Poke Genie -Remote Raid IV PvP Reviews

Poke Genie Reviews

Published by on 2025-01-22

🏷️ About: Poke Genie is a popular companion app for Pokemon Go that helps trainers evaluate hidden values, analyze battle stats, organize their Pokemon collection, plan raid and PvP battles, generate custom Pokemon names, simulate powerup costs and purification results, and more. With over 13 million downloads, Poke Genie is a safe, reliable, and simple-to-use tool that provides an essential and comprehensive guide for every Pokemon Go player.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

😎 Positive experience

🤬 Negative experience

🫥 Neutral

~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 132,639 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- Rates your Pokémon

- Lets you figure out the best teams to use for raiding and PVP

- Built-in Raid-finder tool for remote raids

- No exploits or sketchy stuff that can get your account into trouble

- Measures IV’s reliably

- Provides your best raid counters

- Sorts your mons

- Shows you future stats for your mons

- Gives you typing effectiveness

- No ads and the auto import

Read 33 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.8 out of 5
Stupid recent updates

Everything was good before but recent updates about remote raid they started to record if you left raid directly.

So everytime a stupid host didn’t show up I have to wait 180 seconds!! Normally you can tell if the host gonna show up if you check the host actually added you as a friend. If there is 60 seconds left and no friend added probably the host not gonna show up. So just let me left the raid and join the next one to saving my lucky eggs time!

Also. If you host the raid and someone sent you the request but forget to return back to PokeGenie . It’s still gonna show ‘ joined but not ready’. In that status you can’t start the raid to let them know okay u forgot to click that stupid button but you added me now we are good to go. Instead you have to wait for 2 mins so the system will kick that stupid guy out and waiting for a new player to join. 30 mins lucky egg I could spent 15 mins on these stupid stuff! Why the host can not just force the raid to start!!

Too many abusers

You wait hours to do a raid boss just to get matched with some AH who needs to get some friend requests real quick and never actually invites you to raid. You report them as such and what does PokeGenie do? Absolutely nothing to punish them and instead punish you by making you have to rejoin the que at the very end of the line. More often than not if there’s a popular raid boss the hosts you get matched with will be a gamble. If there anything over 1k you’re better off just buying lotto tickets because the devs keep letting the same ppl pretend to host a boss and press the button that they invited everyone yet they didn’t even bother hosting the raid. Needs to be fixed because it’s an otherwise excellent app. The screen recording is a little wonky and will just end on its own without notice but that’s hardly an inconvenience compared to waiting 4-8 hours to do a raid boss just to get matched with a loser who doesn’t invite and have to reenter the line at the very end. Would be nice if they actually banned those trainer IDs but actually doing something about them is clearly too much work.

Decent App (Warning - Raid Pass Thievery)

This application allows for a more in-depth look at the information your would encounter, but not normally be able to visualize within the Pokémon Go game. Once you use PokeGenie, you are able to min-max your pokémon stats for best pvp and raid battle experiences. However, what PokeGenie never tells you about joining raids is how inconsistent other players are when joining and battling together in raids. Sometimes, people will not join the multi-hour long queue lobby because they fall asleep or get busy with other things. Other times, your lobby fills up with barely enough players to complete a raid, but some get cold feet and lose faith in the other players’ ability to complete the raid, resulting in a loss of raid passes. The game also sometimes allows hosting of raids after the allowed time for that pokémon’s availability, resulting in a solo raid. The matchmaking is unreliable, and if you stick with mostly all other features besides the raids, you should not have a poor experience while using this application. (This perspective is from a free-to-play standpoint, never putting a cent into either application.)

Great App: When it works

This is a fantastic app to get raid lobbies together but as I’ve seen from other reviews, the glaring problem is other players. 90% of the time you either won’t get invited to the raid you spent hours waiting for, the others wont join so you won’t have enough people to actually complete it or sometimes the pokemon won’t even be the one you queued for which all of this results in losing time and sometimes a remote raid pass which can be hard to get in the first place.
I had emailed support once about the problem after waiting a literal entire day to join a raid and then not even being invited to which I was told he can’t do anything and bans do happen if you keep saying you didn’t get invited, and while I do feel bad as I learned that PokeGenie is managed by 1 person I feel there should at least be an option to report specific players such as the ones who screw over the rest of the group.
Don’t let this or any other reviews like this steer you away from PokeGenie though. As said, when it DOES work it’s a very good app. Especially for keeping track of IVs and moves. And I got most of my rare pokemon off of it. Just wish the community could be worked upon.

