BodyFast: Intermittent Fasting Reviews

BodyFast Reviews

Published by on 2025-02-10

🏷️ About: BodyFast is a fasting app that helps users achieve their weight loss and health goals through intermittent fasting. The app offers personalized fasting plans, daily coaching, recipes, weight and body measurement tracking, water tracking, and weekly challenges. The BodyFast Coach calculates the optimal fasting plan for users every week, based on their progress and goals. The app is free to download, but full access to all Coach features requires a subscription.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

😎 Positive experience

🤬 Negative experience

🫥 Neutral

~ from NLP analysis of 128,977 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- Helps with keeping a schedule

- Option to pay for a coach or not

- Gives a list of everything you will go through after a certain time frame

- Perfect for people who are new to intermittent fasting

- Allows you to gain control more easily

- Doesn't require counting calories

Read 35 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.7 out of 5
You get 3 things

I usually don’t pay for apps but I went all in on BodyFast. The full Monty. I was expecting some emails, and a newsletter from a coach— I’m confused, where’s the coach? Here’s what you get: explanation on the different types of fasts, which are on the internet; a countdown timer that lets you know when you can eat. Nice, but believe me, if you’re fasting you don’t need a countdown to when you can eat again; a “me” page, which keeps track of your weight loss, a chart, a BMI which they compute using your height & weight, how many total hours you have fasted, your water intake. What BodyFast did is get me started on this journey. I use it every day. I am disappointed that there is t anyone there behind BodyFast to answer questions but I do feel it’s worth the money for me at least.

“Coach” is useless - except if you have (almost) unlimited flexibility

I was surprised and disappointed that the “coach” doesn’t take into account any user preferences. It doesn’t even ask at the beginning of the week which meals are set in stone and the optimizes around that. So, if you’re like me and have family or work dinners that you just can’t move, bad luck. I try to shift the fasting windows to accommodate my schedule but most of the time it’s not even feasible because the “coach” suggests a 36 hour fast which collided with two work dinners... so the only solution they offer is to cancel the whole day and use the joker day?! That’s a joke, pun intended. So, I have to make my own schedule outside of BodyFast which really defeats the whole purpose of BodyFast .
BodyFast claims that the coaching version is more effective because it prevents the body from getting used to a fasting schedule which would make that fasting schedule ineffective. To the developer team: please post some proper scientific evidence for that strong claim. I wasn’t able to find anything that comes even close.
Recommendation: don’t buy the coaching option. There’s no useful added feature. The free version is ok and, well, its free. 3 stars for that.

Expecting more from coach version

Just purchased the 3 month coach version and on my first week using BodyFast . I got BodyFast because of the accountability part of having it remind me when to fast and when to stop and tracking the progress, plus thought the coach version would enhance my experience with personalized tips to reach my goals faster. The major feedback which I have for the developer is BodyFast is lacking flexibility with fasting periods. For example if I want to continue fasting longer on a certain day I can’t record that in BodyFast . Or if I need to cut the fast sooner on another day (life events, how I feel etc) also cannot make the adjustment in BodyFast . Very disappointed with this because I feel like BodyFast doesn’t allow for realistic recording of fasting periods and sometimes it gets too stressful to stay right on track with the coach when personal life gets in the way.
This is my first impression as I am on my first week of fasting. The main feedback to the developer please allow the flexibility to be able to adjust and record our accurate fasting periods so we can be at ease and stress free.

Love the app

I’d actually give 4.5 stars if I could. I love the accountability and the changes in times of fasting. It keeps it interesting! Also, it keeps me motivated. If I’m fasting during daytime hours I have to find things to do instead of binging on a Netflix show. I’ve already noticed a decrease in bloat and feel better. I also don’t feel horrible if I have to end a fast an hour early to do a family meal. It’s not the end of the world! I try to adjust my times to account for this but things happen. I just extend the next fast by an hour to make up for it a bit.

The program is super easy to use. I dreaded it in the beginning but after the first day I realized it wasn’t so bad. I admit I watched the clock like a hawk. Then not so much. I wasn’t really all that hungry and when I was I drank black coffee and the hot fluids helped.

