You can choose between the monthly access and yearly access to Yoi Premium, which guarantees you access to all premium cover letter and resume templates.
Yoi uses optional subscriptions, but also offers free, high quality resume and cover letter templates.
You and me have all been there: There’s this one job you have in the back of your mind, but updating your resume, opening the word processing software and manually editing every single line of your resume takes hours and after your long day at work, you think of finally doing it the next weekend.
With numerous templates and a system, that provides different compelling wordings for your cover letter for you to choose from, we want YOU to succeed and get that dream job that you deserve.
At Yoi, we know how busy you are in everyday life, so we’ve made it easy for you to create a tailored CV and cover letter within seconds, so you can apply right NOW, whether you are in your lunch break or at your dinner table.