Very useful, but loses data

I have a large Pokémon collection, and PokeGenie helps catalogue them, especially now that it has the in-game keyboard feature.

Unfortunately, it keeps your collection in a separate database on your device, as opposed to being in the cloud or on its own servers, and the database can get corrupted and lose Pokémon. For example, I have a large collection of almost 2,000 Pokémon, logged them in Poke Genie over the months, and found it only showed a bit fewer than 1,600. Thinking this may have come from a bug in an earlier version of PokeGenie , I started relogging them from the start, using the new keyboard. I relogged the Bulbasaur family a couple of weeks ago; checking today, I see it already “lost” several Venusaurs, so the problem still exists. I’m not saying Poke Genie isn’t a useful program nonetheless, but its Battle Simulator, for example, isn’t useful if it isn’t considering your whole collection because it’s managed to trash its own database entries. Until this is truly fixed, I can’t give PokeGenie the top rating its features deserve.

When it works, it’s amazing

I like PokeGenie a decent amount, when it works. I’ve been able to capture a few 5* raids I otherwise wouldn’t have been able to complete (I don’t know anyone else near me who also plays Pokémon Go, so it’s my only opportunity to complete higher level raids).

However, the notification system when not in the Poke Genie app I tself only works 75-ish % of the time. Sometimes I successfully get a notification that a raid I queued up for is available and to come bank to PokeGenie to get the name of the host so I can send him/her a friend request. The other 15%-20% of the time I receive no notifications, and when I happen to go into PokeGenie it says something to the effect of ‘you were notified but didn’t show up in time so the spot went to someone else’ and I need to get in the line again and wait even longer.

I still recommend PokeGenie , just be aware that it’s not perfect and doesn’t always work correctly. You may need to requeue yourself multiple times for some raids

Got the “Pro” version and wish I didn’t

I’ve had PokeGenie a long time using the free edition. It got the job done but it’s cumbersome going back and forth between the game and calculator to check IVs. The calculator also frequently crashes when doing this. I thought the paid version would make it a lot easier, but it’s just somewhat helpful as I still need to frequently go back to PokeGenie to enter an appraisal for an accurate IV. Sometimes the banners popping up are just super annoying and actually get in the way. I know I can turn it off, but the point of the paid version was to check IVs more quickly.

I thought the newly introduced keyboard IV was super helpful and it eliminated having to go back and forth, but now that they’re asking for yet another $4 for an app I have already paid for, I think I’m going to look for a different calculator.

It’s fine if you use PokeGenie on the free version, but I don’t suggest paying for anything because it’s not much different and you’ll end up having to pay more again. Not worth it.

Great app. One request

This has been a game changer with allowing me to complete more raids than I ever have been. I live in a rural area so joining 5 star raids with a big group is a rare event around here. If I didn’t have PokeGenie, then I would probably only have about 5 legendaries, while now I have almost every one.

My one request is that you give the host of a raid the ability to select how many new invites are needed when hosting a raid. In the game we’re maxed out at being able to invite 5 remote players to join a raid and this app auto selects those 5 for me. I have some nephews that don’t live near me and want to do legendary raids with me remotely. If I could have the ability to tell this app how many remote players to auto select for me, then I would have the ability to remote my family in as well. I’ve tried helping them use this app to do raids, but they are very young and aren’t fast enough to cycle between the apps to join raids. I understand that you want to cycle through as many players in the raid lobby as quickly as possible, so maybe you could limit the host to choosing between 4 and 5 invites needed, and only on raids that don’t require the 20 percent damage threshold? That way the host also has the option to invite one person they know to the raid as well.

Super helpful

Great for so many reasons...from the battle sim to find your best counters, to the IV charts to find your best pokemon, to the power up/evolution sim to make the best use of your candies and dust. I only use the free version and the ads are not at all intrusive or problematic to functionality.