The reason I took a little off is the coach because it’s computer generated. It’s not TOTALLY worthless as it does have good pointers and tips but I’d love for it to be more individualized.

My next issue is water consumption being 14 oz increments. Really. 14 oz? Please change to 8 oz or 16 oz!

New to the App

I’m new to BodyFast so I’m only just now learning to maneuver it. Currently I’m starting slow and only using the free version. I’m one of those people who goes all in (logging calories, logging ounces of water, logging activity) and I burn out so quickly on the logging that I give up on all of it. One of the things that drew me to BodyFast is I’m so tired of all the calorie counting. Of course, this doesn’t give me an excuse to eat a huge wedge of NY Cheesecake (as good as that sounds!) but it releases me from that obligation. I will still try my best to log my water intake but I won’t kick myself if I forget (or just don’t feel like it). The positive thing in such a short time is I’m being more mindful of when to eat and when not to eat. I’d like to do this for the month of April 2022 and then go from there (look at other fasting plans, consider the intro level of paid coaching, etc). I know a month might not give me enough time to make an informed decision to stay on or delete but it’ll will hopefully created the beginnings of a new habit!

Needs development for flexibility

I like BodyFast. I would give it five stars...except for its inflexibility regarding meal times and the uselessness of the coach program. It uses algorithms which are preset and there is no apparent response to one’s notes. Why have notes if they are not read?
I am almost 72, have lost 40+ lbs in the last five months, three months using this app app. But I am on meds for a seizure disorder as well as BP meds and really like the OMAD 22-2 plan, but I need to eat something for my stomach before taking strong meds. You cannot really adjust the meal times; it comes back week-after-week with the same two-hour eating between 6-8pm. IF there is going to be an update, WHEN? Otherwise I will look for a different app.

I like it but 2 issues

I really like how easy it is to fast using BodyFast! It’s really helped me to stay on track and I love how it counts down the hours/minutes/seconds I have until I can put on the feedbag.
It’s helped me to maintain my weight and attain mental clarity!
I only have 2 issues.
The first is that there appears to be no option to pay to receive more diversified plans, without getting a coach.
I personally don’t want a stranger advising on my fasting. If I wanted another person involved I’d probably get a life coach or a personal trainer or something.
You know, someone who actually knows me as a person.
Fasting for me is a personal, privately rewarding experience that I don’t want intruded upon by a coach.
I can’t see myself ever paying for BodyFast which is a shame because I do think it’s great and it deserves to make money.
You need to have a paid non coach option with diversified plans available so I can give you my money already!
So what if it would only be a one time purchase for the diversified plans instead of steady monthly revenue for having a coach, isn’t that better than folks simply using the free option because they don’t want a coach?
My other issue is I wish it told you how many hours you have already fasted like it tells you how many hours you have left.
Maybe it does that if you buy a coach?
If so, I guess I’ll never experience that nifty feature.
Other than those two issues, BodyFast is great!

Enjoying the app however…

I’m enjoying BodyFast and have lost a few pounds so far however I downloaded it on my iPad and would like to use it on my iPhone as well. I do not have Facebook and therefore am not able to sign into my account on my phone so I am not able to use my account on both devices. I wish I could sign into my account using my email address. I think with more and more people leaving Facebook because of privacy issues, I’m pretty certain people don’t want their diet history up for grabs.
I don’t like that there is no one responsible know all live coach for when you mess up… There is no one there to reach out to if you need help… It’s a problem for me because today in my second week I effed up so I needed someone to reach out to but of course I couldn’t because BodyFast doesn’t allow it blah blah blah no one cares it’s an OK app

Really seeing results!

I’m enjoying my results after just two weeks that’s why I’m marking it a 4 I’m down 4lb within 6 days that includes a 30hr fast. I signed up for the three month Coach. Power Week 1 & 2 which I’ve done are both apparently part of the free app. So I’m unsure what I’m actually getting for the price.

The challenges seem stock and not really customized. I don’t seem to be getting any daily customization or counsel. I think this would really be a value if it included a calorie counter or linked to an an app like My Fitness Pal.

