Enel X Way Reviews

Enel X Way Reviews

Published by on 2024-10-07

About: JuicePass allows you to easily charge your electric car! You can access over
230,000 public chargers globally or also charge at home with your
JuiceBox. JuicePass is Enel X Way's mobile app that allows you to manage all
your electric or plug-in hybrid car’s charging needs from wherever you are.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 5,298 combined software reviews.

Read 67 Customer Service Reviews 👿🤬😡😠💢😤

2.7 out of 5

The old app was bad. This one is better and worse.


First off, I had to create a new account but it somehow still recognized my JuiceBox. This has got to be a security hole somewhere given how terrible the rest of the platform is. Second, EnelXWay definitely doesn’t feel like an intern made it anymore, but it does feel like nobody who uses EVSEs has ever tested it. It’s super confusing to set your plugged in % so that it smart charges. Did I successfully do that? I have no idea. If I don’t charge overnight, I won’t be surprised. Things that look tappable aren’t, and some things take you to unexpected places. I was excited that finally EnelXWay was replaced with something even partly decent, but unfortunately this is the same poor quality you’ve come to expect from EnelX, with a prettier UI library. I hope they fix this. Maybe have some UX interviews.



At the very least update the vehicle database to include cars from the past two years. The JuiceNet app has these vehicles but the newer app does not. What the heck? Here is the kicker, manually added the 2021 ID.4 but when charging it is listed as Audi Etron, this makes no sense what so ever. Don’t even know what to say otherwise, feels kludgy and not well thought out. Also, let us change how numbers are displayed, we use periods in the US for decimal amounts.

Quit asking to agree to your marketing terms of service and for a blasted credit card!! I have your home charger which does NOT require me to pay you to use it. Every stinking time I go into EnelXWay it makes go through this, so annoying!

Buggy app, can't even add payment if I wanted to


I want to use their pay-as-you-go charging stations and so I signed up for EnelXWay and have been trying to add a payment method but it takes all my credit card info, seems like it's working, and then nothing ever loads in my account and it asks me to add a payment info again.

These developers are shooting themselves in the foot if they have a bug that stops people from actually paying then money. Any other company would want to fix that right away, but it just goes to show you how much care/support you'll get from EnelXWay.

I'm literally trying to give them money and they are stopping me because their app is broken.

How bad is this replacement for the old app?


Pretty bad, to be honest.

Why? Slow transitions between pages (that is, you’ll click a button and be treated to a several-second-long spinner as EnelXWay loads remote resources. Maybe its really great on Enel’s internal network, or anywhere in Italy? But on this side of the Atlantic, it really feels like slogging through mud to use. It makes for great screenshots, but the usability is poor.

Also, am I the only one who doesn’t understand the JuicePass Global Network screen? On my iPhone 12 mini, it only shows the legend, with no map or other way to interact.

Poor CX


EnelXWay needs more work. Can’t edit personal info after you add it. Missing latest car info. Provides poor error messages. Times out often.

App is under condition all the time!


App is under condition all the time.
1- you do not have a single way to manage your wifi settings in EnelXWay.
2- it is Christmas Day of 2022, man! In EnelXWay you will Not have the option to choose 2022 Tesla Model 3 RWD as your EV. However EnelXWay requires you to choose your EV from their brilliant EV list.
3- for whatever reason, this JuiceBox Charger won’t allow me to charge my Model3. I have to unplug this “smart charger” from NEMA 14-50 outlet and use my Tesla Mobile Connector to charge my Tesla.
4- for what reason I cannot control this charger after I paid $700 to purchase it, I assume this charger is my personal property in my single family garage.
I can write more conditions about EnelXWay and Charger. But I think we already agree this brand has serious situation to fix!
I should buy Tesla Wall Connector instead. What a regret to buy this brand!

Not at all happy


EnelXWay is buggy and to name a few, it doesn’t allow me choose which vehicle I am charging out of 3 cars. Stuck with one of them. Customer support non existent. Wrong calculation for percentages of charging. It computes astronomical values. And many more to write.

Only thing that I use works fine is time-of-use

App is Unable to find my charger


The old app found my charger instantly. Once I switched to EnelXWay, no charger. I tried re-pairing it, logging out and back in again... nothing. I submitted a help ticket and got no response. So EnelXWay is useless.

UPDATE: I contacted the email address provided in the response to my review. I received a response a week later saying that I would have to call a local number in Italy because there is no number for US customers. It's just not worth spending any more time on this and I will be deleting EnelXWay .

They can’t be serious.


This feels to me like a huge step backward. It's sluggish to the point of non-responsive, counterintuitive, requires sign-in every single time I use it, and stopped charging at only about 85% (despite being set to charge to 100%). The scheduling is confusing (and only partly because it doesn't recognize my phone's Pacific timezone) and essential parts of the UI are barely noticeable or vanish completely. At first glance, it's prettier than Enel-X's EV JuiceNet app that I was using previously (and which is no award winner either), but under the skin it's a mess.

Unreliable and missing features


Apparently we’re being forced to use EnelXWay instead of JuiceNet now. Unfortunately, I can’t get most of the features in EnelXWay to work or they appear to be missing entirely. I can’t get any notifications, the screen for my home charger won’t load, and I see no way to set up time of use charging (a must have given I’m on an EV rate plan with my electric co for discounted during certain times). This is really unfortunate, and I’m concerned I’ll need to shop for another charger; and they aren’t cheap!

Worst app - they collect too much data


This whole app is meant to charge my car. The amount of data they are asking for is beyond ridiculous. A regular gas station wants your cash or credit card. EnelXWay wants to know your address, your NIE, etc Just why?

The government needs to put an end to companies asking you all this. The only reason why i gave it to them is because I am on Mallorca and charging an electric car there is really, really bad. You have no alternative.

Just not good


I want to like EnelXWay but it’s just not good yet. It’s incredibly slow to launch and authenticate. The UI has elements that aren’t intuitive at all and in some cases there are features that can’t be consistently accessed. On one occasion I did manage to access details showing the voltage, current, etc of my home charger, but I’ve never managed to figure out how to access those details again. I’m sure it could be a nice app with some serious work, but it’s not there yet.