My only complaint is the cumbersome system of screenshotting and inputting the appraisal for accurate IVs....I realize you don't necessarily have to input appraisals but it is important for accuracy. I do appreciate that the screenshot method keeps this app entirely separate from pokemon go since niantic has been infamously displeased by and strict on anything that overlays into the actual game.

I currently have input 599 pokemon into this app...and that's not including the countless number I have transfered and deleted. That's over 600 screenshots, 600+ appraisals...wow! I think that really goes to show how useful PokeGenie truly is if it makes putting in so much work worth it.

Great App in so many ways

I love so much about PokeGenie. The raid lobby party queuing and hosting is simple and effective. The team suggestions are great and I love that it has search strings built in.

IVision is mostly for what it does, except if you don’t want your Pokémon named some ridiculous set of characters you get lots of duplicates of the same ‘mon in your “My Pokémon” section and as a result, you will see the same Pokémon suggested multiple times in the raid counters suggestions when you are in a raid lobby.

My biggest suggestion would be a way for the host to “poke” or notify a person from a lobby that you hosted that they don’t have a matching in-game name for the search character strings to do an easy invite. I love hosting through PokeGenie and I wish we could contribute to telling people they need to sync their Poke Genie name with their in-game name. This is usually the greatest contributor to not getting invites out in a timely fashion. Having to hunt through tons of friends and guess at which one might have been the same name in PokeGenie is difficult and time consuming when seconds actually matter.

Great App hope the creators see this!

I really love PokeGenie it’s fantastic, with that being said I have a suggestion that I feel would be beneficial for most players. The raids should be divided into tiers based on your level in the game. It’s only fair for the players like me who are level 40 or above and carry a raid time after time again just to have the players who are level 20 or below run through their 6 Pokémon and then not return just to leave me trying to finish the raid only to loose not only the raid but my pass. It’s incredibly frustrating and still I use your app and play but it would cost me less money to play if I could have similar players within the same range level playing. PokeGenie is absolutely a life saver helpful and adding raids on has truly made things easier than discord but lacks in the part where I can’t choose who I can raid and not raid with. Hopefully this review gets seen and you maybe work on something like a tier system to make it fair not only for the raid but for my wallet. Thanks

Good - if you only have one player ID

I have an alt that I started before I knew about the raiding apps. He's up to Level 30 now. Poke Genie allows me to sign in/out my two characters, but does not backup/restore the Pokemon separately. So, if I use iVision to scan 433 Pokes for my primary ID (Level 41), then sign her out on Poke Genie, then sign in under my alt ID, all 433 still show up under "My Pokemon" for the other character. Saving/restoring don't help, as there's no option to save/restore Poke lists for different players, and each restore overwrites the existing database. This means I can meet the 20% damage threshold to enter raids with a character with Pokes that aren't actually in that character's inventory.

Also, echo what someone else said about allowing the raid host to specify the number of trainers needed. Some newbies might not know how to invite more than 5, so instructions would be good, but I've failed to win some raids because not enough trainers of a sufficient level were in them (Dialga yesterday, for example).


okay okay, let’s break things down, PokeGenie is only helpful if you don't have very much friends to play with, OR, if you have a remote raid pass. let me explain. people on PokeGenie hosts raids and therefore require a raid pass to join them, or if you want to do a raid but don’t have friends to join you in it, then you can host a raid and therefore make friends instantly and get the help you need. all and all it’s extremely useful. you can also see what types are stronger for certain pokémon, and you can make your pokédex in PokeGenie . there’s a bunch more features in PokeGenie but those i feel like are the main parts. i don’t really write reviews, in fact this might be my first or second review i’ve ever written on an app before so you know it’s good. anyway, idk what else to say except for PokeGenie IS EXTREMELY USEFUL!!!!

The most useful tool to do Pokémon go raids.

PokeGenie is fantastic! Can’t believe it’s all done by one person. It’s great to use for importing Pokémon to see specific stats and use for PvE or PvP. Also, recently they came out with the raiding matchmaking which has definitely boosted the usage for PokeGenie. My only complaint is a lot of the time most players hosting lobbies are just doing it to get more friends and not actually to raid. So if you waited a few hours to do a new tier 5 raid you might get screwed. Need a better way to report these players and get secured in more lobbies trying to raid. A lot of host are leaving the lobby before the raid ends to get put in the retry que which sticks you in front of everyone so they don’t have to wait. Other than those two complaints it’s a great app! Thanks!

