Any reasonable person can see that most if not all genuine reviews TransLoc has received give it the worst possible rating. Yet the developers clearly paid a little for &/or spent some time concocting the sprinkling of absurd 5 star reviews, and also probably lucked into a few written by folks who truly don’t know any better, or maybe wanted to be polite. I felt that these obviously phony, sadly ignorant, & either way highly entertaining bits of nonsense deserved some recognition.
So it is my great pleasure to announce the First Ever Amusingly Ridiculous Review Content Awards!
In 3rd place, the definitely elderly gentleman who signed the review with his full name.
Next, in 2nd place- This absolutely real person is a real student at a totally not made up school. He says TransLoc is a huge help getting around campus, because he doesn’t have a car. I guess that entirely nonfictional location is one place it actually works... So give it up for the Runner Up: “Grad Student” at “North East University!”
And finally, the Grand Prize Winner, by unanimous decree of the judge. This was the clear champion, the review that perfectly expresses the spirit of this coveted award. The author is a genius, beyond all doubt, as well as the Village Oaf somewhere in Appalachia. The words say it all:
“see bus, no more afraid”