Recycle Coach app not working? crashes or has problems?

Recycle Coach Status

I have a problem with Recycle Coach

Are you having issues? Select the issue you are having below and provide feedback to Recycle Coach.

⚠️ Most reported problems ⚠️
Not working

Something else

Problems reported in the last 24 hours

24 hour clock ⏰

Summary of Recycle Coach Problems 🔥

- Website has an error message that prevents sending a message

- Can’t control notifications

- Conflicting information on which plastics are and aren’t recyclable

- Form won’t accept the form

📋 3 Reported Issues:

Laura OKeefe 2023-07-11

App is not working.

Jon 2023-05-04

Keeps crashing on my dad phone while trying to enter his address

Alan Lackey 2022-06-09

I have created my account and entered my municipality. When I try to enter my home address the app shuts down

Showing 1-3 of 3 reported issues:

Have a Problem with Recycle Coach? Report Issue

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