It’s so good

I’ve been using this for a year or two know and honestly it’s so good. The creators are constantly updating and making PokeGenie ten times better. And even with Pokémon go’s new updates it’s still so useful letting you know how much cp your Pokémon will have at their max level. Also it’s even let’s you know if you can tank a raid all on your own so you don’t waste your raid passes. It even helps you create powerful gym teams and lets you know good Pokémon to put in gyms and use to fight gyms. I have saved so many resources in the game because of PokeGenie and I’ve become a better player because of it. There has been bugs but the developers are really good at fixing them and adding great features to PokeGenie . They also let you know when they make changes. So like I said it’s a really good app and if you have Pokémon go you need to have PokeGenie.

Get. This. App.

This is PokeGenie to pair with Pokémon Go.

PokeGenie is AMAZING. It was awesome before, but the addition of Raids has made it the premier app for anyone that is tired of missing out on raid invites!

First, PokeGenie is totally functional and worth the download. There are a couple things you can pay for if you are lazy like me. My favorite is the screen shot of an appraisal and getting instant IV info for your Pokémon. Worth the buy in my opinion.

The moveset information and ratings are top notch, and great for those of us who just don’t know what the best options are for each Pokémon out there. Quick and painless to see exactly how the moves you have already rate, or to find out what your best option is.

So they recently added this option. You can see what raids are active and join a queue for them. FROM ANYWHERE! No more hoping everyone you invite to that 5-star raid shows up! No worries about missing invites! And you can host the raid and be assured of getting 5 more people in with you! The host and join options are intuitive and have instructions as well. This is literally a game-changer. Raiding has never been this easy for those who work and cannot get out to the gyms all the time. Your raiding is only limited by your ability to go without sleep, and your remote passes.

Get. This. App.

Great app but...

PokeGenie is amazing. It helps with all of my IV problems quickly and easily. The one thing that I am frustrated about is that I have to scan in every single one of my Pokémon so that I can complete my in-app Pokédex. I would suggest making a system where you can link your Pokémon go account to PokeGenie and PokeGenie could scan through your Pokédex and apply it to the poke genie Pokédex. It would be a lot easier since I have Pokémon in my pogo Pokédex that I transferred, so I can’t put them into the in-app Pokédex. If there is no way to do that, then I suggest making it so that if you scan in the max stage evolution, the whole evolutionary family would get scanned it too. For example if I scan in Aggron, then Aron and Lairon would also get put into the Pokédex automatically. This would make everything a lot easier. That is my only complaint and other than that PokeGenie is stellar.

A Must Have for Trainers!

PokeGenie does everything you could possibly need for PoGo! It measures IV’s reliably, provides your best raid counters, sorts your mons, shows you future stats for your mons, gives you typing effectiveness, etc. I could go on, but if you haven’t downloaded PokeGenie by now, then I don’t know what else will convince you. In fact, show some love to the developer and pay for the full version. It’s completely worth it for no ads and the auto import. Plus, the developer deserves it for making such a great app.

I just thought of one more I absolutely love PokeGenie! The developer updates it WITHIN 24 HOURS of major game changes! When the cp rebalance occurred - updated for all mons within a day. When raid bosses change - I know whether I can solo the new tier 3’s by the morning. When the new movesets where released - all the moves were added by the next day.

I cannot say it enough. Get PokeGenie and thank the developer by giving him a few dollars.

Fantastic app for any PoGo raider

PokeGenie does it all once you make the in-app purchases. Rates your Pokémon, let’s you figure out the best teams to use for raiding and PVP, and even has a built-in Raid-finder tool for remote raids to help organize and find remote raids. Best of all everything is on the up-and-up. No exploits or sketchy stuff that can get your account into trouble. I can raid any time if the day from all over the world and PokeGenie ’s notification system helps everyone organize quickly and efficiently.

My only complaints are the screenshot scanners. Manual imports only do one sceenshot at a time, which seems like an easy enough feature to enhance with multi-select. Auto-scanner imports a lot of false positives, like screenshots of text messages. The IVision feature is handy but randomly crashes all the time on my iPhone XS Max. Since there’s no error message indicating why it halted screen recording, there’s nothing for the user to do to prevent it from happening in the future.

