
BioMole Software

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BioMole Overview

BioMole is an interactive introduction to the structure and function of the large biological molecules that govern life.

Some animations of biological concepts featuring proteins are also included such as the operation of the Na-K pump, an enzyme in action and events at a synapse.

BioMole begins with a discussion of chemical bonding, then introduces the functional groups that give molecules personality.

The molecules for BioMole have been selected and the displays customized for educational purposes.

Official Screenshots


Product Details and Description of

this app is an interactive introduction to the structure and function of the large biological molecules that govern life. This app is especially appropriate as a companion for an introductory Biology course at the college level or serious high school level. But it can also be used on its own for those with an interest in how life operates at the molecular level. this app begins with a discussion of chemical bonding, then introduces the functional groups that give molecules personality. The four classes of macromolecules are discussed in some detail with a focus on proteins. A large section titled Protein Survey offers many examples of proteins and the wide variety of tasks they accomplish. All the molecular models in this app are three dimensional and interactive. Molecules can be moved, scaled and rotated. Those using spheres to represent atoms can have their atoms scaled from ball & stick models to spacefill models. Many molecules have simple animations showing, among other things, important reactions. Some animations of biological concepts featuring proteins are also included such as the operation of the Na-K pump, an enzyme in action and events at a synapse. All animations have multiple slides with overlays pointing out relevant participants and events. The interface is configurable. Six choices of background tints are user selectable. The text box disappears with a tap, reappears with two. You can adjust the opacity of the textbox background. The lighting angle can be adjusted. Yep, had to include this app in the Entertainment category too but it is most definitely Educational as well. The molecules for this app have been selected and the displays customized for educational purposes. This is not a molecular “viewer” with some text added. I have taught AP Biology for over twenty years as well as a Computer Graphics & Animation which has led me to develop this app

Top Reviews

By Cat squeezer

Biochemistry made fun, clear and succinct

I'm very impressed with bpedit's ability to render challenging concepts clearly, succinctly and with a light touch of humor that helps engage the reader. The interactive models really clarify the mechanisms and help with retention of the material. Highly recommended.

By JP Noel

Easy to use - Great Features

This app is installed on my iPad. In my review of this app, I looked for similar apps to compare it with. What I found is that most apps are either too broad in scope or simply provide a mobile textbook with reference sources and flat images or the app is intended for test preparation and presents material in a “flash card” format. this app is very different since its scope is limited to the understanding of the “structure and function of biological molecules and proteins”. Textual explanations are concise and often use easily understood analogies and metaphors to drive home the point and add a bit of fun. Interactive features make the subject matter easy to explore and understand. Navigation is easy and the app has some great features. —“Getting Started” takes only a few minutes to get through so you’re ready to jump in quickly. —Graphics are nice and color is used consistently and sparingly which keeps focus on the topic. —Backlighting is adjustable from light to dark based on your viewing preference. —The majority of structures are 3-D and can be rotated, moved and scaled (among other uses, scaling is great since you can use it to see a structure in its ball-and-stick form or space fill which is pretty helpful). —The few short movies are very informative and nicely done. —By far my FAVORITE feature however is the scrub bar. Instead of a movie which plays start to finish and may play too quickly for some (me), the developer employed a slide button/bar that allows you to drag through certain movies at your own speed or stop them at any point. I could actually see the applicable “action”. There weren’t really any negatives to the app from a use and performance standpoint. Some chapters can take a little time to load but I didn’t find it annoyingly long (3-7 seconds). The developer addresses this in “Getting Started” saying that this is due to the complexity of the some of the components. Overall, I think this is a fantastic app for the classroom, whether as an aid to a teacher’s curriculum or as a resource for individual students.

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