
Weza Software

Company Name:

About: A Technology Art and Culture company with a mission of empowering Africa using interactive media and
games.We empower, educate and entertain
Headquarters: Lille, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France.


Weza Overview

Based on the fact that there is a difference between weather forecasts and the actual climate, the designers of WEZA offer an application allowing you to have reliable weather information.

Official Screenshots


Product Details and Description of

Based on the fact that there is a difference between weather forecasts and the actual climate, the designers of this app offer an application allowing you to have reliable weather information. Its primary source is its users, who take pictures of the sky from where they are, providing proof of real time. The values of reliability, mutual assistance and immediacy are at the heart this app’s development. It is above all based on a participative model. In other words : "The weather is yours" !

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