Complaints aside I still love PokeGenie. It’s 5-star worthy but still has some room to improve.

Great for players who can’t seem to find their local scene.

I stopped playing for a few years and I’m so glad I can just jump right back in. I moved cities and had no one to play with (from rural to urban, funnily enough) I’m surrounded by gyms, live next to a gym, at peak raid hour there’s 12 going that I can reach on my couch. But I had left all my raid buddies in nowhere pennsyltucky! And they don’t want to use remote passes, so I stared at the Regis and Megas, irritatedly not being able to do anything about them — until someone mentioned PokeGenie. I held a bunch of raids yesterday and got gifts from all over the world afterwards! I’ve got a nice little post card collection going now and I can’t wait to host more raids from my desk. I miss having a close knit, in-person group, but this is also pretty great. The IV checker is also a life saver for when I don’t want to plug everything in manually.

Very accurate works great

I really love the accuracy it gets from having it request your current trainer level as well as being able to give a pop up or push notification if you have it set, however I really think that it should have it not have a timer for the push notifications. If you have to push notification said it will for three minutes. Automatically calculate the IVs of a Pokémon when you take a picture of it instead of having to open PokeGenie itself. After those three minutes you have to go back to PokeGenie . I really wish that I could have it stay on and run in the background doing push notifications the entire time I have PokeGenie open in the background instead of just three minutes

Free, easy to use and necessary.

For a while I was hand typing all my Pokemons’ info into a website to get IV’s. This process took a good minute or so for each Pokémon and eventually I would forget the stats on each one so I’d have to go back again.

With PokeGenie you don’t have to worry about it. Just take a screen shot and your done. That simple. Your Pokémon and it’s stats are now saved to PokeGenie . It also has built in calculators to helps you find out how much candy and stardust it’ll cost to get your Pokémon powered to a specific CP. This feature may be overlooked by most people but it’s a life saver for me. Icing on the cake, when your all done calculating your mon’s IVs, you can give it a marking so you can quickly find it again with all the other ones with that type.

The marking system is pretty standard for most Pokémon games sure, but completely overlooked by Niatic for some reason. If your someone who dives deep into trying to get optimal Pokémon, you’re probably aware of the importance of marking.

All-in-all, fantastic app! If there are any adds, they are hardly noticeable. The people who made this clearly understand what Pokémon trainers need to explore the next level of a simple game!

Amazing absolutely amazing could use one improvement though

This is an amazing app with out it POGO would be a lot worse with poke genie I can easily check stats, IV, and evolution details. The only improvement I could see is to have a Pokémon bank where you could look at stats for other Pokémon which you don’t have it probably would not be under your scans but it would be cool to see what we as trainers could get in the future. It could also have info about raids like what is the fight cp what is the 100% cp when trying to catch The Pokémon. It could also have counters and weaknesses for the bosses as well. Well that’s all this is an awesome tool that I could not live without. Thank you for creating an awesome app for us.😃😃😃😃😃😍😍😍


I say this because what’s required of the ‘User’ is a bit much... Here’s the rundown... In order to see any one Pokémon’s rating, you’ll have to take a screenshot of each Pokémon, one, by, one, then switch back to Poké Genie to upload said screenshot which gives you its ‘estimated’ rating, then again switch back to Pokémon GO to check the appraisal of your Pokémon and as well as it’s attack move set, you guessed it, no switch back to Poke Genie and manually input that information, then and only then will you have your Pokémon’s actually rating. Needless to say this can be EXTREMELY time-consuming, and this is why I titled my review almost gave it only 4 stars.

Knowing your favorite Pokémon is rated a perfect 15 out of 15 in all three categories... Priceless 😁

Absolutely wonderful app!

I am very impressed with PokeGenie. It is smart, easy to use, and has saved me from transferring/trading Pokémon I should otherwise keep. I only have one change and a feature to suggest that if possible, could give PokeGenie 6 stars:

1. A minor UX change- It would be helpful to flip between screenshots by swiping rather than going back and clicking the next image. It’s easy for the user to lose their place in the list.

2. Perhaps this could be something for the pro version, but it would be nice to have a data extract feature. Call me a total nerd, but I would love to export a CSV with all the stats. No worries about them being connected to a screenshot because I can link the records based on the time the screenshot was taken. :)

Nothing but the best.

