De'Longhi COFFEE LINK app not working? crashes or has problems?

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I have a problem with De'Longhi COFFEE LINK

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⚠️ Most reported problems ⚠️

Not working


Something else

Problems reported in the last 24 hours

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Summary of De'Longhi COFFEE LINK Problems 🔥

- Never connected to DeLonghi Dinamica Plus

- App is poorly designed and doesn't work

- Requires registration and password to use

- Makes user choose a country and log in every time

- App support site doesn't load properly on phone

📋 7 Reported Issues:

Ron Mills 2023-06-02

I recently bought a DeLonghi Dinámica Plus, black model. Cannot get the Coffee Link to work. App reports having found my machine but says the app “may not yet support the machine”….???

Kristine 2023-01-10

Hello. I bought a new phone Samsung S22 ultra and the app "Delonghi coffee link" is not work. There is error handling input. What does it mean? How can I eliminate this problem?

Mike 2023-01-10

New Maestosa has never been able to connect. Then they updated the app January 10 2023, and now the app won’t even open

Bill 2022-12-30

Coffee Link find the machine but then stays on “Connecting” screen forever.

Sorin Draghici 2022-12-11

The app does not discover the machine at all.

Michael Perks 2022-12-07

The app finds my machine and turns it on, but then stays on the connecting screen for a very long time, several minutes. I have the Delonghi Primadonna Class machine which uses bluetooth connectivity and not wifi. Will there be an app update to address this issue as it is very frustrating

Richard Pulsinelli 2022-10-05

The app finds my machine & turns it on but takes forever to sync so I can get to the brew screen. This has been going on now for weeks. All my other wifi devices are operating fine. Very aggravating when its quicker to go the machine and do manually which defeats its purpose. Im using the latest updated version - which seems to run slower than previous.

Showing 1-7 of 7 reported issues:

Have a Problem with De'Longhi COFFEE LINK? Report Issue

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Developer: De'Longhi Appliances S.r.l

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