The worst


Downloaded this accidentally instead of EV JuiceNet... it’s absolutely terrible. Does not go off your phone’s time zone so good luck scheduling your charge of “Time of Use”. Verification of email doesn’t work which is required to reset your password. Because I downloaded this I could not use the same email with EV JuiceNet. No delete account to fix this. Had to use different email account and change my JuiceBox’s ownership. Hours waisted seeing it up and finally realizing that it’s no hope. Don’t be fooled like I was. 0 stars!!

Literally the worst app I’ve ever tried to use


Just want to charge car at a hotel. Can’t add a payment method, it accepts the info and then does nothing. Can’t send a bug report — says “there was a problem with this action”. Can’t fix things with my account on the associated website using a computer. Keeps kicking me out and resetting in Italian. Horrific. Just awful. I can’t believe this company is still in business as they try so hard to deflect income.

Doesn’t work


I needed EnelXWay to work because there is a charger I wanted to use while traveling. However, I can’t get it to accept my American credit card in Europe. I tried making two types of accounts, but the North American account doesn’t show Europe chargers. I sent an email to support but received no response. I tried to make a third account but never received the confirmation email. I can’t call the Italian support number where I am at.

Zero Stars


Forced to EnelXWay because they retired our old app. We have an older Leaf that we like to limit charging to 80%.
Old app was so easy, set the current charge and the limit and go on about your day.
With EnelXWay, it just doesn’t work. I have tried setting before plugging in, I have tried setting after plugging in, the car will charge to 100%. Now we have to set a timer and estimate when to unplug the car.

More intuitive than before


This new app looks promising. Better user experience than previous app, still needs some work but they are going in the right direction

Updated review


It seems they are finally starting to iron out all the bugs. The miles are displayed correctly as well as kWh. Keep it up and EnelXWay will be perfect soon

Not worth your time


In short, EnelXWay is crap. The list of vehicles is very out of date. But worse, EnelXWay doesn’t allow for the set up of payment methods. And when trying to report an issue through EnelXWay , the message doesn’t get sent. I’ve got a lot of these chargers in my area. Disappointing that I won’t be able to use them.

This app is trash. Billion dollar enterprises like Enel should know better.


EnelXWay really works something like 2 times out of 10 times i try. Mostly always displaying error messages, bugs, crashes and whatnot preventing me to login and activate the recharge station or even check my charging status in the rare cases i manage to turn it on. I’m on iPhone 12 pro max.

Is Enel X Management Tone Deaf?


There are no shortage of issues that I, and other users, are experiencing with the forced move to this new app. I have to completely reset my Juicebox no fewer than 3 or 4 times a week because it just won’t charge my car when I plug it in. The Smart Charge “feature” doesn’t work at all as it will either start charging when it shouldn’t or won’t charge when it should.

Support tickets are going unanswered for weeks and it’s becoming apparent that Enel X has really messed up this migration. Just looking at EnelXWay reviews in the iOS and Google Play stores tells the story of how users were forced from an app that actually worked, to one that wasn’t even tested before being released and has rendered their hardware inoperable in many cases.

My frustration is directed to the Enel X leadership who made the call to force users to a non-functioning platform and app and since then, hasn’t said a word to address the concerns, one-star reviews, or very upset customers who spent hundreds of their hard-earned dollars on a product that essentially doesn’t work any more. And it’s unfortunate that they will not see this review as they sit in their offices giving themselves bonuses and patting themselves on the back instead of working to address the issues they allowed to happen.

Worst. “Upgrade”. Ever.


Enel replaced a perfectly fine app for home charging with this sloppy, undertested, buggy one that’s supposed to be the company’s new flagship interface. It’s a one star rating if you use an Enel charger at home and if you compare it to the JuiceNet app. Read these reviews to see all of the issues (everybody has the exact same gripes, a rarity for well designed and tested software). The scary thing is that charger performance has been affected as well. Now when I plug in, my EV’s display reads Charging Error and I get a solid red status light. This goes away after a minute or so and begins charging, but it means I have to stand there and monitor. That suggests the charger now doesn’t start until some sort of feedback is received from EnelXWay or from Enel, which is not what you want as a default process. What happens if Enel goes out of business or your wifi goes down? Your charger then becomes an expensive wall decoration. I now absolutely recommend against buying a JuiceBox, but the new app suggests that the company has decided to emphasize the public charging business model rather than worry about the home charging market. Bottom line: they simply don’t and will never care about all the complaints you read in these reviews.

App is Broken


Old app worked without a hitch. The new app has been a problem since day 1. First of all after it “migrated” my Juice box it completely lost communication. So I had to reconnect. Then EnelXWay showed two chargers both with the same serial number. And it lost all information about my car. I finally fixed it by deleting the old records for my charger. Now it seems that EnelXWay reports that the Kuice box is offline while at the same time it reports my car is charging. And the charge counter never resets. My charging session is reporting as being several days now despite having driven my car. My biggest gripe is that it no longer obeys the TOU changing schedule. In the old app I selected the electricity plan offered in my area and scheduled appropriately. Now it seems to have its own mind and I have to force charging because it thinks it’s outside the window of 9pm - 4pm. Granted it’s a weird timing that poorly developed software would have a problem with. And history charts often shows No Charger. Then if I wait and check again it will populate. Reached customer rep, put on hold for 16 minutes and then they hung up.

Horrible Conversion Experience


Was forced to upgrade to this Enel Way app from the previously fully functional app/cloud. The upgrade experience was horrible. It required an hour on the phone with tech-support in order to get my two chargers to show up in the new app/cloud. When I was forced to manually re-add my two chargers, the new app would not connect with either of them. Tech-support was able to move them from my old account to the new cloud account eventually after multiple attempts. Seems like EnelXWay /cloud migration project was a complete engineering failure without trials and prove out testing. The new app is also problematic in that it goes to black/gray locked up screen after turning off the charge now function. Must manually force EnelXWay closed to resolve. Also, I do not like that I can no longer see the status on one screen like we could with the old app. This is only my experience with the first hours of operation.

