Notes Writer Pro 2024 Reviews

Notes Writer Pro 2024 Reviews

Published by on 2024-09-01

About: You have lecture notes to take, a story to tell, article to publish, whether
it’s today’s journal entry, tomorrow’s thesis, highlight important things
in ebooks and PDFs, fill out a PDF form or get the most from your business
meetings. Notes Writer is an excellent assistant in study and business, also
being effective for writing down your ideas and thoughts and sharing
them! Students, teachers, writers, doctors, journal.

About Notes Writer Pro 2024

You have lecture notes to take, a story to tell, article to publish, whether it’s today’s journal entry, tomorrow’s thesis, highlight important things in ebooks and PDFs, fill out a PDF form or get the most from your business meetings.

Students, teachers, writers, doctors, journalists, scholars and business professionals use Notes Writer daily to store notes, annotations, memos, signed PDFs, papers, highlighted PDF text-books, lectures and more.

Notes Writer is more than an innovative, fast and reliable note-taking, PDF annotator and writing app designed for anyone who take notes or writes.

· Split view: Open two PDFs or handwritten notes simultaneously on screen.

· Create notebooks and projects in your own tree-like structure: Sections, Classes, Lectures, Grades, Drafts, Folders, Chapters, Research, etc.

· Full PDF reader and manager included for reference files, text books, ebooks, articles, resources, papers, etc.

· Use the camera of your iPad/iPhone to scan documents, notes, recipes, tickets, etc.

· Convert to multiple formats RTF, Markdown, PDF, ePub, HTML, RTFD, TXT, etc.

This is a smart notepad and writing workspace for your iPad and iPhone.

· Live counters: characters, words, sentences, lines, Avg.

· Extra keys: tab, forward delete, cursor up/down/left/right, etc.

· Fill out forms.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 2,651 combined software reviews.

220 Notes Writer Pro 2024 Reviews

4.6 out of 5


What a team “NotesWriter Pro and its Developers “

I’m so very impressed! I suffer from insomnia so at 5:00am Arizona time I downloaded the new update. I was actually excited because I see great things in the horizon from this team. Well, I was sorta hit in the gut when I fired up the application and it immediately shut down. I took action and sent a text to Zendesk, not because of my disappointment but because I could tell by their program description they were very excited also about the release. To my surprise dialogue started immediately ( don’t know where they’re located but maybe they’re early birds) I sent a description of the problem and photos. I sent them so much I thought they would block me, lol. Well this went on for most of the early morning and by now I figured they had to be on break, sleep or eating but was I surprise when I found the new update proudly sitting in the Apple Store this afternoon. NO! I don’t normally write reviews or anything else this long but they truly deserve all the credit I can bolster, I’m sticking with this team!

Thank you so much for standing behind your words!


Very Disappointed

I have been a customer since you began with NotesWriter. Since then I have updated to every new version that has come out. When you started with NotesWriter it was without a doubt the best app of it’s type available. But now and for some time there have been problems with saving a file, with moving a file, and with even moving from one version of the notes apps to another. It has been frustrating to say the least how you started with the very best product available and each time you’ve added or upgraded, NotesWriterPro2024 has suffered a degrading of abilities and become less reliable. I have put up with this and worked as hard as I can to overcome but it is past time for me to let you know that by continuing to make this more and more capable of different things in different abilities you have diminished the services of what you started with. In other words perhaps too much of a good thing reduces what you already had by cramming too much into it. I truly hope there is a way for you to return to the quality you had and the reliability you had with the first. I have faithfully paid you each time for the upgrade only to find that it was not an upgrade but a downgrade. I would be satisfied if I could just have the very first product that I bought which did everything that I, and I am sure most of your users were satisfied with, but you seem to have made that unavailable. What a shame. It was perfect for wordprocessing and writing sermons and manuscripts.


Fantastic app!!

I have been taking a training course that references PDF documents with 300 to 400 pages each. While the instructor makes a presentation, I need to quickly highlight text and images on the corresponding (password protected) document, and annotate it with commentaries and diagrams. At times I need to take a picture of a complex diagram that the instructor draws on the board and insert it into the PDF. Notes Writer allows me to do all that, and presents me with a multitude of editing options that I use to adjust and revise my notes after class.
I reported to the Studio 5 Team a couple of small usability issues and suggested some enhancements to NotesWriterPro2024 . I was surprised by the immediate same-day courteous reply addressing my issues, but more so when two weeks later two of my suggested enhancements had been added!
When I initially searched (about two months ago) the internet looking for best-in-class apps of this type, Notes Writer did not come up on any of the lists. I find this very strange because the competing apps that are listed appear to be inferior. Go figure...