But...I’m losing weight and feeling good so I’m marking it a 4 and not complaining. I will say too that the connection with the IF FB page is HUGE!!!! Having a community to cheer you on is awesome. Though I don’t see why this isn’t all linked through the actual app...

Great App & Very Helpful

So far so good I just started doing intermittent fasting and when I typed it into my browser to learn more this was the first app that came up. I like that it not only helps with keeping a schedule it also gives you an option to pay for a coach or not (a lot of apps don’t give you a choice you either pay for the service or you don’t use BodyFast lol). Granted most of BodyFast isn’t open unless you pay for a coach, but for what I need it for and the basics are all free so if you’re like me you can at least use it without having to pay for a coach and whatnot. The other thing I really like is during fasting it has a list of everything you will go through after whatever time frame you’re at. It tells you what your body is doing at this particular milestone (4hrs, 8hrs or whatever) and how you can fix it. That alone is helpful because if you’re just starting out it’s refreshing to see what you may be experiencing at that particular moment. All the other stuff like keeping track of water intake, weight and other fitness stuff is cool too but it’s kind of expected.

Life changing

I was a college athlete and have always been an avid exerciser. A few years ago when I turned 30 I STOPPED losing weight, no matter what how much cardio I did, no matter how I changed my diet…nothing could help me lose weight. When quarantine started I gained an unreal amount of weight very quickly. I started the day after Labor Day, 2020. To date, I’ve lost 70lbs. I finally feel like I have my life back. 2 things you have to do: do a full day (or a majority of the day) fast at some point during the week and ALWAYS drink your water. This has been one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me and I’m very grateful for BodyFast!

Helped me lose +30lbs

BodyFast is perfect for people who are new to intermittent fasting. I moved away to college and ended up going from 132lbs to 165lbs at my heaviest.

I tried other diets that failed miserably and made me gain all my weight back instantly, and never found a workout routine that I consistently stuck to. Intermittent fasting was admittedly hard to stick to at first, but with enough persistence and getting myself back on track I was able to get my weight down to 130lbs. Intermittent fasting has “reset” my stomach or rather how much food I can intake in one sitting. You should be warned that in order to see real weight loss results, you have to pair intermittent fasting with healthier eating and moderate to light weekly exercise.

I have been using BodyFast for two years now and have never purchased anything on BodyFast, I was able to lose all the weight by just using the free services provided. I would recommend BodyFast to people who are brand new intermittent fasting or people who are seasoned to fasting.

I’m losing weight ....

And feeling great. I paid for the coach version for three months to start and around week 3 I was a bit dubious about the algorithm because it suggested a very easy plan— but I overrode it and chose a plan that looked more interesting and the next week and ever since the “coach” was spot on. The better feedback I report the better the plans seem to be. Twice I ignored the coach’s plan and chose another one. I’ve lost 9 pounds so far and enjoy that each week is different. I grab my planner and work with my schedule and tweak times. It’s quite easy to do so. The reminder notifications are helpful and I like the challenges even if they’re easy. I think I must resemble their target user:) !

Variation leads to Motivation

I have downloaded various intermittent fasting apps, and this one seems to be the most thorough and interesting. It keeps fasting doable by varying the fasting regime each week, and I don’t have to log in foods or times. I’m kind of getting a kick out of the little mini „trophy“ goals, too. I like that I can rely on something/someone outside of myself to keep me accountable and give me structure to this rather difficult job of putting boundaries on my eating times. I have not paid for the coach version, but decided to take a stab at choosing a plan for myself. I may end up signing up for the coach, but at this point I’m getting a good program without it.

Love it!

I really love the way you can plan your own schedule or have like a pre-made schedule. A couple things I think could improve BodyFast , I feel like people really like to personalize things like this, I feel like if I were allowed to add a picture, or customize my avatar that I would enjoy BodyFast experience a little more. Also, I think it would be cool if you had like articles or blogs or something like a “learn about fasting while you fast” kind of section, because sometimes you get so bored and hungry while you’re fasting, I think it would be cool if you had stuff to do in BodyFast .
Anyway, just suggestions.

I love everything else about BodyFast!