Your charger won’t work with this app!!


Maybe skip Juice Net products for now. This new app is terrible. I used the EV Juice Net app for years with no issues. I got an email saying that they were no longer supporting that app and I was being forced to switch to this EnelX Way. This new app sometimes won’t load for several hours, loses charge history data, logs out on its own, doesn’t automatically start charging some times, ignores charging schedules, sends all kinds of error messages to the vehicle, etc….it’s just been nothing but issues where I had none in the past with their other app. Plus, the EnelX Way app doesn’t even have the same amount of information as the old one about your charge history and other data. They’re trying to get me to use some mapping service I don’t need. Just, why? What was wrong with the Juice Net app? I want it back. This new app is so bad that it makes the Juice Box useless because it won’t charge my vehicle. I would highly consider another choice besides Juice Net. Your new user experience is not worth the trouble.

Rough at first


I have used my JuiceBox 40 for 2 years and was very pleased with the previous app. I plug in before midnight and set the TOU to start at midnight and end at 7am. In the morning, EnelXWay told me the kWh used and the minutes of charging.
When I was told to change to this new app, I was thoroughly confused. It did not recognize my car’s specs. It limited the charge to 6 A. It seemed to be operating randomly! Eventually, after searching for information and experimenting more, I found how to input my actual car specs and get the TOU to be consistent.
Now charging is doing what I expected, like it did with the old app. I would like EnelXWay to report actual charging time rather than the entire time it’s plugged in and I would like the results to be available sooner. At least I am getting confidence again that the charging will happen as needed!

Horrible Replacement for JuiceNet!


I have used JuiceNet fine for months - provided everything I need. Enel emailed me and said I needed to start using EnelXWay so I did - what a nightmare!! Smart Charging not only didn’t adhere to the times I set but sometimes I literally could not get my car to start charging!! I called Support and they asked me to try something and said they would call me back after 15 minutes - they never called back and I still couldn’t charge my car!! I had to power off/on my JuiceBox 40 several times in addition to deleting and reinstalling EnelXWay several times to even get my car to start charging! The JuiceNet app provided plots of historical charging sessions, EnelXWay only provides the numbers. In those historical numbers, even though I have “miles” selected as my “Units,” EnelXWay still shows km added. EnelXWay is a total mess. I have started telling my friends that until I see EnelXWay function as it should, I cannot recommend JuiceBox as a charging station.

Good design but basic quirks need resolution


It looks like the Enel X Way App is a good design, but the migration of existing JuiceBox customers like me has been troubling and time-consuming.

The new Enel Way App and new servers had duplicate instances of my two JuiceNet devices for a total of four instances - only two of which were valid, not indication which one was valid, and required Support to remove the phantom instances (from the servers).

Enel X should allocate more resources and provide more FAQ and instructions to migrate existing JuiceBox owners from the legacy EV JuiceNet App. The migration experience should have been a top priority but it seems to have been an after-thought.

The “Add Vehicle” in the Enel X Way App did not carry forward all of the EV / PHEV legacy vehicles and data from the legacy EV JuiceNet App. Manually adding the data is a good option but for the data field titles not always clearly indicating what is needed - like “version”. Also, all of the model years are not supported like “2016” for a Volvo XC90 T8 (PHEV).

Hopefully, some re-focus of resources can get Enel X back to the top of EVSE providers and re-establish confidence of legacy customers.

Good luck as Enel X and eMotorworks have been very customer orieibted in the past and hopefully will be soon once the migrations are complete.

Frustrated and confused


I downloaded this since it was supposed to be an update to the old app. Didn’t really feel like keeping the old app was an option. Spent 1/2 an hour on chat one day (couldn’t help me) and a couple hours with Naomi ( several days later) trying to get the unit and app configured. Finally got my account on the new app, but after resetting the unit several times it still won’t connect to my Wi-Fi ( a new mesh Wi-Fi 20’ away). Not sure if smart charging with time of use rates will work without Wi-Fi. It will still charge my car, but EnelXWay is not intuitive. One small example -my juicebox ID is so long it runs off the page and can’t be read from EnelXWay . Luckily my car can manage time of use charging schedules.

More recently I was told EnelXWay is ready to go, so I started using it, and it doesn’t charge reliably. Back on the chat line. “Disable TOU and re enable”. Fingers crossed.
Now I know what folks like about Tesla.



For months I have attempted to contact support via EnelXWay for assistance to input my credit/debit card and I keep getting the same response. Each time I try to input my card, EnelXWay will not allow access to “wallet!” For some crazy reason I can access every tab in that window, but I cannot access wallet. Endesa must have cut lots of corners to get this really bad app developer because nothing works as it should on EnelXWay . It has to be one of the worse apps ever! Initially I was able to access wallet to input my credit/debit card information and I would get an invalid card error message. I tried several cards and received the same error. I contacted support only to get emails suggesting I input my credit/debit information, with the same result. Someone in tech support needs to spend more money on a quality app that works as it should. If Endesa paid lots of money for this horrible app, they need a refund.

Mine Appears To Be Working Correctly Now!


I posted an earlier review of EnelXWay that was super unfavorable. I went back to the JuiceNet app and it continuously showed it offline. Out of frustration I decided to try the Enel X Way JuicePass app again. Well…right now it appears to working as it should. It now has my two Jeep Wrangler 4XEs as my vehicles I had on the JuiceNet app and it is not erroneously defaulting to some sort of Audi, for which I’ve never owned.

Since my previous review there has not been an app update. I don’t know why it’s working as expected now versus being completely horrible last week. I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed in hopes this will work out. If it does, I will say the user interface is more intuitive than the previous version. 🤞🏼🤞🏼

Hopefully you keep the old app up for a while


I’m not going to be super critical..the new app “looks” better and shows promise.