PokeGenie has performed great in both free and once I got the premium features. The iv indicator is great, easy and very nice to use with many features that make your experience better like screenshot deleter and with premium a auto background scanner that lasts for three minutes to tell you the iv(s) in app with a notification. The Pokédex gives you the best move sets and all variations. The race and gym simulator is hard to find a practical use seeing how raids in particular you should NEVER be doing by yourself. As well as it is very hard to put in the status of the enemy Pokemon. Everything has a use nevertheless and someone can use everything in PokeGenie. Everything can be improved and I would love to see a nest and current spawn location implemented in the future.

If you play Pokémon Go, you need this app

I would not start evolving or powering up any of your Pokémon until you have learned about IVs (also known as the ratings of your Pokémon seen in-game by using the Appraise function) and have screened the Pokémon using this application. It tells you the future of your Pokémon, how strong they will become and how much stardust and candy you’ll need to do power up and evolve them. Some Pokémon may not look strong, but can be competitive for battle leagues regardless, but you don’t always know the best combination or can see that a particular set of traits makes that Pokémon useful until you use something like PokeGenie. PokeGenie makes it easy to appraise Pokémon and decide which to evolve and power up and which can be transferred or saved for a trade.

Shut up and take my money!!!

A 40th level friend of mine showed me Poke Genie a few months ago when I asked what the numbers were after his Pokémon names. He gave me a quick tour of what it did, and I downloaded it on the spot. I then HAPPILY paid to upgrade it later that day.
A few weeks later, I upgraded to the battle simulator. That’s been super-useful, and I now have a much better idea when I can solo T3 raids (I typically play solo).
But now... holy cannoli, this new (14June2019) keyboard functionality is a LITERAL GAME CHANGER. I tried it on one or two Pokémon, and couldn’t purchase the upgrade to Pro quickly enough.
And props for making your privacy policy VERY easy to understand. I initially balked at allowing the keyboard full access, but I looked up the privacy policy and saw that it states PokeGenie doesn’t log/transmit keystrokes. I know nothing is perfect and online data isn’t nearly as secure as we’d like to pretend it is, but I appreciate the bona fide effort the folks at Poke Genie appear to be making to not put people’s data at risk.

Poke Genie devs—you are doing amazing work. Users—support these developers. They’re nice enough to not go the subscription route with their software. Show ‘em some love, and upgrade your app.


PokeGenie does almost everything though I would really like to see the 2 Great, 3 Ultra, 5 Best friend IV floors and the 12 IV floor for lucky pokemon integrated in toggle filters in the same fashion as the High IV toggle for Hatched/research encounter/raid pokemon toggle (which eliminates IV combinations which feature anything under 10). I have made this suggestion to the developers and never heard anything.
Of lesser importance since its so difficult to percieve the times it actually matters: Ideal max total stat IV configurations, usually with low attack IVs and high Defense (and/or less often hp), are known for pvp purposes. It would be nice to have those available on the calculator tab, or better yet a pvp percentage.
All that being said there is no other app that comes close to the utility PokeGenie already provides and I highly recommend it to anyone.

This is the best app.

Really, this is the best app ever. First, it’s incredibly useful for Pokémon Go - it gives you pretty much all the info you will ever need for raiding and evolution, and the PvP IV thing is amazing for people like me who don’t math well.

Second, it does what it’s supposed to do. There are very, very few bugs with PokeGenie. The only tiny issue I have is that it’s slow to load for me, because I have a lot of Pokémon stored. My husband and daughter, using the same kind of phone , have no loading issues at all. And for me, one it loads there is no lag.

Third, they are always improving. New useful features come out regularly. Every gripe I’ve ever had has been addressed. Deleting screenshots is a pain? Mass or auto delete within PokeGenie . Scanning is tedious? IVision. No backup was a big issue when I switched phones. Now we have backup. And today I can swipe through Pokémon, which was the one big feature PokeGenie lacked.

Just about the only thing it doesn’t do is help you create parties for PvP - the PvP IV is useful, but doesn’t tell you which Pokémon species are good for PvP. But there are plenty of sources for that info, and this is not a complaint at all - only an observation.