Poor customer service

I have the old Notes Writer on my old IPad Pro. I purchased a new IPad Pro and the old app transferred when I set it up, but then it wouldn’t open on my new Ipad. It shows it is there but just blips open and closed. So I was dumb enough to pay for the Notes Writer Pro thinking this would fix everything. I upgraded on my old Ipad to the pro from within the old Notes Writer thinking the files would just switch over. No such luck. I have written several times for help & after a week, they might get back to me and give me instructions that get me no where. I have begged for help and the things they tell me to do don’t go to the screens they say it does. I have even reloaded my new Ipad in hopes that would work but it doesn’t. I would really like to get my money back on the Notes Writer Pro since it is obviously useless to me and no one wants to help. If they would just call or give me a number to call so I could tell them what shows up on my screen where they are saying something else should be showing up so we can figure out the problem. I don’t recommend upgrading. I am going to have to go to a different program and just copy and paste all my documents since you can’t get help with NotesWriterPro2024. I have been using it for years and never had a problem before.


Amazing app with continuous horizontal scrolling

This is the only note taking app on NotesWriterPro2024 Store that has continuous horizontal scrolling. Neither GoodNotes nor notability nor any other app I know of has continuous horizontal scrolling — they can only show one page at a time in horizontal scrolling mode. Continuous horizontal scrolling alone makes NotesWriter the best note taking app for me, as it makes productivity so much greater on large devices like the 12.9 pro, where the ability to work on many pages at once is feasible. My only wish is that stroke erasing is added in a future update, then NotesWriterPro2024 would be perfect.


It’s the perfect app but...

NotesWriter has the potential to surpass GoodNotes and Notability in my eyes but it’s just missing a couple of things.

I’m constantly drawing diagrams for my engineering courses and it’s a hassle having to switch to the shapes tool. Instead, it would be great if I could just draw the shape and hold the pencil to create the shape.

Also adding a feature where you can zoom in on a specific area and still have the whole page available to look at.

Furthermore, it would be nice if I could format my notes like I would in LaTeX and still be able to use my pencil when taking notes. I really love the ability to include equations into my notes.

Plus having the ability to snap things would be great. For instance, if I’m using grid paper I would like to draw line along the grid so that it could snap onto it.

I find it annoying that when using the scissors tool it’ll include other pieces of my writing that I did not intend to.

Usually when I write my notes it’ll glitch out and cut out small pieces of the letters I wrote down. Like it’ll cut the bottom part of ‘t’ but when I switch to the eraser the bottom half reappears and disappears when I switch back to the pencil.

Maybe include the option to delete an entire line stroke. Including the option to switch back to the pencil after erasing would be nice.

By including these features and removing those bugs it will definitely make NotesWriter the most efficient note taking app on any device!


Good usage, but DELETES SOME NOTES??

I’ve been using this for about 2-3 months now, initially loved it because of the accessibility and the ease of using it. It auto-saves everything after you exit the page, you can open powerpoints and PDF and write over it, and I just enjoyed using it over all. However, for some reason, my notes from MANY documents were deleted and missing? I have no idea how this happened. I tried backing up the files because there were a lot of them in the trash which, i thought, maybe those were the deleted files—wrong. They were all just blank pages of the documents names that weren’t deleted. I tried to update NotesWriterPro2024 , since maybe that’s why it’s acting funky, closing NotesWriterPro2024 and reopening—none of which worked. Now, I’ve lost a LOT of my notes that were IMPORTANT and am anxious about using this again for anymore notes! I will be unsubscribing this because I pay for NotesWriterPro2024 and since there hasn’t been any solution to my problem, even checked online, I won’t be using this anymore for anything crucial. Disappointed.