I also got a warning enel x was being discontinued so I installed this version. *maybe* I fouled up by having the old app still installed so maybe they are conflicting but like the other said…live kilowatts used where the CO2 number is displayed isn’t working. My level charger shows up as a giant serial number and keeps blowing out data and my address info on the old app.

Also weird but I can’t use the slider to adjust raise or lower the amp rate. I thought the apps where fighting so I deleted the old app but the slider is screen wrapped and won’t leave 6amps so I can only raise it to 15 via the old app but not any higher so… major issues. Don’t stress out your programmers but yeah there’s serious issues. I’m using apple 14 pro with the latest iOS.

Also one request I would love is; get rid of the ghost car on the main screen…either let us post a photo of our car there or load an actual Mini Cooper se (mini electric). That would be nice.

K thank you and looking forward to the final product/app you’re doing! :)

F Minus


Ever since Juice Box switched to this new app, it’s been nothing but problems. As I write this, my wife’s plug-in hybrid isn’t charging on her assigned charge point (we have 2). It’s happened before. One day it charges and the next day it doesn’t. Also, my electric car didn’t start charging until 9 minutes after it was supposed to start. I hope I get a full charge because I have some distance to cover tomorrow.

For me, the old app worked well. This new app keeps telling me that something “went wrong” and to “try again later.” It’s not as intuitive either, harder to adjust times, how much to charge the battery, etc.

I’m ready to junk this system and look for a different brand of charge point. There has to be a better system than this. Enel/Juice Box get an F-. If I could give negative stars or no stars, I would. Quit using customers as your field testers!

Barely functional


The old JuiceNet app was just o.k. EnelXWay is a step backwards in functionality.

Moving to the new app breaks the underlying API. Now my charger can't communicate with my home automation system (which was working fine with JuiceNet). That was the main reason I bought this product over others.

EnelXWay requires Location data enabled. I don't see why this company needs to see my Location when the box is fixed to my house. After not giving it my location, every time I log in it asks if I am in the United States.

Despite being on the same local area network as the charger, I am forced to log in to EnelXWay to tell it to start charging.

The most recent charging session is never available in the History tab, even though it completed more than an hour ago. You have to wait until the following day for some reason.

EnelXWay sends notifications that "charging has been paused due to a smart charging event." This happens immediately after plugging in the car. Likely this just means that I have the charger set to a schedule (to charge in the middle of the night) and it is just waiting. Clearing up the meaning of messages in EnelXWay would help quite a bit.

Do not buy a JuiceBox charger until this is all fixed.

Waste of time!


I wish I could give this a zero. Absolutely terrible app and not user friendly. The marketing team must have conned my small town municipality into installing their charging stations because these things are absolutely useless. They ask for every piece of your personal information including license plate number with little to no explanation of how to use the charger at all and after filling everything in, it came back with an error and I couldn’t even charge. It does not integrate with Apple wallet or any easy to use features I’ve experienced from other chargers. Maybe it’s because they are a Italian company and it doesn’t translate well to US markets but I’m embarrassed to have these chargers in my town. Also, good luck getting ahold of customer support. If you ever have a say in choosing this company for any charging stations in the USA , DON’T!

Breaks scheduled charging. Don’t upgrade from JuiceNet


I have been using my JuiceBox for years with a Clarity and Model Y, and it has always worked perfectly. I plug my car in, and it starts charging when the car wants too. But now I can’t do any scheduled charging because this new app takes total control of your cars charging. When I plug my cars in, it waits a few seconds, and tries to start charging. My cars reject it because they’re waiting until their scheduled times. But EnelXWay now reports that as the charge session was successful and won’t turn on when the schedule of the car says it’s ready. So I have to manually start every charging session, within those first few sessions, in order for the session to actually start. Completely overthought and poorly executed fix to something that didn’t need fixing. Don’t uninstall JuiceNet.

The “new improved” app is absolute crap!


Apps for chargers should be easy. Timed charge. Is it working? Send an alert to my phone. Charge now. Stop charging. Easy. Done. The old JuiceNet was fine. Nothing fancy, just did what was needed.

Pairing initially was a bit of a pain, but not horrific. But the times start jumps around the hours (set for 10pm, starts instead at midnight. Or 8:30am. Or never). Charging stops randomly. The “charge now” button to override the timed starts is often missing. EnelXWay will say it isn’t charging, but it actually is. I never know if my car will be charged in the morning or not given the number of random stop/starts. This NEVER happened with the old Juicebox app.

I have sent emails to the company with no response. EnelXWay is crap. It’s not ready for use. Bring back the old app. It’s not fancy, but at least it works!

Liked old app better


Since I have installed EnelXWay, my charger is not functioning properly. Every time I connect the charger to my car, it connects, then it disconnects and errors, then reconnects. This causes the charger to override the charging schedule programmed in my car and start charging immediately instead of after midnight when the power is cheaper. I don’t want to use the schedule in EnelXWay because I remote start my car in the morning and by using the schedule in the car vs the schedule on the charger, my car will use wall power for heat instead of using the battery. If I set the schedule on the charger, it won’t allow the car to pull power unless it is within the charging window. This has worked fine since October 2022 when I had the charger installed, but has been acting up the last 2 weeks.

Makes me want to trash this company


I’ve never reviewed an app before. I delayed EnelXWay for as long as possible since it did not allow you to opt out of sharing your personal data. Last night I noticed that the car was not charging when commanded by the home automation. Discovered that JuiceNet app was discontinued and charger would only work if I installed new app. New app seems terrible and being forced to use it feels terrible. Huge downgrade with no API availability. Enel couldn’t attract people by making the new app an upgrade so they forced it on us as a downgrade. It’s like they don’t understand that reliably having your car charged when you need to drive it is important. Enel, please put the old app back up or offer to buy back our EVSEs. Loyal customer of 4 years now wants to leave negative reviews everywhere. Do not buy!!!

