It has been proven that Heart and Brain beat in unison: If our mind and emotions affect the heart rate, heart rate also has an influence on our brain.
By controlling you heart rate, you can also control your emotions, limiting your overall stress condition.
The easiest way to control your heart beat is by controlling your respiration.
Mindfulness is about paying attention to the present moment, thoughts, emotions, physical sensations and the environment in a deliberate and non-judgmental manner (eg, "This emotion is incorrect"; This feeling is undesirable ").
A slower, controlled respiration directly reduces and control the heart beat.
It allows you to help controlling your respiration by, at first make it more regular, then by reducing the number of respiration per minutes.
A menu allows you to specify the duration of the exercise and the number of respiration per minute.
Following medical research neurocardiology, cardiac coherence is the name that was given to a reflex phenomenon discovered by U.S. researchers fifteen years ago.
It is about being in full contact with the present moment rather than reliving the past or anticipating the future.
A vibration allows you to follow the pace with your eyes shut.
This application allows to reserve a period to focus on yourself.
Just breathe in when the water drop is going up and breathe out when it goes down.
A notification can be programmed to remind you that it is time for some exercise.