AND the prices to unlock features are insanely low. Honestly, I’d pay a monthly fee for PokeGenie without even blinking. I feel kind of bad that I don’t. Really, this is an amazing app.

Love it!

I love PokeGenie, best decision ever to upgrade to pro version. The only thing I think could be fixed is to remove the option to delete unreadable screenshot photos from all devices. Just make it so you can delete it from your poke genie list without it asking each time if i want to fully delete from my camera roll. Sometimes it scans totally random pictures of my kids that aren't even remotely close to being pokemon, and upon deleting it will ask to fully remove pic... BUUUT i don't want to fully delete from my camera roll so i say no-- now from this point, every time I reopen app to check newly scanned 'mons, it will rescan those unrelated pictures AGAIN 😂😂😡😡💪💪


It’s a useful app for raiding during events or region locked Pokémon. My only complaint is there are constant players using bots to host raids so they can get through the que quicker while screwing players ahead of them over with invalid trainer code. Not only that but a lot of the players who host are lower levels and often can’t send invites in time for the raids. Also, players not notifying the raid group that msg has been sent so they can get in the retry que and skip the line. I don’t know how y’all can fix these issues but i hope you can. It’s extremely frustrating when you wait hours in a que just to get ghost hosted or invalid trainer code and not be allowed back in the retry que


The raid matchmaking is reaching a boiling point! Need to be able to report ghost hosting and players who only want to add friends and waste everyone’s time who’ve been waiting in raid que’s for hours! Atleast let me get in the retry que when this happens instead of wasting another 3 hour for it to happen again! This happens a lot more now, very frustrating. Atleast 3 times a day now.

Is Poke Genie Safe? 🙏

Yes. Poke Genie -Remote Raid IV PvP is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 132,639 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Poke Genie Is 58.5/100.

Safety Analysis

86.9% of users say app is Safe 👍

11.6% of users have Some Concerns ⚠️

1.5% of users say app is Risky 🚨

Is Poke Genie Legit? 💯

Yes. Poke Genie -Remote Raid IV PvP is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 132,639 Poke Genie -Remote Raid IV PvP User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Poke Genie Is 78.7/100..

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**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by Justuseapp.com users..

Pricing Plans Amount (USD)
Scan Pro + Remove Ads $9.99
Raid Ultra $17.99
Keyboard Pro $3.99
Raid VIP $2.99
Raid Ultra Weekly Pass $9.99
Battle Pro $2.99
Raid Master $47.99
Raid Ultra Weekly Pass $7.99
1-Hour Express Host $2.99
1-Hour Express Host x5 $9.99

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- IV Checker: Scan Pokemon pages or Team Leader's appraisal screen to get the potential of a Pokemon, a critical criterion for wisely investing stardust and candies on the worthy Pokemon.

- Remote Raid Coordinator: Join Remote Raids with trainers around the world by selecting the Raid Boss, and Poke Genie will automatically match you with other trainers.

- PvP IV Calculator: Check the optimal IV for PvP in Great & Ultra Leagues, a very specific combination that maximizes battle performance below the CP limit and is different for each Pokemon.

- Name Generator + Poke Genie Keyboard: Check Pokemon's IV directly in Pokemon Go without leaving the game and generate formatted text for renaming that can be pasted into Pokemon Go in a single tap.

- Battle Simulator: Pick top counters from your very own Pokemon collection to help you boost your win rate, and reduce potion and revive usage. Poke Genie will recommend the optimal teams for raid battles with minimal user input involved.

- Pokedex: Catalogues all Pokemon available in the game and provides a comprehensive data sheet for each Pokemon, detailing the Base Stats, Max Stats, Notable CPs, gender ratios, buddy distance, evolution tree, moveset list, etc.

- Move List Reference: Maintains a list of all Quick and Charge Moves available in the game, and catalogues each move's damage, cool-down, and energy stats for for Gym/Raid and PvP.

- Scan Organizer: Automatically keeps a history of scan results displayed in an easy-to-read view, thus keeping a reliable and easily sortable/filterable record.

- Power Up/Purification Simulator: Shows the exact CP and HP as well as the amount of dust and candies it costs for each power-up and evolution based on your own Pokemon's IV to give you the most precise results.

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Poke Genie Inc.

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