I have used almost every fitness app out there, but LADDERStrengthTrainingPlans, without question, is the best fitness app you will find. The coaches are so good at creating programs that are challenging, different, fresh, tall while creating great results. The coaches are also very charismatic, which is a huge plus! I follow most on social media and they’re a lot of fun! I gifted this to my pops (60) for Christmas, and he’s loving it too. I can’t wait for Sunday evenings to see what my week is going to look like. I’ve done Coach Sam and ReignTrain, both have given me exactly what I was looking for and appreciate the attention to detail each put into the program. You can tell they aren’t just throwing workouts together, they have so much intentionality in their programs. Having access to so many great trainers is great too, because it allows the coaches to create programs that aren’t one size fits all like most fitness apps strive for; instead, it’s “here’s the goals my programs will help you achieve.” Lastly, you feel a part of a community. Everyone, not just the coaches, are encouraging and motivating. LADDERStrengthTrainingPlans has found the best balance of technology, social, and fitness that’s out there. I’ve counted, I have tried over 50 apps this past year, and without question, this is the best one. I don’t even own an iPhone, I use my wife’s old phone just so I have access to LADDERStrengthTrainingPlans. Great work everyone involved, and thank you!