Garbage App


It seems like EnelXWay was thrown together and pushed out without being completed. Added my car to it, put in VIN and all other required information and when I tried to put the year of my car in I only had a choice of 2023 when my car is a 2022. Cannot leave it blank so I had to manually redo everything to add my car. Started my first charging session with EnelXWay and there are two boxes on the screen, one is self explanatory and has a running total for session time. The other has 2.68kw in it but no explanation as to what it is. There is nothing in the tutorial section or FAQ’s. The rest of the information is standard, but most of the information the old app provided is gone. The “charging curve” is a waste….should have made the rest of EnelXWay solid before putting this useless graph in EnelXWay .

Stay away until app is fixed


Forced to switch apps and charger was showing as offline, and then it disappeared completely a few days later. Tried to add it back, but it then asked for a PIN, but there’s no way to get a PIN without EnelXWay working! Contacted customer support multiple times, they finally answered several weeks later and tagged my charger back to my profile. Still not working, still shows as offline, and now parts of my charging history are gone. They should have allowed us to continue using the old app until the new one gets the bugs worked out. I’m not sure if it’s poor engineering or executive ego, but this seems to have been hastily released with zero QC/QA. This forced app transition has been by far the worst app failure I’ve ever experienced. I wish I had purchased a different charger.

No Coordination & Unreliable


Past few days I opened my previous application only to be met with the current new app saying I must enter my email and a new pw to work. Once active (quickly) I tried to charge and every hour it dropped my charging. Of course, I learned the hard way the first time but fortunately I had enough juice to get to / from work. So, 2nd night I’ve had to babysit the charging session to log back in and restart the charge, again, on the hour. My 2023 EV has 5K and I’m seriously thinking about selling it because I can live my life waiting for it to charge given its unreliability. I don’t see the company monitoring nor responding to several such feedbacks provided. Bottom line, constant changes without rollout or update coordination, coupled with no reliable charging session history, is a SERIOUS issue that’s gotta be addressed or, unfortunately, EV is getting traded ASAP.

Upgrade or downgrade ?


What was the purpose for the upgrade? The previous version had most the features that we needed and this version has made it more complex to get to the most basic features. The previous app was able to show us the starting charging level, the current charging level and the destination, charging level all in one screen in an easy to read gauge design. EnelXWay has made it hard to read and quite non-intuitive. The current charging status is completely nonexistent, and instead only shows the percentage charge added. Adding features like maps that show charging stations is all good, but the basic purpose of EnelXWay is to manage, charging off our electric vehicles. That feature must not be messed with. Please change the visual interface design back to the original.

I am livid


After being away from home for several weeks, I got on my JuiceNet App to reschedule the charging of my Prius Prime to a time in the evening when it was going to be cooler. Starting EnelXWay , I was greeted with "You have been migrated to the Enel X Way App" My Juice net app was unresponsive.

I have been around long enough to know that "You have been migrated..." is a synonym for "You have been hosed..." My intuition did not disappoint. The Enel X Way app is badly broken. It tells me I can still use Juice Net, which worked JUST FINE FOR ME. Most importantly,Juice Net scheduled charging to optimize my electric bill for my time-of-use-plan. But when I go to Juice Net and it says "Use Enel X".

Its a Prius Prime, I don't charge it on the road, I put gas in it. Enel X keeps asking me where I am, even though I have no desire to enable location services. I have no interest in on-the-road charging. This morning, I decided to sit down once more and just try to make EnelXWay work, but putting in my car details, it won't accept Toyota in the search box when entering the model. About every third screen I get "Something went wrong..."

I'm done for now. I have to leave town again for a few more weeks. When I return, if Enel doesn’t have a reasonably functioning app, the Juice Box goes in the trash and gets replaced with something else.

Another App company screws the customer


A couple days ago my juicebox 32 quit charging my car. EnelXWay shows it was offline. I tried reprogramming and resetting but could not make it work. Finally I decided it had died and ordered a new charger. Not Enel brand. I think a simple EV charger, which just turns the 240vac on or off, should last more than 3 years. The actual “charger” is in the car. Today I thought I would try EnelXWay one more time. When it opened I had a message that my account had been migrated to a new app. I signed up for that app, with the usual initial confusion, and now my old charger works! After I spent many hours researching and ordering a new charger I no longer need. Several hours and $600 later I’m back with the old charger wondering how could a company screw us like this and still expect to stay in business? I have to say I will never buy another Enel product. At first I thought my old charger would now not work without the internet. I tried using it with WiFi off and on a couple times. I find if you have the unlock feature active you need internet connection. But it does seem to work without internet if you select “plug in and charge”. I want my charger to work without internet as it is not always available but I still need to drive my car. Like in emergency weather. I have back up power for those situations. Having Enel take control of my charger remotely has really made me mad.

Frustrated Customer, and Horrible App


I’ve owned my JuiceBox for more than 3 years and was very happy with its operation as well as the previous JuiceBox app. I was forced to move to this Enel X Way sometime the middle of June. I wasn’t able to log in initially and (since it was new) patiently waited ~3 weeks before submitting a service ticket. My service ticket was submitted on 11 July. I am still unable to log in (now 29 July) and my ticket is unresolved. I have received sporadic responses from technical support despite my issue being upgraded to “Level 3” on 16 July.

I’m now making my voice heard publicly. Since my app isn’t working, and my JuiceBox went offline with EnelXWay change…I cannot adjust my charging schedule or preform on demand charging (not needed often in Hawaii). Yesterday I needed to supplement my normal charging for about 2hours, which I should have been able to do at home…nope, not currently due to EnelXWay issue. Due to my need and schedule, I had to find a Level 3 charging station and pay for the service. The cost of doing this isn’t and issue…it’s the fact I have the capacity to charge they way I need to at home…and I cannot currently. I was trying to pack for an international trip and could have easily done this at home…but I couldn’t and had to take additional time to go charge somewhere vs. doing it at home. Very frustrating.

“Something Went Wrong”


UPDATE: though my car does START charging now with the new app, it abruptly STOPS charging before reaching the limit I have set. Nasty surprise to wake up to a half charged car that should have been fully charged. YOU HAD ONE JOB! This is sounding like grounds for class action.

