About: Marti is a micromobility company in MENA and Eastern Europe
Headquarters: Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey.
Listed below are our top recommendations on how to get in contact with MARTI: TAG & Scooter. We make eduacted guesses on the direct pages on their website to visit to get help with issues/problems like using their site/app, billings, pricing, usage, integrations and other issues. You can try any of the methods below to contact MARTI: TAG & Scooter. Discover which options are the fastest to get your customer service issues resolved..
The following contact options are available: Pricing Information, Support, General Help, and Press Information/New Coverage (to guage reputation).
Contact e-Mail: [email protected]
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: 🌍 Visit MARTI Website
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Developer: Martı Teknoloji
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In order to start using the app to ride a scooter you first need to verify your profile. The verification, however, doesn’t seem to work at all if you’re not a Turkish citizen. They have a form where you can upload your passport photo and information but after trying for at least twenty times in the past two weeks, I am still unable to verify my profile. The same error message shows every time.
I notified their support about my issue but got only a one line response in return: “upload passport in app”. They didn’t even try to understand my issue or offer any helpful advice. And now they don’t answer my follow-up emails.
Save yourself the trouble and use other user-friendly scooter services available in Istanbul (hint: the red ones and yellow ones are great and very easy to use).
by 3712119
For international people, you should be carefully to use, I click to register but the company did not sent me any confirmation, the agreement is only in Turkish language, I do not know what they are talking about, but I am stuck to receive their confirmation and email them my problem but no response for 24 hours!!! I see people use it, but it is not reliable for me yet without a good customer service and WhatsApp number to follow up,
by Asaburub
When I pick up a scooter that doesn’t work, you take your money for two unused minutes and don’t give it back to me, this is stealing.
When I try to park the scooter next to other Marti scooter and your application doesn’t accept it for ten minutes, then you did t only steal my time that I was trying to save by using a scooter, you also stole money.
If your service say they can’t help with those issues why do you have them?!???
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