Broken App

It looks like I will have to stop using NotesWriterPro2024 I paid for three versions ago. The last huge update has broken NotesWriterPro2024 on my iPad. I was LITERALLY importing a document when it crashed. It now force closes two seconds after I open it. I have contacted the developers several times, and their latest answer (after I installed two more updates) was to use it for a few days and see how it does. HOW DO I DO THAT WHEN IT DOESN'T OPEN? Luckily, I had linked it to my iCloud, so many of my documents are saved, but it didn't back up everything it was supposed to, so some things have been lost. I also can't open up the documents I made in NotesWriterPro2024 in any other app, so those are gone, too. I have given up, and am moving to Goodnotes 6. I am very disappointed, because it was a good app before they decided to break it, even though it did have its glitches.

Update: NotesWriterPro2024 is updated to the most recent iteration, and has been the entire time. It still closes immediately upon opening.


So disappointing

I have used NotesWriterPro2024 for years and I have a serious love hate relationship with it. But I am at the point where it has failed me so many times when creating important documents that I don’t think the organization aspect (which beats all other apps IMO) is worth sticking with NotesWriterPro2024 anymore. I have reached out to their customer support more than three times and have not heard back. I’m so disheartened by this. NotesWriterPro2024 doesn’t have a save feature to save your work as you progress and the backup feature that is setup doesn’t consistently update with the work that has been completed. I just lost two hours worth of writing because NotesWriterPro2024 crashed. Not having a save feature is a joke.

Update- this now happened two nights in a row despite additional safety precautions being taken (flattening, saving as pdf and then writing more).

NotesWriterPro2024 fails with consistent use. Once finals are over I will be seeking a different application.


Super Glitchy. It’s always freezing!

NotesWriterPro2024 has been great and I’ve been relying on it for all my note taking for my premed courses. However, after the last couple updates NotesWriterPro2024 has become increasingly glitch prone. It freezes on me regularly and forces me to close it and then reopen it without being able to save my work so everything after the last save is lost. Its super annoying and incredibly time consuming to have to re-write those notes all over again! Please fix this issue. I love NotesWriterPro2024 but if this continues I’m going to have to find a more reliable note taking app

UPDATE: 3/3/21
NotesWriterPro2024 is STILL super glitch prone, probably more now than before smh. I know its not my iPad because I have PLENTY of space... Notability is great and extremely relatable I have never had one issue with it, but it doesn't have all the features NotesWriter Pro does... Guys, people love NotesWriterPro2024, please fix this issue in your next update!


Note writer seems tremendous, but, it has some serious issues with just the simple stuff.

I’ve just lost a days worth of work because the auto back up is a fail. It repeatedly failed to save updated work. It goes white, completely blank and when it refreshes all your new additions are gone! There should be a visual save button instead so we know we have a current copy.
The migrating documents also failed. It would close when I got to the page where I select destination. The free version is even worse. If you have used the max files allowed it will block you from saving but triggers a pop-up to buy the latest version instead. It refuses to save or migrate any files to the new app even after deleting files in the old app! Stupidly unintuitive.
Upsetting when you trust it to hold onto your documents and then loses the latest version.


It was good and i liked it a lot.

But now it gets slow when i opened or wrote something. The pen feature was been changed. After using easer, the pen has changed automatically the pinned color on the top which was i did not use at the time. And also i hope there are more option to change the pinned color that i made myself. I do not like some pinned color a lot but as I mentioned before it has changed automatically pinned color I did not use after easer. So I have to go back to the color i used at that moment. During the class it is very annoying me a lot. And the other one is please add note feature while i was taking note from downloaded document. When i need to add note, I have to edit and every time.

Issued what I had were fixed but still some stuff do not like....


Very Buggy

Am dissatisfied. Buggy on iPad. When choosing to insert text, you have choices in the toolbar for Underline, Cross out, etc. It doesn’t work. And you cannot even BOLD text here. You have to actually do a regular text box for that. If I choose lined paper and want to insert text, in order to have text editing you MUST choose a text box option. It then inserts a solid white block with your text…this is put OVER your lined paper. ?? Also, I started some text and it was at 18pt. I changed to 20pts and it went to 48 pts!! I cannot get it to go to 20. Even if you try +1 increments, it jumps to 48pts. And when editing text, even if you have BLACK color chosen, it changes it to GREY??
Inserting photos is a crap shoot. When trying to resize, it squeezes the image, not resize. Leave the program, come back in and the photo is a different size!
For the expensive cost, NotesWriterPro2024 is poor. Not good.