Imagine you buy a car that requires charging. So, you buy a home charger. Then, four years later, without warning, the company that makes the hardware you purchased decides that you aren’t spending enough time or money on their products, so they forcibly migrate you to a new app designed to control more of your attention and spending. Now you can’t use the charger you bought four years ago without creating a new account and downloading an app with features you never asked for and don’t want. Only, EnelXWay doesn’t work at all. You can’t even log in without getting an ambiguous error message. Now you can’t use the appliance you bought FOUR YEARS AGO because of a software change you never wanted. When they finally update EnelXWay and you CAN log in, the new app contains absolutely nothing that improves your life vs. the old app. So all that time and frustration spent migrating to the new app benefited you not at all. How excited are you to spend more money with that company?

Terrible, Horrible App and Experiwnce


I cannot describe how terrible this new app is. The old app was so much better in its ability to monitor and adjust charging on your phone. I'll list three ways EnelXWay is a fail. First, I was forced to migrate. Give me a window to move to the new app. Don't force me to do it on your time. My old app stopped working when it was storming outside so I had to learn the setup and troubleshoot during a downpour. Second, the old app was way more intuitive and had one screen where it you could clearly see and manage the car's charging. The gauge was big and the dial allowed you to change charging settings easily such as beginning
charge, ending charge and where the charge is in process. That does not exist on the new app. Third, the new app did not work when I set a time range to charge overnight. It started 2 hours late and ended an hour early. That's after I adjusted the time zone. This is an utter and complete fail!

Enel X Way migration


I was forced off the old application, EV JuiceNet. Since the migration, it’s been nothing but problems. Tech support mentions app screens that don’t exist and they can’t offer support as they don’t know how the application works. They place you on hold so they can confer with the Wizard of Oz, then come back offering to e-mail directions on how to self-service. When EnelXWay loses connection, they question the Wi-Fi strength that was working perfectly before the new app.

They suggest a new install of the JuiceBox but that requires a different application to re-install the charger. I think the point of the new application is hoping you will charge outside the home which for a plugin hybrid doesn’t make any sense due to their slow charging.

The application should be a simple on/off switch for the time of day you want to charge. That’s all I need, the cars do the rest.

They recently broke the scheduled charge time and car tracking doesn’t work


Two major issues I have with the clunky app:

1. Scheduled charge times is broken. We are on a time of use plan where weekends is a constant rate, but weekdays there’s an increased rate between 5pm and 8pm. EnelXWay only lets you set one time range for weekdays and one for weekends though. Originally I set weekends to 12am to 12am, which would be calculated as 24h. Now it registers as 0 minutes. Easy fix though. Weekdays use to start at 8pm and end at 5pm which would wrap around perfectly. Now it only checks the start time, so it won’t charge between midnight and 8pm… absolutely useless now.
2. One of the features we wanted for home was car tracking. Being able to check the history to see who used what in our household so we can be fair about the electricity bill. However it only ever registers as one car, regardless of who starts it and then in the history page, it doesn’t even show which car that was!

The system itself is fine, but EnelXWay is garbage. Top it off with the version update notes just always being a copy paste so we have no idea if something has been fixed and it feels like the company as a whole just wants to ship a unit and forget the customer exists.

Less info, but at least the app is more confusing now


This forced migration to a completely different, undercooked app has ruined the experience of using this charger. i used to be able to see the actual performance of the charger for each session, so I could see when it actually charged, as opposed to when I plugged it in and unplugged it, which is useless information I already know because I plugged and unplugged it. Now the “charging curve” is only visible during charging, while I am asleep, and only a basic “summary” is available afterward. EnelXWay also wastes a huge amount of time loading and authenticating every time I open it. I don’t care about security here, it’s a wall charger, what’s going to happen. I do care about my personal usage data, which “Enel” reserves the right to sell to third parties. If EnelXWay had been in place when I was looking for a charger, I would have bought something else. The company seems to be emphasizing its network of public chargers, but that’s not a thing, and they should stop trying to make it a thing. A public, paid 6kw level 2 charger is pretty useless for someone who just bought the 11kw home charger EnelXWay *is supposed to run.*

Another disappointed customer


Like the last review, I had my charger for a while and was perfectly happy with it and had no issues.
One day it stopped working and after many attempts to get it to work I finally called customer service. They informed me that EnelXWay had migrated to the new EnelX Way app and that the old one with no longer work. They did this without ever informing me or as I’m assuming anyone else. I spent an hour and a half on the phone with her tech to try to get my car charger working and it finally did. However, the next day it did not work again. I have been on the phone on several occasions and have sent countless emails back-and-forth trying to get my every time they get it going again for a short time before it tells me that it won’t charge again. I keep getting error messages on EnelXWay saying “something went wrong”. I also got a message on my dashboard, saying to check the charger and my charging has been canceled. I don’t understand why this won’t just work. I also don’t understand why this company will not fix the problem immediately. I’m sure they’re getting overrun with complaints. All I want to do is charge my car and I can’t even do it. EnelXWay has been a disaster and is a complete piece of junk! who thought that plugging in your car to charge would be so difficult? shouldn’t we be able to just plug in our car and it charges? Why is there an app controlling this that is doing what it wants and shuts down the charging?

Can’t believe they force people to use this


Literally the only thing I needed EnelXWay for was to charge my car from midnight to 6:00 am so I could get a reduced rate from the electric company. The previous version of EnelXWay was able to handle this, but this new version is apparently not up to the task - I have a schedule set, but EnelXWay completely ignores it. I have no idea why they abandoned the old app that worked in favor of this new one that does not, nor do I care. I contacted the electric company and told them to take the charger back because I won't engage with something that can't accomplish the one thing I need it for. The representative I spoke with said they're aware of issues and are working on addressing them, but maybe don't force people to switch from a functional app to a non-functional one until those issues are ironed out? I understand that's a radical idea, but hey, maybe your reviews wouldn't be so abysmal if you'd make sure your app is functional before forcing people to switch to it.

