Elation is trying to be a user-friendly and modern portal for correspondence between patients and our doctors. That’s great.
Unfortunately, ElationPassport has one astonishingly terrible limitation: you can’t be connected to more than one practices! That means if you have, say, two or three separate offices (ex: your pcp, your ob/gyn, your ENT doctor) that ALL use passport, ElationPassport will allow you access to one of those offices, but none of the others. There is no way to add another.
In the online portal, you can simply choose which medical group you are looking for and it will switch you to seeing communications from and with them. You can add as many as you want.
I’m astonished at this limitation. It seems uniquely stupid and like something they should have considered as soon as they created it, if they are trying to become a revolutionary communication tool for the medical industry as a whole. When I corresponded with Elation support, they said this is something they are aware of and plan to adjust eventually, but have no specific date or timeline for it.