Word Checker for Scrabble® Reviews

Word Checker for Scrabble® Reviews

Published by on 2024-09-30

🏷️ About: The app is a complete dictionary of words authorized by the official game of Scrabble®. It includes all accepted words, including feminine, plural, orthographic variants, and all conjugated forms. The app is easy to use and provides full definitions of words. It works offline and has a timer feature.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

🤬 Negative experience

😎 Positive experience

🫥 Neutral

~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 6,667 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- Fast and simple way to check scrabble results

- Succinct definitions add value

- Huge improvement over using Google searches

- Helpful for amateur players to learn new words and practice solo

- Easy to use for experienced players

- Provides definitions, making the game more interesting

Read 27 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.8 out of 5

Anything is a word if your the computer player


WordChecker is ridiculous. It validates words with no definition or it allows plural by adding a z instead of an s. BUT only if you’re the computer player. If I try it never once has it approve my word. Limit it to dictionary words and cut the crap. Wait, it gets better. I just tried the word “caff” and it allowed it defining it as “caf”. When I tried “caf” it said it was not allowed. This sight is worthless!

Not Impressed


This dictionary is not helpful when questioning a word played by the computer. Of course the word is allowed because the computer has access to this dictionary, but when a one word definition is provided to a really questionable word, it is often not an adequate or clear definition and the player has no further recourse in the game except to leave the game or to continue playing.

Effective but rough


WordChecker does what it claims but leaves a lot of roughness around the edges:

1. There’s no back button in the top left or ability to swipe to go back after setting the word list or online dictionary
2. The Return key has no function looking up a word. I’m forced to press CHECK, which is inefficient.
3. When the cursor is in the text field, there’s no way to hide the keyboard to, for example, switch to the timer. Maybe let me tap the empty space outside the keyboard to do so.
4. WordChecker would look cleaner with only three primary screens: Checker, Timer, Settings. Credits should be a subsection of Settings. Share should be moved to the Settings screen, too, and should use the standard Share glyph.
5. It’s odd that there’s a whole screen dedicated to advertising your other apps. Can you instead put a link in the Credits that goes to your developer page on WordChecker Store?

Confused - But no longer!


THANKS! I changed rating. It was not obvious to select a list. Maybe it should say “Word List Selected”. Other suggestions: Can the cursor automatically move to typing area and keyboard pop-up once “Checker” tab is selected? If not then typing area lower on screen.

Original posted review. What list is used to determine if a word is allowed? The description says it includes Collins (UK & international) and Tournament (US, Canada, Israel, Thailand)? There doesn’t appear to be differentiation in determining if a word is allowed. Both lists appear to be used to determine if a word is allowed. This makes no sense! I live in the US. Why would I want to use a word list that is not used in the US?.

Collins Dictionary Trumps This App 😡


I must revise my poor review after the developer immediately contacted and educated me that various dictionaries can be chosen in the settings of WordChecker . I haven’t used the new family agreed upon dictionary, but I certainly appreciate the developer’s attention and polite direction after my original negative review.

Original review: I lost a lot of points because a word not accepted in WordChecker was accepted in the Collins Dictionary which is the official dictionary of Scrabble tournaments

Works well but could be better


The only issue I have is when you tap the “X” at the right of the screen to delete the word you checked, It doesn’t always erase it. So then you have to hit delete on your keyboard a few times depending on how long the word is, to erase it. I hope they fix this issue

CS19 words


Good evening developer(s), you are doing fantastic work out there, however the CS19 words are not available on this new update as claimed, words like ze, ew, ok, bae, Trojan and the likes. We really appreciate your efforts for making this available & God bless

Best one


we tried several scrabble dictionary’s, and this is the best one we found.

Scrabble word checker


Great app
Use it every time we play... often



I play different word games and I need to check words fast and word checker finds my words fast.

Worth getting


WordChecker does what it is supposed to do simply and elegantly

Will pay not to have ads





Our family members enjoy playing Scrabble, and WordChecker. Is very helpful.



My mother loves WordChecker, when she makes up a word and checks it and is approved she gets so excited 😆 and I like using it to.

Great App


This is so much easier than having to look up every word in a dictionary. Plus this way I can prove that my words are legitimate much easier. #imlovingit

Scrabble word checker


I think it’s a very good app. When I play scrabble with my family it’s a big help. Since my vocabulary is a little small, it helps with definitions.

Great ap for scrabble word games!


So much easier than searching for each word, especially in a group party setting!

Love it


Player for years. Easy to use. Gives definitions which makes it more interesting. Does not completely match up with the dictionary used by WordFeud. But pretty close. Recommend it highly. Nice work

Love it


I’m an amateur. I played first time with my son. He’s good and to my amazement he used all this words that looked weird. But using an app he showed they were allowed. So, I got WordChecker and I’m practicing solo and next time thanks to this application I’ll be ready to show something.

Love it!


WordChecker is such a fast and simple way to check my morning scrabble results! Succinct definitions add to the value. Huge improvement over the google searches I used to use. Thanks for creating!

Awesome app

Ends all kinds of arguments. Enhances prowess and gives confidence.

Some works check out on android but not apples

My husband has an android I have an apple phone. Some words say they are okay for his but not mine.

Nice app for scrabble

I enjoy this very much and use it a lot.

Cool app

WordChecker is very useful. It makes playing scrabble more fun.

Nice & Easy

This is a nice app that is easy to use.


So freakin awesome


I love WordChecker!!!

Is Word Checker Safe? 🙏

Yes. Word Checker for Scrabble® is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 6,667 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Word Checker Is 33.4/100.

Is Word Checker Legit? 💯

Yes. Word Checker for Scrabble® is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 6,667 Word Checker for Scrabble® User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Word Checker Is 47.1/100..

Is Word Checker for Scrabble® not working? 🚨

Word Checker for Scrabble® works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Payments 💸

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by Justuseapp.com users..

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How was your experience with Word Checker for Scrabble®? Post a Review


- Fast word checking

- Easy to use interface

- Official SCRABBLE® word lists: NASPA Word List dictionary (NWL) USA, Canada, and Thailand, and Collins Word List - U.K. and International (with 2019 update)

- Timer feature

- Word length up to 15 letters

- No internet required (uses local dictionary files)

- Comprehensive definitions provided by The American Heritage Dictionary, Wiktionary, Century Dictionary, Collins Dictionary, and more.

- Not affiliated with the registered brand Scrabble®

- Users can rate and leave comments on the App Store

- Terms of Use and Privacy Policy provided.

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Fabien Maurice

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