Oh, and while trying to switch from the old to the new app, I was asked for the pin from the previous app to associate it with the new app. The old app provided a four digit pin and the new required a six digit pin. So that’s a good indication of how competent these people are.

Unreliable, slow, and invasive


At the end of the day, this is supposed to be a glorified phone charger with a built-in timer. However, having it haphazardly connect to this half-baked app renders it useless. The charger will stop delivering power to the EV without notification, so I’m scared to schedule it to charge off peak hours. EnelXWay won’t refresh stats properly, and it can’t provide a cost estimate. And if you don’t permit EnelXWay to track your location full-time, it makes you confirm your location ever time you log in. It’s absurd I cannot set a default location for my use. Frankly, the signup process is invasive enough considering it requires your precise address to get the charger to work. Of course, those are all problems that you only run into once the slow interface decides to work. I’m running an iPhone 12 Pro and charging a VW ID.4 via a 40amp JuiceBox for reference. The JuiceBox is within 10 feet of my router, protected from the elements, and the 14-50 NEMA outlet for the unit was professionally installed.

Could be worse. Poorly designed App.


I’m able to schedule charging so I’m somewhat satisfied. I needed to get help with setting up EnelXWay . It certainly has great room for improvement For example, on the the charging curves the x-axis time is all jumbled and time is measured (in odd increments) as elapsed from the moment you plug it in, not when charging starts for Time of Use users. But based on reviews, I’ve fared better than many. I only got the Juicebox because the Eversource utility requires it to monitor my usage. At this time, I can’t recommend purchasing the box due to poorly designed app.
Below, they ask me to call them, but I’ve already done that. EnelXWay needs fixing which can’t be resolved by a phone call.

100% worse for 99% of app users


I am a homeowner and purchased the Juicebox to charge my EV. I like the scheduled charging configuration for my time or use electric rates. The old app was 2-3 rating. Great for the basics of home charging which is 99% of Enel customers. The X Way app has som interesting ideas to incorporate both home and away charging. Some day perhaps that will be useful, but every basic view for homeowners has a worse UI. And all the semi advanced data is gone! Do EnelXWay and feature developers even own and use their products? Can you please at least bring back the detailed measurements for supply voltage, current, power, and frequency? Perhaps you can have this as a configuration as “engineering or nerd mode”.

Since purchasing the Juicebox 2.5 years ago, I know have two EVs. The Enel X Way app is the sole reason why I will not consider another Juicebox. In fact, I’m probably going to sell it and buy two other brands.

Too Slow and UI Too Large


The application takes about 4x the time the old JuiceBox app did to get the status from my charger. I now have gigabit internet service now, so the delay is not from my network. Additionally, the User Interface designers assumed that everyone is using a large mobile phone and sized and spaced the elements of the screen to match. On my 2022 iPhone SE it makes it impossible to use some functions, including saving updates to my vehicle information, setting the current charge percentage and maximum charge percentage desired, and updating/saving updates to my profile. On most paged the items are off the screen bottom. In some cases I can scroll the screen up to see the options but it immediately scrolls back if I lift my finger and I am unable to tap on them. It is a best practice in UI programming to design for the smallest potential modern screen then allow the operating system dynamically “magnify” up on bigger devices. Unfortunately, the dynamic “downsizing” nearly always causes usability problems.

JuiceBox RIP


As a mobile app developer, I just have to say that this is close to the worst mobile app I’ve ever encountered for controlling an EVSE (or god help you - public charging). The nearest worst experience was the now dead SemaConnect. Why companies think they can roll these poorly developed and maintained apps out, I don’t know. Having to go through a login process every night I want to charge my car in order to set the target charge level. And the fact that the charge models for the cars are close but not quite there - so you aim for 90% and get 94% and so on. It is just a mess. And I unfortunately own 3 JuiceBoxes - one of each generation (mercifully the 1st generation box WON’T connect to the new app and so is happily running with the old firmware). Very disappointing all around. I don’t blame the emotorwerx folks - they have to pay the bills like everyone else but from the beginning I felt that this was not going to end well. Enel X just never seemed like a good fit and experience is proving that to be correct. As for the required internet connection, the only saving grace is that the charger will revert to an open mode when there is no internet but that also means that if it is mounted in a public location that all security is gone. Wonderful!



The charger works great when EnelXWay allows it to do what it is supposed to do. Unfortunately EnelXWay has become wildly unreliable. TOU does not work anymore. The last two night I have it set to charge between 1am and 5am and it has charged a total of 3% and 17% on those nights, which is consistent behavior for the past few months now. You never know how much it will charge and have to hit resume in the morning to hit the full charge. Which also doesn’t always work. There is a “confirm” screen when you hit resume that is suppose to pop up asking if you are sure you want to charge out of schedule. If that pops up you don’t see any words, but it’s obvious which button you need to click to move forward. Problem is that doesn’t always pop up, so I can’t even resume charging for my car.

Been in contact with support and they mentioned the TOU is being revamped due to performance issues, but there have been zero notifications about issues most people are likely dealing with. It is pricey but I am starting to look at switching to a new charger.

Deliberately difficult to use?


Using EnelXWay for public charging has to be one of the most complex and baroque (and often broke!) sequences to get *just right* in order for charging to start. And even then, charging will just fail. Compare to ChargePoint, which is bring up wallet on watch with a double button tap, wave arm at EVSE, and plug in. The EnelX sequence is: unlock phone, start app, enter password, tap “Scan QR”, scan the QR, tap the charger, confirm you want to charge, wait for EnelXWay to start waiting for you, plug in, wait for car to start charging, wait for app to confirm that the car is charging. And then after all this, about 20% of the time, when the 90 second plug in timer completes, the system will SILENTLY stop charging. No app notification, no email, nothing. This makes for an unpleasant surprise when I walk out expecting a fully charged car but find myself with 24 miles range for a 22 mile drive.

