Use Groota to follow, unfollow, or skip promotional emails in your inbox.
Follow a sender to remove its emails from your inbox and read them in Groota home feed.
Or, you can use Groota to view promotional emails that you care about while keeping your inbox clean at the same time.
Groota pre-subscribes these newsletters for you to read anonymously without getting tracked and bombarded with remarketing emails.
Moreover, Groota only process emails in the Gmail Promotions tab.
Groota doesn't have complicated functions to sort, label, or snooze emails.
Skip a sender to keep its emails in your inbox.
Bookmark emails and web pages to keep track of promotions and product items, or add calendars for sales events.
Groota also allows you to read newsletters from hundreds of popular brands without subscribing to them.
There'll be no more promotional emails coming into your inbox.
Use search and filters to find emails by brands, categories, or keywords.
Unlike other apps, we do not scan the content of all your emails to determine which ones are promotional emails.
Try Groota today to declutter your inbox, and view newsletters on your terms.
Customize notifications and only get notified about new emails from brands you choose.