Fun way to loose weight!

BodyFast is intuitive and easy to use. I enjoy the random fasting times and look forward at the end of each week to the mystery of the upcoming week. It’s a little exciting, kind of like opening a present, getting to see when I can eat the next week. I actually like the challenge of organizing my schedule around times I can eat, planning my families menus so I don’t end up cooking food that I love but can’t eat. On nights that I’m fasting, I make stuff that they like, but that doesn’t really tempt me. If I were choosing the fasting times I would quickly get into a rut, or cheat. BodyFast gives me some accountability and sometimes even an excuse to not eat. The interface is easy, the coaching sessions are short, well written and motivational. The $60 per year is worth it to have so many diverse fasting schedules. That’s what I really love about BodyFast.

Love this app. But wish you got more for the Coach

I hardly ever leave a review but I love BodyFast so much that I had to write about it. It’s very easy to follow and I love the different fasting options available. Especially with the Coach. My only recommendation would be that the weekly challenges provided alerts to remind you of what you’re suppose to be doing. For instance, if you’re suppose to “give you pet love”, it would be great to have a notification reminding me. Or to drink my water, do my squats, use the stairs, etc. I’ve emailed BodyFast maker and they said that soon BodyFast will be available for Apple Watch, which is great! The one other suggestion would be if I move my hours one day that it moves it for the following days as well in order to keep me in track for the rest of the week. Right now I have to adjust every day. I lost 7 lbs in two weeks and my stomach feels so much better (chronic stomach issues). Highly recommended!

It’s great

I love BodyFast and recommend to others. I am not using the premium version but I still love BodyFast. It alerts me when I am close to or am starting my eating period or fasting period. I get a notification an hour before each starts. I wanted to start intermittent fasting since I wanted to lose weight but without always having to eat healthy and workout. Now I eat semi-healthy and get my workout from my gym class in school. I’ve only used it for one week but I’ve lost 1.5 lbs and I ate cake most of the week and had pizza and everything unhealthy and greasy. Anyway I definitely recommend trying fasting if you don’t want to have the hassle of trying to eat extremely healthy. At the beginning it is a bit difficult but after a few days you get used to it and you aren’t hungry. I use the 16-8 fasting method and skip breakfast. I am a student so I don’t fully skip breakfast but I only eat a small and healthy breakfast. This way I don’t get hungry until lunch.

I was skeptical but I am already seeing results

At first I didn’t think that this would work. I still wonder if the results I am seeing are just the placebo effect, but I really am seeing rapid results. If anything,I am way less bloated now and my waist is more snatched. It’s hard to stop snacking without setting specific rules for yourself, and BodyFast allows you to gain control more easily. I like fasting because I don’t count calories I just eat at specific times. I have found it very easy to just not eat during the fasting period and not gorge myself during the eating period. I eat much less but still eat a good amount. I used to snack before I went to bed and now I don’t. I used to eat a whole lot and then feel guilty and even considered throwing it up. Getting rid of that toxic mindset has been really helpful in making my days better. I also find I have more energy at school. If anything, fasting boosts my confidence (and that’s all that matters).


In addition to needing to loose 30lbs, I was experiencing inflammation, mystery aches and pains, low energy, depression, carb cravings, digestive issues, an increasing feeling of hopelessness and the resulting low self esteem. I
was stuck in the vicious yo-yo dieting circle; never finding a solution that was sustainable. Until now. I’ve had BodyFast a week and honestly dreaded fasting but it’s actually not as difficult as I imagined. In the first week alone; my relationship with food is changing, I have more energy, I’m not hungry! cravings have decreased dramatically, digestive issues have vastly improved, self esteem is improving and best of all; hope is returning. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me! I recommend BodyFast with zero hesitation.

Do not buy subscription

Within a few minutes of using the “coaching” subscription version I realized it is a computer generating “coach” with little feedback opportunities. The fasting schedule is way too erratic to be healthy and beneficial. I tried to cancel within five minutes but was rejected. I would steer clear of this one.

The response to my above post is incorrect and untrue since I asked for a refund within minutes and it was denied.

