Wow - DO NOT UPDATE! What was once a necessary app has now become a necessary evil. Impossible to read ANYTHING, the type is so small. And I have the largest iPhone screen Apple makes. FroedtertMCW used to be incredibly easy to use and simple to navigate and see at-a-glance everything you needed. Now it’s cluttered with too many tiny little icons and even tinier type, rendering it impossible to locate anything necessary. Log-in is cumbersome. I don’t want to sign in with Facebook or Google. All they do is farm my info. I VALUE MY PRIVACY. I can’t even figure out how to get into an upcoming appointment so I can pre-register. I no longer want to use FroedtertMCW . Sad, because it is necessary for my health. It’s an ugly, horrible, useless tool. So much for pre-checking in. Can’t read the type it’s so small. Can’t read notes or any directions for the same reason. Also - FroedtertMCW can now only be logged into by tapping on a link through an email from Froedtert; it cannot be logged into via tapping on FroedtertMCW itself. That refuses your current log-in information and instead asks you to create a new account. I am NOT going to go through that again. Ridiculous. If you’re smart, you revert to the previous format. That was a piece of cake, and fully functional.