Extremely simple layout and easy to just jot down a quick thought or use it to layout a plan for your week!
Large text with it’s simplistic design doesn’t overwhelm the user. It’s not like opening my iPhone calendar or reminders apps where there are so many categories and you have to specify if you want it to actually remind you or else it will sit in there never to be thought of again.
ADHD/ADD friendly (for my mind but everyone is different).
Regular occurrences in my mind are: Something you need to remember to do in a day pops into your mind at a random time/place. But I don’t want to scroll through a calendar, get mixed up on the number date, pick a specific time for it to appear, etc. In my mind all those customizable details makes adding something way to complex to even want to do it (I would rather write a shorthand note on paper and carry it around wherever I go.).
All I do is open SmartTasks , the next 7 days will appear in a list, press the big green “+”, type what just popped into your head, pick the day that you want to see it visually listed under, then click the big green “Add”. DONE.