I used to love NotesWriterPro2024 to the point that i shared it to all my friends. I used it to create a stationary & at first it was great, but then they removed the resizing of the vectors i added & i was left with crop only. Then my most recent problem, which is super annoying is that when I have a full page written & I want to go back & fix or delete or add a word the process to do so is so frustrating. Im giving a 3 star because I still like it but needs a lot of work. I dont get it it used to work before but with the updates it has gotten worse in my opinion, & I have the paid version.


Love this app!

Bought this as something to use with my Apple Pencil. And it works fantastically. My favorite part is that I can use different paper looks in the background. As a designer, this is priceless. I love being able to use graph and field note paper for accurate design. Plus the lined paper background make sure the page is neat and mimics real world writing.

Now, as for drawing, it is good for getting ideas down. It lacks opacity control and canvas rotation. In my opinion these are not deal breakers. I have other apps for drawing. Overall, this is worth my money. In fact, I use it everyday.


Useful App but could use some improvements


I have been using the notes writer app for several months now. I really enjoy it but I feel like there are some improvements that you could add to NotesWriterPro2024 to make its use much more effective.

1. Split screen should be able to toggle between top/bottom to right/left

2. There should be an ink setting that responds to pen pressure

3. Add the ability for NotesWriterPro2024 to read handwritten text so you can search for a handwritten word in a document

4. The colors that are available in the top right of the screen should be able to be customizable

5. For the feature that allows you to “add page after page __” there should be an option for that added page to be from a template

6. An added page’s format/template/features should be editable after adding it to a document

7. There is an app called Nebo and it has some excellent “shortcuts” for handwritten notes and it would be great to have those on your app as well

Thank you for creating such a useful app and I hope you will take some if not all of my comments into consideration.


NOT made to be used with digital pencils!!

I just bought this worthless app for $7.99 on the belief that because it CLAIMS that it was designed for “pencil, touch, mouse & keyboard.” However, when I installed it, neither my digital pencil would work nor could I write with the touch of my finger on the screen. NotesWriterPro2024 is a WORTHLESS PIECE OF JUNK and the developers LIED about the fact that it would work with TOUCH and PENCIL!! I WANT A REFUND and to see that this so-called “APP” is taken off the Apple Store!! I would give this “app” a 0 star if that was possible!!

Update: Just got notified that I had a “developer response” to my previous review. However, when I clicked on the notification, there was NO “developer response” listed. So not only have they LIED about what NotesWriterPro2024 could do, but they LIED about responding to my previous review and I HAVE YET to receive a refund for the money I wasted on this WORTHLESS APP!!


Best note taking app for the price!

I was struggling on deciding between Goodnotes and Notability. When I came across NotesWriterPro2024 and its free version. I tried out the free version and was ready to give the pro app a try. For the price, NotesWriterPro2024 can not be beat. It includes the best features you would find in either (goodnotes/notability) and then some. I highly recommend NotesWriterPro2024 for note taking, making lists, etc.
A fraction of the cost, with all the features? The support for NotesWriterPro2024 is also incredible. The team is constantly listening to its users and making adjustments.
Thank you Notes Writer Team!


Lots of Templates

I was testing note apps and was very pleased with most features. It has a larger amount of template/paper choices and the ability to use your own photos to customize the covers - and best of all - it’s not a subscription. I love that it’s like buying a physical notebook instead of having to pay monthly. I hate subscriptions.

Some things I’d like to see in future updates: A Ruler like the Blankbook app, a double tap undo, and a smoothing control for the tools. If it had these things, it would crush the other apps.



I am very impressed with your application and also admire the existing additions and diversity, but there are some things that I hope will be present in the next update, for example you create shapes using pen tools to work quickly, and also deal with the specific text without affecting the rest of the text inside the text box, and I can also add It is placed under the line and through it on any text on the page. I apologize if there is a mistake in some speech because my language is weak, thanks

Is Notes Writer Pro 2024 Safe?

Yes. Notes Writer Pro 2024 is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 2,651 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.6/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Notes Writer Pro 2024 Is 46.6/100.

Is Notes Writer Pro 2024 Legit?

Yes. Notes Writer Pro 2024 is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 2,651 Notes Writer Pro 2024 User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Notes Writer Pro 2024 Is 63.6/100..

Is Notes Writer Pro 2024 not working?

Notes Writer Pro 2024 works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

How was your experience with Notes Writer Pro 2024? Post a Review

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