Fresh Tri: Habits & Mindset

Fresh Tri: Habits & Mindset Software

Company Name:

About: engagedIN is a behavior design firm that specializes leveraging the latest behavior neuroscience
research to design for change & engagement
Headquarters: Felton, California, United States.


Fresh Tri Overview

What is Fresh Tri?

Fresh Tri is a habit-building app that helps users lose weight and eat healthier by adopting an Iterative Mindset™. The app allows users to choose food habits that they feel drawn to and practice them until they become automatic. Users can create a "Tri," which is a simple food or eating habit to practice each week. The app also includes daily check-ins, sharing intentions and gratitude on the feed, and weekly live mindset training sessions with nationally recognized health and wellness professionals.


- Habit-building: Users can choose food habits to practice each week until they become automatic.

- Iterative Mindset™: The app helps users adopt an Iterative Mindset™, which empowers them to keep going, no matter the obstacles or setbacks.

- Daily check-ins: Users can check in daily and get ideas for tweaking their practice or changing it up altogether.

- Sharing intentions and gratitude: Users can share their intentions and reflect on their gratitude each day on the feed in the Tri(be) section.

- Weekly live mindset training sessions: Users can join a live mindset training session once per week with a nationally recognized health and wellness professional.

- No tracking, measuring, or weighing: The app promotes a natural, sustainable, healthy lifestyle without the need for tracking, measuring, or weighing.

- No guilt, shame, or failure: The app removes the frustration, shame, and failure of dieting and encourages users to keep trying, tweaking, and trying again.

Official Screenshots


Product Details and Description of

Fresh Tri is a mindset- and habit-building app that helps you lose weight and eat healthier naturally — by removing the frustration, shame, and failure of dieting. With Fresh Tri, you'll gradually adopt an Iterative Mindset™ — a brain-science-based, test-and-practice mindset that empowers you to keep going, no matter the obstacles or setbacks. Iteration just means that you keep trying, learning, and tweaking your way toward results that matter to you. With Fresh Tri, you choose food habits that you feel drawn to, and practice them until they become automatic. How It Works You'll start by creating a "Tri," which is a simple food or eating habit to practice this week. (Each habit practice in Fresh Tri has been proven effective in clinical weight-loss studies, and shown to work in daily life!) Then, throughout the week, you will: (1) Check in daily. If things are going well, say so! And if not, that's OK too. Fresh Tri recognizes that relapse, or experiencing setbacks, is a normal part of the habit-change process. In fact, it's necessary! When you check in, you'll get ideas for tweaking your practice, or changing it up altogether. Either way, you're iterating your way to success! (2) Share your Intention and reflect on your Gratitude each day on the feed in our Tri(be) section. Intentions encourage expansive, creative thinking, while gratitude practices have been shown to measurably improve emotional and physical health. And by sharing with others (you can do so anonymously if you wish) you can inspire — and be inspired — by others in the community. (3) Join your live Mindset Training session in the app once per week. When you register for Fresh Tri, you'll choose an Expert from our team of nationally recognized health and wellness professionals — MDs, PhDs, RDNs and certified health coaches — to lead your weekly sessions. If you can't attend a session, join a different live session that fits your schedule, or watch past sessions at your convenience. As you practice new habits and train your Iterative Mindset, you achieve the natural, sustainable, healthy lifestyle you've always wanted. No tracking, measuring or weighing. No guilt, shame, or failure. Just trying, tweaking, and trying again. Or as we like to say, Iteration!

Top Reviews

By Kareena Garza

My motivation !

I am currently 8 months pregnant and could not feel healthier than I do now ! This application has been incredibly helpful in modifying my behavior and diet. I am now able to cut carbohydrate intake and continue to exercise 4-5 times per week at a modified pace considering my pregnancy. Before I began using this application my main weakness was the the inability to refuse the pastries and carb-filled lunches our patients and pharmaceutical reps would bring into our office . I am now able to take a step back and remind myself of my set motivation and goals. I highly recommend this application and continue to recommend it to all of my patients in my current practice .

By anniesebgar

Helped me actually form healthy habits

I have been wanting to make healthy changes but could never stick to it — until Fresh Tri. This app helps you pick a small behavior and guides you so that you keep trying until you find what works. In the end, I have found what works for me and I have been doing my new habit for a long time.

By SempaTara

Incredibly easy to use. Incredibly effective!

What a fantastic and simple way to help me do the things I know I should be doing! After just a short while, I’m finding that this easy-to-use app is helping me change my behavior in even more ways than intended! And I’m feeling better about myself!

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