Update: I tried emailing your support group as suggested below and got the same response as before...that I had to contact Apple. I did and was rejected again. So what is basis for your representation that you will refund within 14 days? So far, this is not true for me.

Not happy

It said it was a free app. Yes to download BodyFast it’s free. Then to use BodyFast there is a monthly charge. I did opt to use the 3 mo plan. That’s the only way you can find out anything on what this plan entails. I found it not to be user friendly and not something I want to try. Now I am paying for something I don’t want. I have tried to cancel as soon as I got to see what this plan was but now I am stuck paying for it. What a waste!
I just received a reply from the developer. What a scam. There was no real answer to my complaint. Steer clear from BodyFast. THEY are not willing to help you soon as you send them your money. I am hoping that I canceled BodyFast when the 3 months are over. They don’t make that clear either. GOOD LUCK

Not enough

I have being using this app for a few days only. App is neatly done. However, being user of many other food tracking weight losing apps, so far this app is more a time keeper rather than a true losing aid. No way to connect to your fitness apps, no tracking whatsoever. Even though fasting is not about tracking or counting calories, some sort of analysis would be of great help. If we already paid for an app believe me that we would’t mind to keep track of things to get more insight of our progress. If this is all I am gonna get probably I won’t be extending my usage period.

A simple change = ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I haven’t used BodyFast a lot yet to truly attest to its effectiveness, but one thing is certain: being in the military, I constantly use 24 hour military time. Considering that this solely revolves around monitoring time, I’d appreciate it if I didn’t have to do the conversions in my head!

Secondly, but of less importance, how about an optional persistent notification that counts down until the fast is over? Or at least a widget? Shouldn’t be too hard to implement, but I think it would serve as a constant reminder, and an easy go-to in case you want to check.

Tell me how many hours

Please tell me how many hours I have fasted at a quick glance. I am new to fasting and trying to work up to 16/8 schedule. I started with a 14/10 and it has varied, when I can do more or I’ve adjusted for family gatherings etc. I love that BodyFast allows me to do this but I’m doing math all the time to figure Pitt fasting hours day to day and having to keep track of them outside BodyFast . Just calculate my
Daily hours please! Also time adjustment should be able to be made without effecting the end or start time. Everything else is great!

Finally Losing Weight

I am only on my 4th day using BodyFast and I have already lost 3lbs. There are different fasting options, but you are limited if you are using the free version. I fast from 8pm to 12pm and BodyFast alerts me an hour before I break or start a fast. It also allows you to track your weight. In addition to BodyFast I do Pilates 5 days a week and although I am not on a strict diet; I do eat healthy and limit my carbs and sweets. A large cup of joe (black) keeps me sane during my fast. I recommend intermittent fasting to anyone who has been struggling with their weight. It works!

So far, so good! Great app.

I really like BodyFast so far; it offers more than any of the others I looked at, including weight tracking. The coach feature I opted for looks great, too. I started with the intermediate plan and love the way it varies my fast days and times so that my body won't adjust and stop burning fat. It will also adjust to the results I'm seeing to optimize my fasting plan. So far, I've lost a few pounds fasting and it's been super easy; BodyFast makes it easier and kind of fun, too.

I like the flexibility

I’ve never done a diet like this. I’m on 2d week and starting to get used to not eating for certain periods of day. I prefer late night and day fasting ending at 4pm as I’m so busy during day it’s easier to do during day. Knowing I can enjoy a nice dinner at the end of my fast period is a plus still getting used to the coach and have only lost 1lb but the help message I got says your body has to change so I’m getting the idea now I feel great too. Try to do a workout during your fasting period I think that helps too.

Love it so much, needs a widget!!

I've been fasting for a week doing the plan that was giving to me and I lost 2 lbs in 5 days! I couldn't believe how happy it made me and it drives my desire to keep pushing forward. That being said, I was a bit disappointed to see there's isn't a widget for BodyFast. So I constantly have to go into BodyFast to see how much longer I have to fast. I think it'd be easier as a widget because me and others can simply access that information even in the lock screen. But in all I think BodyFast deserves 5 stars. (:

Does what I need it to

Been looking for something that focused only on intermittent fasting and I’m glad I finally found this. The UX/UI feels fairly basic (atheistically it’s a bit disappointing - i.e arrangement of design patterns feels a little weird, along side long scrolling pages of content... feels a little off/old fashioned to me)

Aside from that, functionally it works well for all I need: track the days and hours of which I’m fasting + track weight.