Terrible App


As the other reviewer stated, this company rolled out a new app without informing its customers of the change. Moreover, based on my recent interaction with this new app, it’s not ready for a full release. Percent of charge does not register, just miles added and KWh. One has to wonder if it was ever fully tested? I spent hours with different customer service representatives trying get the charger to charge our car.

The purpose of my call today was the fact that the charger did not charge our car overnight. Apparently there are limits within EnelXWay for when you can schedule a charge. I tried 11:00 pm to 7:00am and was informed that it couldn’t be done that way, it had to be a 12:00 am start!!! It’s immensely frustrating to schedule a charge and find it hasn’t worked.

After much back and forth the last customer service representative decided he would reconfigure the JuiceBox and that at the moment seems to have made all the difference. Fingers crossed that it will continue to work.

Not great


EnelXWay is not intuitive. It is unclear to me how I prevent charging during the peak rate times of my electric provider. I am also having charging stop mid charge for no clear reason. I have no confidence that I will go out to a properly charged car tomorrow morning. Edited: I appreciate the response from the developer, I have already reached out to customer support. Customer support can only help when you need help to understand or use EnelXWay or the hardware that goes with it. Customer support cannot help when EnelXWay does not function properly because the developer did a poor job in making EnelXWay . I cannot select my car in any way so EnelXWay is not able to run a “smart charger” because EnelXWay does not know the size of the battery or the rate at which it charges. Being responsive to app reviews makes you look good for a minute, but if you don’t fix EnelXWay , then people will stop buying the product. The juicebox used to be the most highly recommended home smart charger available in the US.

Do Not Update Software to 4.3.48


The new update to 4.3.48 kills access to home charger status and settings management (charger still works at present). In a call to their help desk, they confirmed they have a known error in their new software. No word on when fix will be made or if a notice of fix completion will be issued to charger owners. ———— Update : Just received an email from Apple (not from EnelXWay developer) which claims a “hotfix” is available to download, but this is not true because I already have the latest software (4.3.48 per app store today April 10) which was the cause of this issue. On my own, before the false “hotfix” notice, I regained partial home charger access after disabling location requests. But, now EnelXWay ignores my longstanding and still stored vehicle information (despite “my garage”, EnelXWay incorrectly says “no vehicles saved”). Can at least change charge level setting and see basic charge status. Still rely on car’s own app for miles added and proper shutdown.

Confusing and Complicated


In vacation in Italy, I needed to charge my Tesla. But the closest supercharger was in the other direction from where we were continuing on and 50 minutes away.
I found a EnelX charger 1km away in Peschiera. Set up my account, arrived at the EWIVA charger and spent 20 minutes trying to get it to start charging my car. The first time it said I had not authorized the charging station. The second through fourth time (simply disconnecting and reconnecting the cable) it said I was 200 meters away from the charging station, despite being parked next to it with the cable plugged in.
On the fifth try, it suddenly worked. Should have just gone to the Supercharger, which is way easier.
Why other charging Apps are so complicated and make it so hard to give them your money is confusing and very frustrating.

Complete fail


Since owning an iPhone in 2007, I can confidently say that this is the worst app I have used. Creating an account took the building manager, someone else in the building who has used it, and the garage attendant over an hour to try to figure out the poorly designed process, which kept failing. Finally, we got it set up and charged.

When I went back to charge a second time, it had no idea who I was, and it would not charge. Nothing we did with troubleshooting worked. So we deleted EnelXWay and downloaded and installed it again. Once again, it had no idea who I was after I entered my credentials. It made me create a new account, but accepted the same email that I used the first time. What?

Unfortunately, none of this made a difference. EnelXWay says that my car is “charging,” even though it’s not even plugged in. When I plug it in it doesn’t do anything, though it still says that it’s charging. The building manager and I are trying to work with the sloth-like tech support to get this hot mess working. They take at least two days to get back with you each time. So if you’re out of a charge, you’re out of luck, like me, now.

Frustrated beyond belief


I have had this juice box since 2017 and with the original app there was never a problem. Since the forced migration to the this app app, I've had it not charge at all overnight ( which is not what you want to find out in the morning), take 20 minutes to connect to wifi and my car which means I have to hover by the juice box and keep checking EnelXWay before I feel safe to assume it's working; and then tonight it just wouldn't connect at all.
I reloaded EnelXWay , I power cycled the juice box, I re-entered the wifi details and reset the router many times over the course of an hour. I finally reached customer service and had to walk through each of those steps again. Then I was asked to connect to a set up web page. I tried 3 different browsers and got 'page not found' each time. Finally the customer service guy disconnected the box from EnelXWay . So now there's no ability to schedule or monitor but I think I may keep it this way. App is worse than useless.

Craig McCaw

The app is so bad I worry someone is trying to short sell Jucebox. Old app was great, the new app is a failure in every way imaginable. Please pay attention to the Play Store and other reviews. Hardware sales will dry up. Something is fishy.

Is Enel X Way Safe?

Yes. Enel X Way is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 5,298 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 2.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Enel X Way Is 59.3/100.

Is Enel X Way Legit?

Yes. Enel X Way is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 5,298 Enel X Way User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Enel X Way Is 91/100..

Is Enel X Way not working?

Enel X Way works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

How was your experience with Enel X Way? Post a Review


• With a few clicks, JuicePass allows you to find the nearest EV charger, choose the best suited rate plan, and customize your charging experience by entering your car model.

JuicePass is Enel X Way's mobile app that allows you to manage all your electric or plug-in hybrid car’s charging needs from wherever you are.

• Pick the charging station that works for your electric or hybrid car, find charging costs or available hours, and reserve the charging station in advance.

You can search and filter nearby charging stations based on availability, max charging power, or plug type with the live map.

• Remotely start / stop charging sessions and monitor charging progress.

• Use smart charging features to postpone or delay charging start times and to set duration.

JuicePass allows you to easily charge your electric car! You can access over 230,000 public chargers globally or also charge at home with your JuiceBox.

• See your charging history, energy consumption, past invoices, and more.

• Manage charging at home.

Configure one or more JuiceBox chargers directly from the mobile app.

Download the app for free and register in just a few clicks.

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