OSCART-北美网购首选Asian groceries

OSCART-北美网购首选Asian groceries Software

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OSCART 北美网购首选Asian groceries Overview

What is OSCART 北美网购首选Asian groceries?

Oscart is an e-commerce platform that provides good deals for Chinese immigrants and students in the United States. The platform offers a variety of products, including snacks, beauty products, home appliances, and more. It aims to provide a one-stop-shop for all the needs of Chinese immigrants and students in the US. The platform offers a range of features, including product search, browsing, purchasing, payment, collection, reviews, sharing, logistics, and history record queries.


- Membership discounts on every product

- Multiple payment options, including WeChat Pay, Stripe, PayPal, and credit cards

- Daily special discounts, flash sales, and free shipping for group purchases

- Monthly member day welfare activities with discounts on all products

- Product recommendations, user reviews, and sharing

- Free trial opportunities for new products

- Exclusive cooperation with popular brands and products

- Timely updates on fashion trends

- Subscription reminder service for out-of-stock products

- Customer service available from Monday to Saturday

- Various discount activities, including discounts on purchases, buy-one-get-one-free, discount codes, coupons, and free gifts for likes and shares

- Free delivery for orders over $45

- 30-day return policy

- 4-10 day delivery

- New products added every day.

Official Screenshots


Product Details and Description of

Oscart是一家为美国华人提供好deal的网购平台,致力于让海外的华人移民、留学生无论是身在创业氛围极浓的洛杉矶、湾区、西雅图 华人聚集的纽约、旧金山、波士顿,还是偏远的达拉斯、休斯顿、佛罗里达 人人都无需漫长的转运 通过游戏化的体验 轻松享受到在家淘宝、淘好货、剁手的乐趣。平台具有商品搜索、浏览、购买、支付、收藏、点评、分享、物流、历史记录查询等在线功能。通过有效整合中国、日本、韩国、欧洲、美国、澳洲等全球优质供应链 精选实用、高性价比的商品。致力于打造以家庭生活消费场景为核心的全品类精选商品(包括零食、美妆、家居、母婴、小家电、票务、旅游等)及无忧服务 通过平台化运营 优化供应链、仓配物流、IT 系统、客服、售后等一站式服务 提供无需囤货、安心分享、轻松购物、乐趣多多的环境。 ·30天无忧售后 ·4-10个工作日送达 ·5000余款自营商品 ·每日上新 产品特色: 1. 注册即刻享受会员折扣 每个商品享受会员价 2. 支持微信支付、stripe、paypal、信用卡支付 3.每天特卖折扣、秒杀、1件享包邮拼团 4. 每月18日会员日福利活动 爆款超实惠 全场商品齐打折 5.有好东西 北美种草指南 好物每日推荐 用户晒单评论 6. 潮流新品免费试用机会 7. 网红零食、明星护肤品、人气品牌独家合作首发 8. 时尚资讯及时更新 9. 缺货商品轻松订阅提醒服务 10. 贴心客服答疑解惑 售前售后轻松无忧 美西周一到周六早上9点至晚上18点 11.多样的活动折扣:满减、买赠、折扣码、优惠券、红包分裂、集赞免费领赠品 热卖商品: 1.特色(Specials):国货之光、抖音爆款、国内热门综艺同款、日韩明星种草推荐、故宫合作款 2.美妆个护(Beauty):面膜、染发剂、眼影、国潮彩妆 3.亚洲畅销小零食(Snacks):火腿肠、泡椒凤爪、螺霸王螺蛳粉、勾魂米线、元气森林、泡椒凤爪、老干妈、王饱饱、李子柒 4.华人必备小家电(Electronics):北鼎养生壶、电饭煲、九阳豆浆机、面条机、肠粉机、小米智能小家电、skg颈椎按摩仪 5.教育(Education):考拉知道中文线上教育课程 6.旅游(Travel) 微信服务号1:Oscart北美华人超市 微信服务号2:OSCART北美省钱购 Facebook、youtube、instagram:oscart_official 微博、小红书、抖音:@ oscart 官网:www.oscart.com Email: [email protected] Oscart.com is a new Asian food, cosmetics, electronics, and home goods e-commerce site founded in Los Angeles, California in 2019. We aim to provide the best product deal for Asians in America without worries about a long-time transfer. We have thousands of Asian snacks, beauty products, and home appliances from South Korea, Japan, Thailand, China, and other Asian countries. Just like a shopping mall. ·Free delivery over $45 ·30 day return policy ·4-10-Day-delivery ·New products every day

Top Reviews

By Atoria Redrupnz


非常不错滴选择,Review later,Seriously you won’t regret it ;0.

By Gerron Grimbleyrwtz


As an international student, Oscart is really convenient.

By Rayanna Addekinktewb


Love doing business with you guys

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