Best in Class!
• Freemium offer is fully functional (especially important for non-profits). This allows for rapid scaling out to those who have limited project tasks, while paid options allow core team members to go beyond the 250 tasks, 6 Project freemium limit. (I suspect that many freemium users try will find app so helpful they will buy into paid options and share this tool with other orgs that need it).
• Urgent, Important, Priority, Reminders/Review, Task Description/Note, Context filtering, Duration, comments, Attachments, Timeline, Subcribers/People RACI, subprojects, and Progress in combination allow the best in class combination of task features available with a freemium option.
• Kanban, Mind Map, hierarchy, List, Next Action, Urgent and Important, By Duration, Project Dashboard, Urgent, Important, Prioritized, Repeating, and Everything views provide a best in class easy access perspectives on work. You can drill down into Flagged, Upcoming, Running, Overdue and so many other custom options.
• Purchase: no subscription hook! I don’t mind paying for additional feature sets as needed, but having to pay a subscription to keep things going is really a one sided business relationship. Kudos Taskfabric!
• Need option to select which iOS calendars show. Project managers manage multiple calendars and you don’t need all to show (e.g. birthday calendar for 5k contacts distracts from important appointments in Next Actions view)
• No spell check!
• Extensive feature set needs more documentation. They have basic FAQs, but more is needed for first time users. A day in the life view with a narrative on best practices would also be a great supplement.
• Automation - Apple will hopefully bring back some variant on Apple Script or Automation which you can integrate with. Until then, IFTTT and Workflow have lots of options that could be launched by task. It would also be nice to select articles or text and to create a task from them. While you can do that via email, the Action menu available in all apps in is the cleaner option.
• Links in addition to attachments. Especially now that there is a iOS Drive file system that goes to cloud services, it would be good to pick the file and have a link, instead of a copy that may be outdated shortly.