informant, … I have tried, and paid for, them all. Some of them are really good. But none good enough for me to stop searching for something better. I tried this app early on, saw enough promise to get this app 2, but it still wasn’t quite right, and then Eduard released this app 3 and it was just about perfect, and keeps getting better.

My multi-decade search is finally over; I haven’t felt the need for anything else this past year.

Awesome way to log things as you go!


Great app. Instant daily note system to input notes, info and to do items. Create seperate linked topic notes. Flow from daily notes, checkmark to do lists, time stamped into a daily calendar. Overall a solid workhorse that helps me oversee my day as I go. Knowing what I worked on this week and the ability to easily access pulling to do items forward. It's kind of like a virtual day planner that keeps track past items.

An excellent, flexible app


This is absolutely my favorite discovery of the last few months - a flexible app that allows me to do everything from plan my tasks for the day to sketch out projects, all with an easy to use but powerful linking system. Better yet, its use of plain markdown files is the ultimate in portability. I never thought I'd be able to give up Things, but I've finally made the leap and haven't looked back!

A great option for people to use as a digital bullet journal or even in conjunction with analog tools, and active development means the feature set is expanding all the time.

Genuinely life-changing.


If you're someone who thinks by writing, and conceptualizes your work in terms of days, weeks, and months, honestly just download this app, and dig in.

It has a unique perspective in the task-management/personal knowledge management/calendar/planning space, and just holistically brings everything in your life together.

this app has tamed the chaos in my life, and made it possible for me to:
- Quickly capture thoughts when they come up
- Triage
- Plan, both short and long-term
- Keep notes on the dozens of projects I have running, and know what's happening when I cycle back.

And most of all:
- Find ANYTHING. I mean anything.

I have life pre-this app, and life post-this app. Anything that post-this app, I can find and reference. Every time. Without trouble.

Every once in a while, a genuinely game-changing piece of software comes along. If this app fits how you think, it will change your life.

Great note taking app!


I initially used version 2 and found it to be intriguing but not as useful. When v3 came out, I was blown away. Not only is the new version a vast improvement, but the developer is constantly pumping out updates with the help of a community on Discord and Reddit. Currently, I don't use NotePlan because I have had to cut down on the number of apps I subscribe to. That said, I really like the way the UI and UX of NotePlan . I love how easy it is to keep track of tasks and move them to the next day or other dates.

Awesome app


I have been using NotePlan for nearly a year now and am just blown away by it.
Within a few days into the trial, I signed up for an annual subscription.
NotePlan is fast, syncs instantaneously and works well across all devices - Mac, iPad and iPhone.
There have been constant improvement and new features/enhancements rolled out making this a very compelling and go-to app from productivity standpoint.
The dev (Eduard) is very responsive, actively listens to feedback and quite helpful - supporting such wonderful a developer is nice.



I’ve been all over the place with planners. Notion/Physical/Digital/Bujo. I actually use NotePlan for notes and planning. I did *not* want another sub on my plate, but I will keep this unless the price goes up and then... who knows; I’ll resign myself to Apple Notes or Google Keep I suppose.

If it helps, I chose this over Amplenote, bc even though I like how they handle reminders, NP3 was a dollar cheaper a month and plays well with Obsidian... which I use bc I can’t afford Roam.

Bottom not be intimidated.

The Goldilocks of planners


A good balance of freeform and structure. I’ve used TaskPaper, which is all text/markup, and plenty of rigid GTD apps, but this app feels like the “just right” synthesis of the two.
I really like being able to create my own documents separately from calendar driven to-do lists, and that even the calendar pages allow note-taking.
The Markdown editing implementation is among the best I’ve used. Markup characters don’t clutter the text normally when reading, but show up when I edit.

Is NotePlan Safe? 🤗🙏

Yes. NotePlan - To-Do List & Notes is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 849 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for NotePlan Is 24.4/100.

Is NotePlan Legit? 💯

Yes. NotePlan - To-Do List & Notes is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 849 NotePlan - To-Do List & Notes User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for NotePlan Is 56.9/100..

Is NotePlan - To-Do List & Notes not working? 🚨

NotePlan - To-Do List & Notes works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Information 💸🤑💰

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

NotePlan offers a single subscription for all devices, which includes access to all features and updates. The subscription is priced at $14.99 per year and may vary by location. The subscription will be charged to the user's credit card through their iTunes account and will automatically renew unless canceled at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. Users can manage their subscriptions in the App Store Account Settings.

How was your experience with NotePlan - To-Do List & Notes? Post a Review


- Plan your day by seeing your calendar, notes, and tasks in a single view

- Create tasks and notes quickly with Markdown

- Add #tags to organize tasks and notes

- Use @mentions to find people

- Reschedule to-do items easily

- Create flexible recurring tasks

- Work faster with autocomplete

- Create your own network of notes

- Organize notes in any way you want to

- Bi-directional notes: link your calendar and your notes in any direction, automatically

- Cross-reference and link notes easily

- Search all tasks and notes, instantly

- See all open tasks with the click of a button

- Get a list of overdue to-do items

- See upcoming tasks at a glance

- Create custom filters with your own queries using status, #tags, @mentions, or even text

- Create events and reminders right in NotePlan

- Support for iCloud, Google, and Exchange calendars

- Time-block tasks on your calendar simply by typing

- Sync everything between your Apple devices

- Use any sync method you like: CloudKit or iCloud Drive

- All your notes are stored in plaintext so you're never locked in

- Your information is private and cannot be accessed

- Choose from a variety of built-in themes

- Work with light or dark versions

- Create your own custom theme

- Extended Markdown syntax support with customization options

- Move around without ever leaving the keyboard

- Find everything with the Global Command Bar

- Long-term roadmaps and customer feedback-driven development.

  Customer Service/Support
Eduard Metzger