I’d be curious to see improvements to goal tracking or other nice to haves you guys have sitting in your backlog.

Be Accountable

Doing something new is much easier when you set a realistic series of goals and persistent, positive reminders - which can get dull. And dull can likely lead to giving up - but less likely when progress is rewarded with another challenge to keep you engaged in solidifying new behavior. Before long you’ve reached your goal which not only reason to celebrate but - in the best possible way - beside the point. Because you haven’t merely achieved something obvious to others on the outside, you’ve gone and changed yourself on the inside. Keep going and you may just experience that grown-up brand of happiness known as inner peace.

Surprised by all of the features!

I really really like BodyFast! I’ve fasted For all sorts of lengths by myself. Everything I wanted is not only included in BodyFast, but in the free version! Reminders, encouragement, countdown timer, ability to adapt to my lifestyle, weight entries... it’s fantastic! I’d love to try the coach sometime but I’m a bit leery of paying for 3, 6, or 12 months all at once. Not at BodyFast , but at my level of commitment - but isn’t that the point?! Accountability on point! Great Job!!


I find this app not as good as I thought it would be..


I do not know how to add measurements other than waist and hips.

Solomon Ioannou

After 4 weeks , within calorific deficit, and 3 times weekly spinning, I see no results.

Is BodyFast Safe? 🙏

Yes. BodyFast: Intermittent Fasting is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 128,977 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for BodyFast Is 54.6/100.

Safety Analysis

83.4% of users say app is Safe 👍

13.2% of users have Some Concerns ⚠️

3.4% of users say app is Risky 🚨

Is BodyFast Legit? 💯

Yes. BodyFast: Intermittent Fasting is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 128,977 BodyFast: Intermittent Fasting User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for BodyFast Is 99.7/100..

🔏 Privacy & Data Safety

BodyFast collected the following data from you:

  • Data Used to Track You:
    • Identifiers
    • Usage Data
  • Data Linked to You:
    • Purchases
    • Contact Info
    • User Content
    • Identifiers
    • Usage Data
    • Sensitive Info
    • Diagnostics
  • Data Not Linked to You:
    • Diagnostics

Payments 💸

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Pricing Plans Amount (USD)
Coach subscription 3 months $34.99
Coach subscription 1 month $16.99
Coach subscription 3 months $17.49
Coach subscription 12 months $69.99
Coach subscription 3 months $27.99
Coach subscription 6 months $54.99
Coach subscription 1 month $13.49
Coach subscription 12 months $34.99
Coach subscription 12 months $55.99
Coach Subscription 3 months $29.49

How was your experience with BodyFast: Intermittent Fasting? Post a Review


- Intermittent fasting plans for beginners and experienced fasters

- Personalized fasting plan from the BodyFast Coach every week

- Daily coaching for motivation, knowledge, and tips

- 100+ recipes developed for fasting success

- Food facts to know what you're eating

- Weight tracker and body measurements

- Water tracker

- Weekly challenges for better health and physical activity

- More than 10 fasting plans like 16-8 or 5-2

- Fasting timer with reminders

- Fasting stages to see what's happening in your body while fasting

- Knowledge pool for intermittent fasting

- A new, simple fasting plan every week from the BodyFast Coach

- Personalized program based on progress and goals

- 100+ delicious recipes specially tailored for fasting

- Weekly personalized health and fitness challenges

- Save favorite plans or create your own fasting schedule

- Instant SOS help from BodyFast's team of experts

- Unlock all fasting plans

- Collect trophies for achievements

- Take a "Joker Day" off from fasting

- Compatible with any diet such as keto, paleo, and low carb

- Ideal for water fasting and lent

- Scientifically proven benefits of intermittent fasting

- Free to download, but full access to all Coach features requires a subscription.

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